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All matches of Euro 2008 shown in the US

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I checked and you're right.  Do you know what they are showing instead of the opening match on the HD channels?

On ESPN HD: 'Today at the Belmont Stakes' and another f***ing episode of SportsCenter.

On ESPN 2 HD: Funkmaster Flex Car Wars, Road to the Omaha Super Regionals (????) and NASCAR qualifying.


Funkmaster Flex Car Wars.  :jesuswept:  This bloody country.

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I checked and you're right.  Do you know what they are showing instead of the opening match on the HD channels?

On ESPN HD: 'Today at the Belmont Stakes' and another f***ing episode of SportsCenter.

On ESPN 2 HD: Funkmaster Flex Car Wars, Road to the Omaha Super Regionals (????) and NASCAR qualifying.


Funkmaster Flex Car Wars.  :jesuswept:  This bloody country.



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I'm still excited about the tournament, and I think the football community is actually encouraged by good early signs from ESPN.  They made some really good commercials (found here: http://youtube.com/user/chesterg1), from the schedule it looks like they'll have more than 5 mins for pre and post game shows, they have a nightly recap (which they've not done before for a major tournament), they have tournament preview shows on now, and they're showing multiple Euro finals on ESPN classic all this week. 


But we all know what will happen when Dave O'Brien and co. get on the air and open their mouths.... :(

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Guest NUFC4

i'm f***ing stoked about the tourney!!! the bad part is that i work 3 12 hour night shifts a week at the hospital and it's going to interfere with some of the games.  but.....the good part is i can catch the last sets of group matches and the rest of the tounament live in person because i'm going to austria bitches!!!!!!!  can't wait!!! i'll be in innsbruck for the russia v sweeden game, then in vienna for 2 quarterfinals and the final. now tell me your not jealous??

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Guest NUFC4

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="

name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>




those are impressive blank squares

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Never saw that one.


I like the Italian one the best, I think.


German music always makes me think some shit is about to go down.



Love the commercials.


JP Dellacamera is coming!

Fuck that. We want Shep!!


Is Wynalda still with ESPN? He's not all that great, but his cynicism and douchery is first class.

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Guest NUFC4

Love the commercials.


JP Dellacamera is coming!

f*** that. We want Shep!!


Is Wynalda still with ESPN? He's not all that great, but his cynicism and douchery is first class.



haha that's great, wynalda is a funny bastard

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It's when seeing commercials like these the fact that Norway didn't make it to the EC thanks to a strike from Emre, not to mention having a twat as our keeper, comes back and haunts me. Damn I wish we'd made it, even if we'd only get buttraped like usual in the group stage.

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Guest JamesD

When ESPN covered a NY game, you could hear the fans in the background chanting something about Wynalda's wife(think it was ' If you fucked wynalda's wife, clap your hands *clap clap*'). It was sweet.

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Cue the obligitary post about how shite ESPN's coverage always tends to be.  I'm about ready to strangle Julie Foudy, Steve Bunin, and this other guy, Will something, that they've got on the desk now.  Within 30 seconds of coming on, he'd already made 2 mistakes "Welcome to ESPN's coverage of the EUFA Euro 2000....I've got Julie Foudy here to my left along with Andy.........(about a 5 second pause here)..........Gray."  Bunin was the worst yesterday, constantly making mistakes with no clue what she was talking about, and of course Foudy knows nothing about the game or commentary. 


Smyth and Rae have been okay, Smyth hasn't been as annoying as usual.  They've actually put together a good team with Andy Gray and Adrian Healy. 

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I can't believe I made it all the way through a Healy match.


The desk guy was horrible yesterday.


Smyth hasn't said "Bulge the ol onion bag!" yet either.


Smyth and Rae are the best team we have, I think.


Gray has been great, I have to say.

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I can't believe I made it all the way through a Healy match.


The desk guy was horrible yesterday.


Smyth hasn't said "Bulge the ol onion bag!" yet either.


Smyth and Rae are the best team we have, I think.


Gray has been great, I have to say.


Rae is good, but I don't mind Healy either.  Gray has just added a level of professionalism that you don't usually get with Yank football coverage.  Really pleased so far. 

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I can't believe I made it all the way through a Healy match.


The desk guy was horrible yesterday.


Smyth hasn't said "Bulge the ol onion bag!" yet either.


Smyth and Rae are the best team we have, I think.


Gray has been great, I have to say.


i believe the phrase was uttered yesterday...

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