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Tomorrow's Mirror!!

Guest Christian Hayne

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If you like, you could re-affirm your hilarious statement that Martins is better than Bellamy when he first came, if you wish to pursue this stalking of me and repeating statements you believe are correct or otherwise.


Um...I said Martins was better than Bellamy before they came to Newcastle.


Martins at Inter was a better player than Bellamy at Coventry, you obviously disagree but the stats back me up, even Bellamy himself said that he was poor in his time at Coventry so why you find that hard to grasp is beyond me, but you knew all along he'd be great didn't you?! you're what is known in the betting world as an 'after caller' you keep saying you made certain predictions about players after they have become top performers yet no proof exists of this, you claiming N'Zogbia would be a top player from the first time you seen him is a good one.


In truth the only things I've seen you predict lately is that Roeder would do a better job for us than O'Neill who's overrated (bad call :lol:) and that we were better off getting Bernard back than signing Wayne Bridge who's overrated.


I didn't carry on the discussion with because as per usual you drag it down into an exchange of childish insults and name calling, me being the more mature out of the pair of us (and at half your age) decided to leave, not because you were right but because I'm above such name actions.


How much of Martins did you see at Inter btw?




I don't care about Martins goal stats at Inter. If you cannot see or understand the difference between a player who is an out and out goalscorer and one who is a support striker, you have a problem and it isn't surprising your judgement is flawed.


What Martins did at Inter is irrelevant to what he does at Newcastle. Its a different country, a different culture, a different game and a diffierent league. I can't be bothered to go down the same route as over Luque and "adapting". However, I for one was very pleased when we bought Craig Bellamy, you will have to take my word on that but if you don't I'm not bothered....


If you wish to take into account our age difference, relative to opinions and judgements, now is the time to do it and there will be no more need for us to disagree.


The only thing I remember saying about Bridge is that if Bernard comes back as the player he was before there would be no point in buying Bridge, and also the club may not have the money anyway if they have spent their budget and was very much in favour of them not overspending at this moment in time, do you disagree with that ?


For the 2nd time, I have not said Roeder would do a better job than O'Neill, only that O'Neill has done nothing special to date and also to date Roeder has achieved the higher premiership position. [fact]. If you disagree, find it.




I agree what Martins did at Inter is irrelevant but that isn't the point I was making over there, you seem to have taken my comments totally out of context and presumed I thought Martins is better for us than Bellamy was when he first joined which just isn't the case, perhaps we've both got our wires crossed somewhere along the way.


If the fee was right I'd still take Bridge over Bernard, the chances of him ever finding the form he had here is slim and tbh I didn't ever rate him in the class of Bridge when he was here, money is tight but it's a position that we're desperate to fill, Ideally we'd have Bernard as back up to Bridge and move Babayaro on who (rumour has it) is on high wages for the performances he's putting in.


You did talk O'Neill down and well Roeder may have a higher Premiership finish under his belt (that is a fact), he also has the baggage of taking teams to relegation. I was never really in the pro O'Neill camp as I didn't like the style of football he played at Celtic, however one thing you can't take away from him is that he's improved every club he's been at.


Now I'm off to bed as I have an early start in the morning, I hope this clears up  any differences we have.


Feel free to PM me if it hasn't.



No need to PM. I felt Roeder deserved some encouragement and support so looked at the positive side of him finishing 7th. I can't believe anyone can make a judgement on his performance the following season when he nearly died. The circumstances at Watford also were such that they had all sorts of problems, Watford fans don't blame him for the club going down in fact most of them who replied to me on rivals spoke highly and wished him well.


I also said that if O'Neill matches Bobby Robsons record at Newcastle for instance then I would hold my hand up and say that he had done well, it is still early days and he is very hyped up because he is good in front of the camera. Time will tell. This is what I have always said about O'Neill..


I just don't know about Bridge. Firstly if the money is tight, then its not so simple. And also I still think our main problems are up front and in midfield. Then left back, then a centre back to replace Bramble, to give us 3 players for those positions alongside Taylor and Moore.


However, which positions are strengthened first depends on availability too, the main thing is the player who comes in solves the problem - as always - and we can then look at the other areas. We have wasted millions. I hoped Roeder would have got his first signings right, it was important, especially one costing 10m quid.


There is no probs with me mate. None at all.


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Guest Invicta_Toon

At the end of the day the counter Curbs argument is pure assumption, as he has never had the chance to be tested in Europe properly. He is a top level coach by any standard and people this late in the day with a crisis looming, nitpicking against Curbishley need their heads checked. bluebigrazz.gif


he's never taken his chance FFS


and that my tin foil raddled friend is his eternal damnation  blueyes.gif

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Guest The Fox

If you like, you could re-affirm your hilarious statement that Martins is better than Bellamy when he first came, if you wish to pursue this stalking of me and repeating statements you believe are correct or otherwise.


Um...I said Martins was better than Bellamy before they came to Newcastle.


Martins at Inter was a better player than Bellamy at Coventry, you obviously disagree but the stats back me up, even Bellamy himself said that he was poor in his time at Coventry so why you find that hard to grasp is beyond me, but you knew all along he'd be great didn't you?! you're what is known in the betting world as an 'after caller' you keep saying you made certain predictions about players after they have become top performers yet no proof exists of this, you claiming N'Zogbia would be a top player from the first time you seen him is a good one.


In truth the only things I've seen you predict lately is that Roeder would do a better job for us than O'Neill who's overrated (bad call :lol:) and that we were better off getting Bernard back than signing Wayne Bridge who's overrated.


I didn't carry on the discussion with because as per usual you drag it down into an exchange of childish insults and name calling, me being the more mature out of the pair of us (and at half your age) decided to leave, not because you were right but because I'm above such name actions.


How much of Martins did you see at Inter btw?




I don't care about Martins goal stats at Inter. If you cannot see or understand the difference between a player who is an out and out goalscorer and one who is a support striker, you have a problem and it isn't surprising your judgement is flawed.


What Martins did at Inter is irrelevant to what he does at Newcastle. Its a different country, a different culture, a different game and a diffierent league. I can't be bothered to go down the same route as over Luque and "adapting". However, I for one was very pleased when we bought Craig Bellamy, you will have to take my word on that but if you don't I'm not bothered....


If you wish to take into account our age difference, relative to opinions and judgements, now is the time to do it and there will be no more need for us to disagree.


The only thing I remember saying about Bridge is that if Bernard comes back as the player he was before there would be no point in buying Bridge, and also the club may not have the money anyway if they have spent their budget and was very much in favour of them not overspending at this moment in time, do you disagree with that ?


For the 2nd time, I have not said Roeder would do a better job than O'Neill, only that O'Neill has done nothing special to date and also to date Roeder has achieved the higher premiership position. [fact]. If you disagree, find it.




I agree what Martins did at Inter is irrelevant but that isn't the point I was making over there, you seem to have taken my comments totally out of context and presumed I thought Martins is better for us than Bellamy was when he first joined which just isn't the case, perhaps we've both got our wires crossed somewhere along the way.


If the fee was right I'd still take Bridge over Bernard, the chances of him ever finding the form he had here is slim and tbh I didn't ever rate him in the class of Bridge when he was here, money is tight but it's a position that we're desperate to fill, Ideally we'd have Bernard as back up to Bridge and move Babayaro on who (rumour has it) is on high wages for the performances he's putting in.


You did talk O'Neill down and well Roeder may have a higher Premiership finish under his belt (that is a fact), he also has the baggage of taking teams to relegation. I was never really in the pro O'Neill camp as I didn't like the style of football he played at Celtic, however one thing you can't take away from him is that he's improved every club he's been at.


Now I'm off to bed as I have an early start in the morning, I hope this clears up  any differences we have.


Feel free to PM me if it hasn't.



No need to PM. I felt Roeder deserved some encouragement and support so looked at the positive side of him finishing 7th. I can't believe anyone can make a judgement on his performance the following season when he nearly died. The circumstances at Watford also were such that they had all sorts of problems, Watford fans don't blame him for the club going down in fact most of them who replied to me on rivals spoke highly and wished him well.

I also said that if O'Neill matches Bobby Robsons record at Newcastle for instance then I would hold my hand up and say that he had done well, it is still early days and he is very hyped up because he is good in front of the camera. Time will tell. This is what I have always said about O'Neill..


I just don't know about Bridge. Firstly if the money is tight, then its not so simple. And also I still think our main problems are up front and in midfield. Then left back, then a centre back to replace Bramble, to give us 3 players for those positions alongside Taylor and Moore.


However, which positions are strengthened first depends on availability too, the main thing is the player who comes in solves the problem - as always - and we can then look at the other areas. We have wasted millions. I hoped Roeder would have got his first signings right, it was important, especially one costing 10m quid.


There is no probs with me mate. None at all.



You constantly come out with this drivel. Roeders illness occured when he had already put WesT Ham well on the way to relegation. He was not successful at Watford and I know  a good few Watford fans who contradict your view. He was also unsuccessful at Gillingham. Why you cant accept these facts is beyond me.

As for MON, you were one of those who stated at the time that he was taking oiver a squad that was far worse than Newcastles and there was no way they would finish in front of us. Well O'Neil has them unbeaten this season with no real time for transfer activity, and he has not had the whole summer transfe window to act which Roeder did.

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The Henry Winter article is just yet another example of the evil biased cockney media who haven't even been to every single game home and away for the last 93 years mindlessly slagging off our great Chairman, hallowed be his name!


Stands to attention on deck saluting the Geordie Nation flag as the good ship Newcastle United slowly sinks beneath the waves...

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Excellent article by Winter.


does he mention anything about bringing your man Souness back ?




no one here appointed Souness, no one on here sacked Souness, only one man can claim credit for either his appointment, his length of service, or his sacking. Ultimately it will be the same with Roeder, Shepherd  hpoointed him, Shepherd alone will decide when he goes.

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If you like, you could re-affirm your hilarious statement that Martins is better than Bellamy when he first came, if you wish to pursue this stalking of me and repeating statements you believe are correct or otherwise.


Um...I said Martins was better than Bellamy before they came to Newcastle.


Martins at Inter was a better player than Bellamy at Coventry, you obviously disagree but the stats back me up, even Bellamy himself said that he was poor in his time at Coventry so why you find that hard to grasp is beyond me, but you knew all along he'd be great didn't you?! you're what is known in the betting world as an 'after caller' you keep saying you made certain predictions about players after they have become top performers yet no proof exists of this, you claiming N'Zogbia would be a top player from the first time you seen him is a good one.


In truth the only things I've seen you predict lately is that Roeder would do a better job for us than O'Neill who's overrated (bad call :lol:) and that we were better off getting Bernard back than signing Wayne Bridge who's overrated.


I didn't carry on the discussion with because as per usual you drag it down into an exchange of childish insults and name calling, me being the more mature out of the pair of us (and at half your age) decided to leave, not because you were right but because I'm above such name actions.


How much of Martins did you see at Inter btw?




I don't care about Martins goal stats at Inter. If you cannot see or understand the difference between a player who is an out and out goalscorer and one who is a support striker, you have a problem and it isn't surprising your judgement is flawed.


What Martins did at Inter is irrelevant to what he does at Newcastle. Its a different country, a different culture, a different game and a diffierent league. I can't be bothered to go down the same route as over Luque and "adapting". However, I for one was very pleased when we bought Craig Bellamy, you will have to take my word on that but if you don't I'm not bothered....


If you wish to take into account our age difference, relative to opinions and judgements, now is the time to do it and there will be no more need for us to disagree.


The only thing I remember saying about Bridge is that if Bernard comes back as the player he was before there would be no point in buying Bridge, and also the club may not have the money anyway if they have spent their budget and was very much in favour of them not overspending at this moment in time, do you disagree with that ?


For the 2nd time, I have not said Roeder would do a better job than O'Neill, only that O'Neill has done nothing special to date and also to date Roeder has achieved the higher premiership position. [fact]. If you disagree, find it.




I agree what Martins did at Inter is irrelevant but that isn't the point I was making over there, you seem to have taken my comments totally out of context and presumed I thought Martins is better for us than Bellamy was when he first joined which just isn't the case, perhaps we've both got our wires crossed somewhere along the way.


If the fee was right I'd still take Bridge over Bernard, the chances of him ever finding the form he had here is slim and tbh I didn't ever rate him in the class of Bridge when he was here, money is tight but it's a position that we're desperate to fill, Ideally we'd have Bernard as back up to Bridge and move Babayaro on who (rumour has it) is on high wages for the performances he's putting in.


You did talk O'Neill down and well Roeder may have a higher Premiership finish under his belt (that is a fact), he also has the baggage of taking teams to relegation. I was never really in the pro O'Neill camp as I didn't like the style of football he played at Celtic, however one thing you can't take away from him is that he's improved every club he's been at.


Now I'm off to bed as I have an early start in the morning, I hope this clears up  any differences we have.


Feel free to PM me if it hasn't.



No need to PM. I felt Roeder deserved some encouragement and support so looked at the positive side of him finishing 7th. I can't believe anyone can make a judgement on his performance the following season when he nearly died. The circumstances at Watford also were such that they had all sorts of problems, Watford fans don't blame him for the club going down in fact most of them who replied to me on rivals spoke highly and wished him well.

I also said that if O'Neill matches Bobby Robsons record at Newcastle for instance then I would hold my hand up and say that he had done well, it is still early days and he is very hyped up because he is good in front of the camera. Time will tell. This is what I have always said about O'Neill..


I just don't know about Bridge. Firstly if the money is tight, then its not so simple. And also I still think our main problems are up front and in midfield. Then left back, then a centre back to replace Bramble, to give us 3 players for those positions alongside Taylor and Moore.


However, which positions are strengthened first depends on availability too, the main thing is the player who comes in solves the problem - as always - and we can then look at the other areas. We have wasted millions. I hoped Roeder would have got his first signings right, it was important, especially one costing 10m quid.


There is no probs with me mate. None at all.



You constantly come out with this drivel. Roeders illness occured when he had already put WesT Ham well on the way to relegation. He was not successful at Watford and I know  a good few Watford fans who contradict your view. He was also unsuccessful at Gillingham. Why you cant accept these facts is beyond me.

As for MON, you were one of those who stated at the time that he was taking oiver a squad that was far worse than Newcastles and there was no way they would finish in front of us. Well O'Neil has them unbeaten this season with no real time for transfer activity, and he has not had the whole summer transfe window to act which Roeder did.


Complete rubbish. A man of your age should know that brain tumours don't occur overnight. Its a long illness and the symptoms can affect you for a long time before they become obvious and noticeable. I'm sorry - you are showing immense immaturity and lack of human feeling by making this statement.


You will not find a quote from me saying that there was no way Villa would finish in front of us, find it or stop making things up.



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