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Where do we go from here?

Big Geordie

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To answer the question, where do we go from here:


Keegan needs to make some hard choices. As someone said earlier, it's no good playing attacking football with players who won't score or get into the box. The advantage our relegation rivals have is that they know they are shit and will play scrapping survival football. Birmingham yesterday against Arsenal is a great example. Out-played but hung on and fought grimly for a point. If we keep playing this combination of players we are in danger of losing the crunch battles against more determined teams like Birmingham, Sunderland and Reading.


The answer? We aren't going to out-fight these teams so ditch the rusty scrappers like Barton, Butt and Smith UNLESS we are going to play with 8 men behind the ball and go defensive. If we are going to attack them we need to get some  legs and hope into the midfield and attack which means Zog in the centre, Martins up front for a start. Andy Carroll has to come into the reckoning as well because he's better than Smith. In every way.



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Guest microbar

To answer the question, where do we go from here:


Keegan needs to make some hard choices. As someone said earlier, it's no good playing attacking football with players who won't score or get into the box. The advantage our relegation rivals have is that they know they are s*** and will play scrapping survival football. Birmingham yesterday against Arsenal is a great example. Out-played but hung on and fought grimly for a point. If we keep playing this combination of players we are in danger of losing the crunch battles against more determined teams like Birmingham, Sunderland and Reading.


The answer? We aren't going to out-fight these teams so ditch the rusty scrappers like Barton, Butt and Smith UNLESS we are going to play with 8 men behind the ball and go defensive. If we are going to attack them we need to get some  legs and hope into the midfield and attack which means Zog in the centre, Martins up front for a start. Andy Carroll has to come into the reckoning as well because he's better than Smith. In every way.




Yes that is what i have been saying since keegan took over,

We need to scrap for evey point now,

But this will be lost in keegans thinking he does not do defence.

A bad shout from the board going for keegan IMOA.

when it was so obvious we needed to go for dour draws week in week out .

We will now pay for having an inexperienced management team,

We will most definetly be relegated this season on our current form there is know way back.  :tickedoff:

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Considering we had two full weeks to prepare for ManU and to reverse the stench from a 6-0 drubbing, I really don't think this team has the fight in them to keep us from relegation on our own.  We are really going to need the results from the teams below us to go in our favor.  However, the scum, wigan, brummies, etc are battling harder than we are.  Also, troubling is we don't really have anyone to put in CM.  Emre (hurt more than health), Barton (poor), Butt(poor), Zog(questionable attitude), Smith (poor), Geremi (poor).  We are getting destroyed in the CM and not providing cover for a weak center of defence.  Our midfield is in shambles.  I still think we will stay up, but KK is going to need to radically change things and I don't think he is up to it.  The teams he is putting out are not playing for us, him, or themselves.  Getting beat 11-1 over two games with ManU is a farce, let alone not beating Derby this season.  Hard to stay positive.  We are a joke.

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You kind of get the feeling that any manager would struggle to lift this shower. As I said in another thread - 6th highest wage bill in the Premiership and this is what we get in return?

The players are an utter disgrace and if (please God) we survive, KK should boot out three quarters of them - tearing up their contracts and paying them off if need be. (Smith, Butt and just about all Allardyces signings for starters*) and then bring in young fast players. They're out there. KK did it the last time, bringing in non-disruptive players (No Dyer, Jenas or Bellamy in other words)


*Maybe Faye the ONLY one I'd keep

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To answer the question, where do we go from here:


Keegan needs to make some hard choices. As someone said earlier, it's no good playing attacking football with players who won't score or get into the box. The advantage our relegation rivals have is that they know they are s*** and will play scrapping survival football. Birmingham yesterday against Arsenal is a great example. Out-played but hung on and fought grimly for a point. If we keep playing this combination of players we are in danger of losing the crunch battles against more determined teams like Birmingham, Sunderland and Reading.


The answer? We aren't going to out-fight these teams so ditch the rusty scrappers like Barton, Butt and Smith UNLESS we are going to play with 8 men behind the ball and go defensive. If we are going to attack them we need to get some  legs and hope into the midfield and attack which means Zog in the centre, Martins up front for a start. Andy Carroll has to come into the reckoning as well because he's better than Smith. In every way.




Yes that is what i have been saying since keegan took over,

We need to scrap for evey point now,

But this will be lost in keegans thinking he does not do defence.

A bad shout from the board going for keegan IMOA.

when it was so obvious we needed to go for dour draws week in week out .

We will now pay for having an inexperienced management team,

We will most definetly be relegated this season on our current form there is know way back.  :tickedoff:


Our current form is terrible. But look at the games we've played!


Despite our current form, we've pulled away from Reading (who've picked up two points from their last ten games) and Birmingham have only managed to cut our lead over them by five points in the last ten games.


If we are going to be relegated both of those teams will have to finish ahead of us. Even on current form, that's unlikely to happen.


Other than the Liverpool away fixture we've got a run of winnable games coming up. Our form will improve!

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The board need to spend big and by big I mean big.

Glad you clarified that there.




I mean none of this £10m net bollocks.




I think we need to focus on youth development, big money buys are a thing of the past.


KK won't last long then. (I know you're playing Devils advocate).

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Guest sittingontheball

I can't see this team scoring with Smith and Barton playing - we need Zog LW, martins up front  to take some pressure off the defence and actually look like scoring


Sounds good to me! Play our top scorer and our most creative player up the field.


I had strong doubts about Smith, but simply thought Barton was a troublemaker. Trouble is that he's shite into the bargain.

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The board need to spend big and by big I mean big.

Glad you clarified that there.




I mean none of this £10m net bollocks.




I think we need to focus on youth development, big money buys are a thing of the past.


KK won't last long then. (I know you're playing Devils advocate).


I was taking the piss out of everyone who insisted not spending like fuck in January was a good idea.

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The board need to spend big and by big I mean big.

Glad you clarified that there.




I mean none of this £10m net bollocks.




I think we need to focus on youth development, big money buys are a thing of the past.


KK won't last long then. (I know you're playing Devils advocate).


I was taking the piss out of everyone who insisted not spending like fuck in January was a good idea.


....the same people who don't realise that football clubs making a profit is a relatively new thing and even in the past was the preserve of only a few. bluerazz.gif

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Why are people worried now?  this game had loss written all over it for months.  We weren't in different a situation before the game or after, unless you actually believed the current team (in the current form) was going to beat Man Utd?



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