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Have to say I'm chuffed with his attidutde, its just a shame he doesnt use that determination to prove himself to us on himself. Credit where credits due he's shown alot of mettle.


Said many months ago id have him as captain, changed my mind after Xmas now would definitely reconsider, create that seige mentality lke nothing else would.

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This is never going to end and is going to cost us over the season no doubt, now the nose flick was nothing but does go to show Joey has not changed at all, he knows how he is viewed and had to know that if the ref had seen it he would have seen a card for it, so it was an utterly stupid thing to do.


Now the racism claim, IF it is true ne heeds sacked, no messing just get shot, if its shite then its just another part of what is going to go on all the time with him, should we not look to sell? is he not more trouble than he is worth? I know this is a back Barton thread and I do back him up to a point but this is not going to go away!

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I will openly admit to not really liking the lad, and if we had anyone better i'd have him out the team, but needs must in regards to the team at present.


By all means press,  have a go at him for his many misdemeanours, but this is just taking the piss.

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