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Villa - walking the walk.


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I don't find Villa boring to watch at all. I like teams that are quite direct as long as they attack with pace like Villa do. Not surprising that the team is looking much better with proper full backs as they were always key positions in his Celtic team that he had playing so well. Carew on his day is an excellent player but they probably need another top quality forward player in the team. Probably more of a creative type.


Absolutely. Full back imo is the most important position on the pitch tactically. Every good team worth its salt will have fullbacks performing on form in it. Been harping on about ours for a good few years now.

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Mellberg did a decent job at RB (defensively) last season, but offered zero going forward, absolutely nothing.


Luke Young has looked very good there so far. Shorey has been a little dodgy but recent performances have been a lot more encouraging.


Our trouble will come up front, though, we need more options.

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