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To be fair...

Guest Knightrider

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Guest Knightrider

I doubt anyone other than those that matter knows who the fuck we're appointing. Sam's departure came completely out of the blue as did Ashley's takeover. As for the media, they change their tune every time the clock ticks. ITK's? Honestly, I could build your hopes up and then dash them in seconds, I'd have you ripping your season tickets up and doing cartwheels in the street, if I posted just half the stuff I've heard today, from average joes to people supposedly in the know or people who have indeed been spot on with info in the past.


Anyway I've made a pact with myself to ignore it all until something concrete happens because today alone I've cursed Mort and Ashley enough and to my mind, they've done nothing yet other than of course to sack Sam Allardyce which I disagree with but I don't know the full details and it would be wrong of me to slag them off without knowing who our next manager will be exactly.


This maybe wishful thinking but logically speaking, to sack Big Sam and appoint a middle of the road manager in his place just wouldn't make sense. I'm sure the powers that be are at least aware that sacking managers midway through are usually not the done thing and how that's effected us in the past, so they must have some idea of who they think can do a much better job. I just hope that someone is actually a significant step up.


Fingers crossed, howay Ashley and Mort, get us the right man whoever it is  :thup:

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Guest Knightrider

I agree and while I try and take this frame of mind I think the situation is going to give me bipolar disorder. One minute i'm chipper, thinking that a decent manager is a possibility, the next i'm down in the doldrums thinking of Droopy Redknapp.


This being Newcastle United doesn't help, but I'm gonna just wait and see.

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I'm feeling the same way right now. Tending to ignore all this ITK shite until I get some real answers from the guys that truly count.


I'm being as optomisitic as I can be right now but seeing how this is Newcastle United, I'm preparing myself to experience both ends of the spectrum - supreme happiness......or ultra depression. Bloody toon rollercoaster.

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More like it HTT thought you were giving up on the toon for one sec. We have been known for more off field stuff than honours and this is just another piece of the pie guess i have just learned to never guess newcastle united regardless who is in charge.

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I actually took the liberty of reading five different newspapers today; the Mirror, the Chronicle, the Journal, the Times and the Independent (Yes, I have too much time on my hands :lol:)


It amazed me how every journalist has a different opinion and a different 'understanding' from their source.


From Shearer to Keegan, from Mourhino to Jol, from Redknapp to Hughes; I've heard it all today.

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Guest Knightrider

I've read no papers and haven't watched SSN once. Listening to people today at work was tough enough. I know one thing, I don't think fans' opinions have ever been so split because everyone I know or who have talked to, plus reactions on here, either keep changing their mind or want someone different to one another. Also, every fucker has an opinion.


My mother:


"He was never right for us"


US? She couldn't tell you who we last beat or lost to.




What a surreal two days.


Only at Newcastle, only...

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I actually took the liberty of reading five different newspapers today; the Mirror, the Chronicle, the Journal, the Times and the Independent (Yes, I have too much time on my hands :lol:)


It amazed me how every journalist has a different opinion and a different 'understanding' from their source.


From Shearer to Keegan, from Mourhino to Jol, from Redknapp to Hughes; I've heard it all today.


I'm actually quite enjoying not knowing what's going on tttt. If nothing is coming out of the club it means that things are happening behind the scenes which is exactly where the business should be conducted. The shit-stirring hacks on Fleet Street are guessing  because they're getting nothing from Mort and it's fantastic. They will undoubtedly have pissed off fans of Portsmouth, Everton and Blackburn too by linking their bosses this morning too. :)

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Guest Knightrider

I actually took the liberty of reading five different newspapers today; the Mirror, the Chronicle, the Journal, the Times and the Independent (Yes, I have too much time on my hands :lol:)


It amazed me how every journalist has a different opinion and a different 'understanding' from their source.


From Shearer to Keegan, from Mourhino to Jol, from Redknapp to Hughes; I've heard it all today.


I'm actually quite enjoying not knowing what's going on tttt. If nothing is coming out of the club it means that things are happening behind the scenes which is exactly where the business should be conducted. The shit-stirring hacks on Fleet Street are guessing  because they're getting nothing from Mort and it's fantastic. They will undoubtedly have pissed off fans of Portsmouth, Everton and Blackburn too by linking their bosses this morning too. :)


You twisted man you :lol:


Like it.

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I've read no papers and haven't watched SSN once. Listening to people today at work was tough enough. I know one thing, I don't think fans' opinions have ever been so split because everyone I know or who have talked to, plus reactions on here, either keep changing their mind or want someone different to one another. Also, every fucker has an opinion.


My mother:


"He was never right for us"


US? She couldn't tell you who we last beat or lost to.




What a surreal two days.


Only at Newcastle, only...


Was some shite parts to the local BBC news tonight but there was a 2-3 min slot on why most of the none newcastle supporting people would care less about who manages who at newcastle and it sort of summed up the ethos the city has about the club.

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Guest Knightrider

I've read no papers and haven't watched SSN once. Listening to people today at work was tough enough. I know one thing, I don't think fans' opinions have ever been so split because everyone I know or who have talked to, plus reactions on here, either keep changing their mind or want someone different to one another. Also, every fucker has an opinion.


My mother:


"He was never right for us"


US? She couldn't tell you who we last beat or lost to.




What a surreal two days.


Only at Newcastle, only...


Was some shite parts to the local BBC news tonight but there was a 2-3 min slot on why most of the none newcastle supporting people would care less about who manages who at newcastle and it sort of summed up the ethos the city has about the club.


I disagree, they may not take much of an interest in between, but if what I've been hearing all day from every tom dick and harry, the city of Newcastle is very much interested in what happens at NUFC and they feel it's their right to have their say regardless of whether they go or not or show any interest in between these kind of days, as it's "we" as in our club for everyone. I actually find this all heartening. Go to Blackburn and people will tell you "sorry, I don't like football", come here and every fucker has a stake in the club it seems.

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I've cursed Mort and Ashley enough and to my mind, they've done nothing yet other than of course to sack Sam Allardyce


apart from paying the 10s of millions of debt off

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Guess you should have seen it or maybe I have not described it well but went on about the revenue it brings in and how when the team play well the city seems to buzz I cannot disagree with the logic of that if not for simplying it alot. Hate to say it but maybe jenas was right the whole team and possibly anyone connected to the football club is like in a goldfish bowl so many people with their two penneth worth to add about how it is and how it should be done but I wouldnt change it for the world never liked being dull.

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