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Today's Paper Talk.... (It's May btw)

Guest johnson293

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Guest Knightrider

But yes, it is one of the problems with moving Keegan on and he is unsackable to a point, I can see the club just bringing the young players in whether he likes them or not and if he doesn't then to offer his resignation.


I wouldn't be surprised to see Marcelino take up a job on the coaching staff either.


That's the point me and my bro in law were trying to raise at Beardsley's recent talk in, that because of who he is and what he means, he's going to be almost irreplaceable, whatever the scenario, and that could potentially be a huge problem for the club.


If the club sack him, fans would go ape shit.


If he succeeds again, well, no manager on earth would ever be good enough for us.


And if he fails, I think fans would lose all hope.


Ashley isn't the only one who has invested a lot here, we are too, even KK.


Thinking about it all, KK coming back is so wrong, it is going to work. I really believe that. That's what type of club we are. Teething problems at the moment, that is all. I'm pretty confident.


Regarding young players, I've heard he has no real say on young kids getting signed and is happy to trust the others to fill the academy with whatever talent they decide to go for.


When I said young players I didn't mean to fill up the academy, I'm talking about players under 24 that would be for the first team.


Jeff Vetere has found some players who he thinks could go on to be the next big things in football but Keegan won't play ball, it's why the club have enquired about these players but haven't put any bids in since the season has closed, because they want Keegan to be in on the transfers but they feel he's being deliberately awkward.


With Ashley not being prepared to let the club spend big on ageing players and Keegan dragging his feet over the young lads it could be a shit Summer at NUFC, the last thing we need is a power struggle in the middle of a transfer window.


The season has just finished, and it's still going on in other countries, he's been doing some heel dragging in between then like... sorry but I think you're reading into things too much. I doubt KK is dragging his heels over our interests in young stars, it was him who was livid with the Modric deal not going our way after all which is a deal he had no input in other than to say yes when asked if he'd like the player at the club.


The transfer window is what a few weeks old?


I honestly think people are getting too carried away and getting ahead of themselves. Us not signing anyone yet doesn't = KK dragging his heels or = must be a power struggle going on or = we don't have any money or = we can't attract anyone/no-one wants to sign for us.


It's ridiculous man as there are 3 months to go to buy players. I mean I bet a number of people at NUFC are on their hols or having a break first before getting down to business, serious business.


For me there is no problems. There are no heels being dragged because we aren't quite at that stage of players putting pen to paper. We are probably sorting out our targets and planning to do some serious scouting.


Ignore the press and all the rumours.


We will sign top quality players by the time it all kicks off again.

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Guest Knightrider

If KK is pulling in a different direction, he will have seen something we haven't and will be doing so for the good of the club.


Your other point, is Ashley going to sit in the dugout? Wise? Heaven forbid. So KK really is the only man at the club capable and as he is the man they've appointed, they have to trust him and back him, if KK is pulling in the wrong direction, they need to bow down to his experience, superior knowledge and get in whatever lane he's in.


I'd assume that if Keegan were to leave, someone else will be brought in. A reasonable assumption I think.


I don't doubt that his heart is in the right place, but the man isn't infallible. He may think he's trying to steer the club in what he thinks is the right direction, but who's to say that he's right? Loving the club doesn't make him automatically the all-knowing oracle of NUFC.


The rest of your post is just living in a fantasy land tbh.


He's more capable than the others, after all he is the manager here. Who is to say Ashley et al are right? Again it all boils down to trust. I trust KK, and they should too otherwise they've made a grave error in appointing him. If it doesn't work, you can't really complain if you've done everything to make it work, the manager is to blame then. And as the manager, KK demands everyone pulling in his direction, not the other way around. That's why you appoint managers, to lead the club.


If that's me living in fantasy land, then I'm sorry but what do you want me to say?

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But yes, it is one of the problems with moving Keegan on and he is unsackable to a point, I can see the club just bringing the young players in whether he likes them or not and if he doesn't then to offer his resignation.


I wouldn't be surprised to see Marcelino take up a job on the coaching staff either.


That's the point me and my bro in law were trying to raise at Beardsley's recent talk in, that because of who he is and what he means, he's going to be almost irreplaceable, whatever the scenario, and that could potentially be a huge problem for the club.


If the club sack him, fans would go ape s***.


If he succeeds again, well, no manager on earth would ever be good enough for us.


And if he fails, I think fans would lose all hope.


Ashley isn't the only one who has invested a lot here, we are too, even KK.


Thinking about it all, KK coming back is so wrong, it is going to work. I really believe that. That's what type of club we are. Teething problems at the moment, that is all. I'm pretty confident.


Regarding young players, I've heard he has no real say on young kids getting signed and is happy to trust the others to fill the academy with whatever talent they decide to go for.


When I said young players I didn't mean to fill up the academy, I'm talking about players under 24 that would be for the first team.


Jeff Vetere has found some players who he thinks could go on to be the next big things in football but Keegan won't play ball, it's why the club have enquired about these players but haven't put any bids in since the season has closed, because they want Keegan to be in on the transfers but they feel he's being deliberately awkward.


With Ashley not being prepared to let the club spend big on ageing players and Keegan dragging his feet over the young lads it could be a s*** Summer at NUFC, the last thing we need is a power struggle in the middle of a transfer window.


The season has just finished, and it's still going on in other countries, he's been doing some heel dragging in between then like... sorry but I think you're reading into things too much. I doubt KK is dragging his heels over our interests in young stars, it was him who was livid with the Modric deal not going our way after all which is a deal he had no input in other than to say yes when asked if he'd like the player at the club.


The transfer window is what a few weeks old?


I honestly think people are getting too carried away and getting ahead of themselves. Us not signing anyone yet doesn't = KK dragging his heels or = must be a power struggle going on or = we don't have any money or = we can't attract anyone/no-one wants to sign for us.


It's ridiculous man as there are 3 months to go to buy players. I mean I bet a number of people at NUFC are on their hols or having a break first before getting down to business, serious business.


For me there is no problems. There are no heels being dragged because we aren't quite at that stage of players putting pen to paper. We are probably sorting out our targets and planning to do some serious scouting.


Ignore the press and all the rumours.


We will sign top quality players by the time it all kicks off again.


Whats your take on the Keegan outburst the other week?

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Guest Knightrider

The transfer window is what a few weeks old?


Not even that, doesn't officially open until July 1st.


So it isn't even open yet and people are speculating that KK is dragging his heels and therefore potentially fucking up our chance to sign all these promising youngsters we seem to be linked with but haven't signed yet in the few days since the season ended... You couldn't make it up :lol:

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Guest Knightrider


Whats your take on the Keegan outburst the other week?


That it was hardly an outburst.



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If KK is pulling in a different direction, he will have seen something we haven't and will be doing so for the good of the club.


Your other point, is Ashley going to sit in the dugout? Wise? Heaven forbid. So KK really is the only man at the club capable and as he is the man they've appointed, they have to trust him and back him, if KK is pulling in the wrong direction, they need to bow down to his experience, superior knowledge and get in whatever lane he's in.


I'd assume that if Keegan were to leave, someone else will be brought in. A reasonable assumption I think.


I don't doubt that his heart is in the right place, but the man isn't infallible. He may think he's trying to steer the club in what he thinks is the right direction, but who's to say that he's right? Loving the club doesn't make him automatically the all-knowing oracle of NUFC.


The rest of your post is just living in a fantasy land tbh.


He's more capable than the others, after all he is the manager here. Who is to say Ashley et al are right? Again it all boils down to trust. I trust KK, and they should too otherwise they've made a grave error in appointing him. If it doesn't work, you can't really complain if you've done everything to make it work, the manager is to blame then. And as the manager, KK demands everyone pulling in his direction, not the other way around. That's why you appoint managers, to lead the club.


If that's me living in fantasy land, then I'm sorry but what do you want me to say?


I think expecting everyone to bend to Keegan's whims, especially when they've gone to the trouble of appointing all these new guys for various roles, is the living in fantasy land part. Ideally it's what I would want too, one man in charge of it all.


But it doesn't appear to be the setup we're going for, so we're going to have to get used to it and find the guys that'll make it work.


If, and again I stress the if, there are problems with Keegan within the new setup then I think there's certainly something to be said for finding someone who can work within the structure we're going for.

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But yes, it is one of the problems with moving Keegan on and he is unsackable to a point, I can see the club just bringing the young players in whether he likes them or not and if he doesn't then to offer his resignation.


I wouldn't be surprised to see Marcelino take up a job on the coaching staff either.


That's the point me and my bro in law were trying to raise at Beardsley's recent talk in, that because of who he is and what he means, he's going to be almost irreplaceable, whatever the scenario, and that could potentially be a huge problem for the club.


If the club sack him, fans would go ape shit.


If he succeeds again, well, no manager on earth would ever be good enough for us.


And if he fails, I think fans would lose all hope.


Ashley isn't the only one who has invested a lot here, we are too, even KK.


Thinking about it all, KK coming back is so wrong, it is going to work. I really believe that. That's what type of club we are. Teething problems at the moment, that is all. I'm pretty confident.


Regarding young players, I've heard he has no real say on young kids getting signed and is happy to trust the others to fill the academy with whatever talent they decide to go for.


When I said young players I didn't mean to fill up the academy, I'm talking about players under 24 that would be for the first team.


Jeff Vetere has found some players who he thinks could go on to be the next big things in football but Keegan won't play ball, it's why the club have enquired about these players but haven't put any bids in since the season has closed, because they want Keegan to be in on the transfers but they feel he's being deliberately awkward.


With Ashley not being prepared to let the club spend big on ageing players and Keegan dragging his feet over the young lads it could be a shit Summer at NUFC, the last thing we need is a power struggle in the middle of a transfer window.


Why would we not just have signed them anyway despite what Keegan says?  He doesn't have any power to veto a deal.


To try and make the set up work perhaps?


As soon as he signs someone over Keegan's head then there will be some serious damage done to this working relationship.

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The transfer window is what a few weeks old?


Not even that, doesn't officially open until July 1st.


So it isn't even open yet and people are speculating that KK is dragging his heels and therefore potentially fucking up our chance to sign all these promising youngsters we seem to be linked with but haven't signed yet in the few days since the season ended... You couldn't make it up :lol:


Not like you to stick your head in the sand when something comes up you don't agree with.

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But yes, it is one of the problems with moving Keegan on and he is unsackable to a point, I can see the club just bringing the young players in whether he likes them or not and if he doesn't then to offer his resignation.


I wouldn't be surprised to see Marcelino take up a job on the coaching staff either.


That's the point me and my bro in law were trying to raise at Beardsley's recent talk in, that because of who he is and what he means, he's going to be almost irreplaceable, whatever the scenario, and that could potentially be a huge problem for the club.


If the club sack him, fans would go ape shit.


If he succeeds again, well, no manager on earth would ever be good enough for us.


And if he fails, I think fans would lose all hope.


Ashley isn't the only one who has invested a lot here, we are too, even KK.


Thinking about it all, KK coming back is so wrong, it is going to work. I really believe that. That's what type of club we are. Teething problems at the moment, that is all. I'm pretty confident.


Regarding young players, I've heard he has no real say on young kids getting signed and is happy to trust the others to fill the academy with whatever talent they decide to go for.


When I said young players I didn't mean to fill up the academy, I'm talking about players under 24 that would be for the first team.


Jeff Vetere has found some players who he thinks could go on to be the next big things in football but Keegan won't play ball, it's why the club have enquired about these players but haven't put any bids in since the season has closed, because they want Keegan to be in on the transfers but they feel he's being deliberately awkward.


With Ashley not being prepared to let the club spend big on ageing players and Keegan dragging his feet over the young lads it could be a shit Summer at NUFC, the last thing we need is a power struggle in the middle of a transfer window.


Why would we not just have signed them anyway despite what Keegan says?  He doesn't have any power to veto a deal.


To try and make the set up work perhaps?


As soon as he signs someone over Keegan's head then there will be some serious damage done to this working relationship.


Do you think Keegan being allowed to veto anything decided upon by anyone else in the set up is a good working relationship?

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The transfer window is what a few weeks old?


Not even that, doesn't officially open until July 1st.


So it isn't even open yet and people are speculating that KK is dragging his heels and therefore potentially f***ing up our chance to sign all these promising youngsters we seem to be linked with but haven't signed yet in the few days since the season ended... You couldn't make it up :lol:


Commonplace for deals to be agreed well before that, but they only become official on July 1st.


Suspect you were well aware of this though already, no?

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Guest Knightrider

If KK is pulling in a different direction, he will have seen something we haven't and will be doing so for the good of the club.


Your other point, is Ashley going to sit in the dugout? Wise? Heaven forbid. So KK really is the only man at the club capable and as he is the man they've appointed, they have to trust him and back him, if KK is pulling in the wrong direction, they need to bow down to his experience, superior knowledge and get in whatever lane he's in.


I'd assume that if Keegan were to leave, someone else will be brought in. A reasonable assumption I think.


I don't doubt that his heart is in the right place, but the man isn't infallible. He may think he's trying to steer the club in what he thinks is the right direction, but who's to say that he's right? Loving the club doesn't make him automatically the all-knowing oracle of NUFC.


The rest of your post is just living in a fantasy land tbh.


He's more capable than the others, after all he is the manager here. Who is to say Ashley et al are right? Again it all boils down to trust. I trust KK, and they should too otherwise they've made a grave error in appointing him. If it doesn't work, you can't really complain if you've done everything to make it work, the manager is to blame then. And as the manager, KK demands everyone pulling in his direction, not the other way around. That's why you appoint managers, to lead the club.


If that's me living in fantasy land, then I'm sorry but what do you want me to say?


I think expecting everyone to bend to Keegan's whims, especially when they've gone to the trouble of appointing all these new guys for various roles, is the living in fantasy land part. Ideally it's what I would want too, one man in charge of it all.


But it doesn't appear to be the setup we're going for, so we're going to have to get used to it and find the guys that'll make it work.


If, and again I stress the if, there are problems with Keegan within the new setup then I think there's certainly something to be said for finding someone who can work within the structure we're going for.


I'd rather the club backed down from the new set-up and go with whatever the manager has in mind, if it does come to that, rather than try and find someone else willing to work under the new setup.


I don't think it will though, I think the two will find a happy medium and co-exist. It serves both their interests to do so, most of all the club's.

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Whats your take on the Keegan outburst the other week?


That it was hardly an outburst.


Ok, then how would you like it dressed up?  Comments? Remark? Annotation?


Either way, how did you interpret that?

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Guest Knightrider

The transfer window is what a few weeks old?


Not even that, doesn't officially open until July 1st.


So it isn't even open yet and people are speculating that KK is dragging his heels and therefore potentially f***ing up our chance to sign all these promising youngsters we seem to be linked with but haven't signed yet in the few days since the season ended... You couldn't make it up :lol:


Commonplace for deals to be agreed well before that, but they only become official on July 1st.


Suspect you were well aware of this though already, no?


I'm aware clubs can sign players before then, but not many do. How many players have our rivals signed while KK has been dragging his heels, players have turned us down, and our money has suddenly disappeared?

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But yes, it is one of the problems with moving Keegan on and he is unsackable to a point, I can see the club just bringing the young players in whether he likes them or not and if he doesn't then to offer his resignation.


I wouldn't be surprised to see Marcelino take up a job on the coaching staff either.


That's the point me and my bro in law were trying to raise at Beardsley's recent talk in, that because of who he is and what he means, he's going to be almost irreplaceable, whatever the scenario, and that could potentially be a huge problem for the club.


If the club sack him, fans would go ape shit.


If he succeeds again, well, no manager on earth would ever be good enough for us.


And if he fails, I think fans would lose all hope.


Ashley isn't the only one who has invested a lot here, we are too, even KK.


Thinking about it all, KK coming back is so wrong, it is going to work. I really believe that. That's what type of club we are. Teething problems at the moment, that is all. I'm pretty confident.


Regarding young players, I've heard he has no real say on young kids getting signed and is happy to trust the others to fill the academy with whatever talent they decide to go for.


When I said young players I didn't mean to fill up the academy, I'm talking about players under 24 that would be for the first team.


Jeff Vetere has found some players who he thinks could go on to be the next big things in football but Keegan won't play ball, it's why the club have enquired about these players but haven't put any bids in since the season has closed, because they want Keegan to be in on the transfers but they feel he's being deliberately awkward.


With Ashley not being prepared to let the club spend big on ageing players and Keegan dragging his feet over the young lads it could be a shit Summer at NUFC, the last thing we need is a power struggle in the middle of a transfer window.


Why would we not just have signed them anyway despite what Keegan says?  He doesn't have any power to veto a deal.


To try and make the set up work perhaps?


As soon as he signs someone over Keegan's head then there will be some serious damage done to this working relationship.


Do you think Keegan being allowed to veto anything decided upon by anyone else in the set up is a good working relationship?


To a certain degree yes, he should be allowed to have his say about who is coming in and that is what the club want.


The feeling is that he's being awkward about things though which is making the relationship strained behind the scenes.

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Guest Knightrider


Whats your take on the Keegan outburst the other week?


That it was hardly an outburst.


Ok, then how would you like it dressed up?  Comments? Remark? Annotation?


Either way, how did you interpret that?


I could interpret them a hundred and one ways if I wanted, but for now I'm reading it as a challenge to the powers that be and KK getting the hump because his side had just lost to a side he craves to be competing with, not at the end of his contract, but ASAP. That and a dig at the game and something for fans to chew on.



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The transfer window is what a few weeks old?


Not even that, doesn't officially open until July 1st.


So it isn't even open yet and people are speculating that KK is dragging his heels and therefore potentially f***ing up our chance to sign all these promising youngsters we seem to be linked with but haven't signed yet in the few days since the season ended... You couldn't make it up :lol:


Commonplace for deals to be agreed well before that, but they only become official on July 1st.


Suspect you were well aware of this though already, no?


I'm aware clubs can sign players before then, but not many do. How many players have our rivals signed while KK has been dragging his heels, players have turned us down, and our money has suddenly disappeared?


Most of our rivals only need one or two players, we need a new squad, half a new 1st team.


That's IF you think the 2nd tier teams are our rivals anymore.

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Would be really silly to sack KK now. But if the board would. I would´t want to think of what could happened :undecided: To be honest I can´t even come up with words that would describe the situation that would occur if KK got sacked. It would be an absolutely disaster!


Why take him in at the first place? I can´t buy the fact that it would be some promote thing by the board. Of course they know that they would lost all the popularity they have built up by hiring Keegan, for example, if they would sack him now after an so successfully run we have has. The reactions if Ashley would sack him would be even louder when Big Sam got sacked and then I think every would now how bad it would get. But then. What was the purpose to bring back Keegan?


The other option that Keegan wants to leave because he can´t agree with the board about transfers is also bollocks for me. I am sure he knew exactly what kind of deal he agree on when he jump on the train, so if there was some tensions between them now someone would´t be keeping their words and that would be worrying indeed. though can´t buy this ethier.


Marcelino seems to be a great prospect for the future and he seems to be an interesting name. I would´t have any problems to hire someone like him after Keegan has run out his contract, and I am sure none one her would think anything else either. But now? That would be so stupid.


If they wanted someone like Marcelino in the first place they should have think of that before employing Keegan, or they should have said to Keegan that he only would be around the place until the summer even how good the spell he would put in would be. the easiest option would of course be to have gone after someone else until the end of the season and said that he could be replace to the next season.


To ship Keegan out now would be even more stupid than Fatty Fred´s choice of manager after Sir Bobby. IF it after all is true that  their is tensions between Keegan and the board I would just  :'( to know that someone should´t be keep their words would be devastating. But I can´t see that scenario either. but if, they should had to solve that FAST.


End of story.

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Guest Knightrider

The transfer window is what a few weeks old?


Not even that, doesn't officially open until July 1st.


So it isn't even open yet and people are speculating that KK is dragging his heels and therefore potentially f***ing up our chance to sign all these promising youngsters we seem to be linked with but haven't signed yet in the few days since the season ended... You couldn't make it up :lol:


Commonplace for deals to be agreed well before that, but they only become official on July 1st.


Suspect you were well aware of this though already, no?


I'm aware clubs can sign players before then, but not many do. How many players have our rivals signed while KK has been dragging his heels, players have turned us down, and our money has suddenly disappeared?


Most of our rivals only need one or two players, we need a new squad, half a new 1st team.


That's IF you think the 2nd tier teams are our rivals anymore.


And you expect us to sign a new squad in a matter of weeks?


I beg to dffer btw.


Ideally we could do with a whole new team save one or two but a handful of top quality right players could transform our team ala Bellamy and Robert a few years back.

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The transfer window is what a few weeks old?


Not even that, doesn't officially open until July 1st.


So it isn't even open yet and people are speculating that KK is dragging his heels and therefore potentially f***ing up our chance to sign all these promising youngsters we seem to be linked with but haven't signed yet in the few days since the season ended... You couldn't make it up :lol:


Commonplace for deals to be agreed well before that, but they only become official on July 1st.


Suspect you were well aware of this though already, no?


I'm aware clubs can sign players before then, but not many do. How many players have our rivals signed while KK has been dragging his heels, players have turned us down, and our money has suddenly disappeared?


Most of our rivals only need one or two players, we need a new squad, half a new 1st team.


That's IF you think the 2nd tier teams are our rivals anymore.


of course it is frustrating that we haven´t buy someone yet. But I am sure they are working at it. they now the deal as much as we know it.


but if the were dragging their feet. well then you could definitely wounder what they are doing in this business. think we should wait until the august 31 before judging them.

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Whats your take on the Keegan outburst the other week?


That it was hardly an outburst.


Ok, then how would you like it dressed up?  Comments? Remark? Annotation?


Either way, how did you interpret that?


I could interpret them a hundred and one ways if I wanted, but for now I'm reading it as a challenge to the powers that be and KK getting the hump because his side had just lost to a side he craves to be competing with, not at the end of his contract, but ASAP. That and a dig at the game and something for fans to chew on.




Do you think it was just the defeat to Chelsea that prompted the challenge to the board?

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The transfer window is what a few weeks old?


Not even that, doesn't officially open until July 1st.


So it isn't even open yet and people are speculating that KK is dragging his heels and therefore potentially fucking up our chance to sign all these promising youngsters we seem to be linked with but haven't signed yet in the few days since the season ended... You couldn't make it up :lol:


Not like you to stick your head in the sand when something comes up you don't agree with.


Nothing's "come up" though has it?


Just idle speculation from hacks with fuck all else to write about and it constantly surprises me how many believe it. The boy who cried wolf would have had nowt to worry about with you lot around.

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Guest Knightrider

It's not even frustrating, it's to be expected. Anyone pinning their hopes on us signing a whole host of players in a matter of weeks after the season ends, need their heads examined. Fair enough if every club was bringing in new players willy nilly, but fuck me the football season is still ongoing in other nations and the transfer window is still officially shut. People must be seriously bored. Get out and enjoy the sunshine and worry not about transfers, it's fucking April FFS :D

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It's not even frustrating, it's to be expected. Anyone pinning their hopes on us signing a whole host of players in a matter of weeks after the season ends, need their heads examined. Fair enough if every club was bringing in new players willy nilly, but fuck me the football season is still ongoing in other nations and the transfer window is still officially shut. People must be seriously bored. Get out and enjoy the sunshine and worry not about transfers, it's fucking April FFS :D


You were going so well too.

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