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Cleveland Police Complaints


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I have been asked to post the following on behalf of Amanda Jacks representing the Football Supporters Federation. If you prefer to contact Amanda via the forum please click here.


The Football Supporters Federation is concerned to read of the experiences of Newcastle supporters at the hands of Cleveland Police this weekend.


We are very experienced in assisting supporters of all clubs who've faced similar treatment and would be pleased to hear from any Newcastle supporter who would like to register their concerns and/or complaints about the policing operation. Once we have received your statements, we'd be happy to seek free legal advice on your behalf and gain the view of a solicitor who specialises in civil actions against the police to see if there are any grounds for your taking action against Cleveland Police. If this transpires not to be the case, then we'd be happy to either advise you on how to make individual complaints or we could submit a dossier for comment and action by the police on your behalf. You may be aware that a lot of work has been done in the North East by the FSF, in particular our Fair Cop scheme. 


Please contact me at [email protected] with your statements; we will not disclose any information received by us without your express permission and all information will be treated in the strictest confidence. 


Finally, I know among a lot of fans there is an "expect and accept" culture when it comes to how we're policed and stewarded. I also appreciate you may not think it is worth complaining and nothing will ever change. However, watching football is not a crime, being a football supporter is not a crime and we need fans like you to join us in challenging the treatment we're subjected to by police!


I look forward to hearing from you.


Amanda Jacks

Policing & Legal


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Without wanting to start all the shite up again......wonder what NUSC's take on the events of the weekend are? Issues like this are where they need to speak up and ask the authorities what went wrong to make sure it doesn't happen again.

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Without wanting to start all the shite up again......wonder what NUSC's take on the events of the weekend are? Issues like this are where they need to speak up and ask the authorities what went wrong to make sure it doesn't happen again.


Hopefully they're drafting up a release as we speak but at the minute they seem to be more preoccupied with getting a knock down price on Spiderman masks.

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Without wanting to start all the s**** up again......wonder what NUSC's take on the events of the weekend are? Issues like this are where they need to speak up and ask the authorities what went wrong to make sure it doesn't happen again.


I'm confused. Why would NUSC speak up about this? It won't get Ashley out of the club. 

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Without wanting to start all the s**** up again......wonder what NUSC's take on the events of the weekend are? Issues like this are where they need to speak up and ask the authorities what went wrong to make sure it doesn't happen again.


I'm confused. Why would NUSC speak up about this? It won't get Ashley out of the club. 


If they achieve what they want , then there sole ambition won't always be to get ashley out , this kinda thing is what clubs and it's representitives need to be prepared to help with.

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Without wanting to start all the s**** up again......wonder what NUSC's take on the events of the weekend are? Issues like this are where they need to speak up and ask the authorities what went wrong to make sure it doesn't happen again.


I'm confused. Why would NUSC speak up about this? It won't get Ashley out of the club. 


5 stories on the NUST front page from the past week and not one makes mention of Ashley.


On this subject, there's this...



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Without wanting to start all the s**** up again......wonder what NUSC's take on the events of the weekend are? Issues like this are where they need to speak up and ask the authorities what went wrong to make sure it doesn't happen again.


I'm confused. Why would NUSC speak up about this? It won't get Ashley out of the club. 



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