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Cheick Tioté (1986-2017)


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There will be loopholes and they will be exploited.


The big clubs will find a way to circumnavigate the rules one way or another.  


Even when other big clubs are abiding by the rules and seeing their peers exploit them?


Yep. There will be a way around it.


Good interview on this issue:




Even if it is from someone who made despicable comments about Sir Bobby. Views on UEFA rules starts at 3 mins in.

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There will be loopholes and they will be exploited.


The big clubs will find a way to circumnavigate the rules one way or another. 


Even when other big clubs are abiding by the rules and seeing their peers exploit them?


Yep. There will be a way around it.


Why would say, for example, Inter Milan and Barcelona allow Chelsea to bend the rules?  It's not big clubs v small clubs, it's big clubs v big clubs.  There won't be bullying, it will be heavyweights v heavyweights.

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There will be loopholes and they will be exploited.


The big clubs will find a way to circumnavigate the rules one way or another.  


Even when other big clubs are abiding by the rules and seeing their peers exploit them?


Yep. There will be a way around it.


Why would say, for example, Inter Milan and Barcelona allow Chelsea to bend the rules?  It's not big clubs v small clubs, it's big clubs v big clubs.  There won't be bullying, it will be heavyweights v heavyweights.


I said there would be loopholes. They will be discovered and exploited.


No idea who'll find them first but they will. The big boys won't like a level playing field and will find a way around the rules.

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so let's see what happens then. :thup:


You didn't even answer my question though, why would teams who have tried to meet the requirements (Man U are one, I think) sit idly by while Chelsea break the rules?  I know you're saying there will be loopholes but do you think clubs the size of Man U are going to let other clubs bend these rules to gain an advantage?

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There will be loopholes and they will be exploited.


The big clubs will find a way to circumnavigate the rules one way or another. 


wenger already publicly stated one last week and he's probably nailed it - sheik moneybags just gets one of his companies to pay citeh 50m for a sponsorship that everyone else gets say 10m for


job done

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so let's see what happens then. :thup:


You didn't even answer my question though, why would teams who have tried to meet the requirements (Man U are one, I think) sit idly by while Chelsea break the rules?  I know you're saying there will be loopholes but do you think clubs the size of Man U are going to let other clubs bend these rules to gain an advantage?


I'm saying the same clubs that have set the rules are the most likely to find the loopholes. Let's wait and see how it pans out. Let's see how well the rules are working in 2 or 3 years time.

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There will be loopholes and they will be exploited.


The big clubs will find a way to circumnavigate the rules one way or another. 


wenger already publicly stated one last week and he's probably nailed it - sheik moneybags just gets one of his companies to pay citeh 50m for a sponsorship that everyone else gets say 10m for


job done


I suggested this might happen ages ago but apparently this will be illegal. :dontknow:

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so let's see what happens then. :thup:


You didn't even answer my question though, why would teams who have tried to meet the requirements (Man U are one, I think) sit idly by while Chelsea break the rules?  I know you're saying there will be loopholes but do you think clubs the size of Man U are going to let other clubs bend these rules to gain an advantage?


I'm saying the same clubs that have set the rules are the most likely to find the loopholes. Let's wait and see how it pans out. Let's see how well the rules are working in 2 or 3 years time.


Unless they all decide to use the loopholes there will be hell on.  A club that has spent five years sorting itself out will not allow another club to ignore the rules, IMO.  As you say though, I guess we will have to wait and see.  Will be interesting, certainly, to see how clubs approach.

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Guest Heneage

Why not worry about this in the summer? No point in ruining 4 months of football fretting over something like this. He's ours till then no matter what. Is it going to be like this every time we get a decent player through the doors? Or are we just so used to signing s**** upon s**** we can't handle having decent players at the club?


And if good footballers wanting to prove themselves see us as a stepping stone off selling the like of Carroll and Tiote for daft money then so be it, as there will come a time when we can hold on to them for good and hopefully if we've done it right we've got a really healthy bank balance in the process.







Buy low, sell high. It's the future.

could say that how spurs got where they are...buy...sell for a profit. if you can do it enough you move up.


They pumped the money back into the squad though and kept buying/speculating. Remains to be seen if we do the same.


The quotes from Pardew don't suggest we're prepared to do the same. How long before Enrique is looking to be away?

It remains to be seen because of this new mantra we've seen one player leave for a British transfer record might I add.


Hypothetical: Man U come in and bid £12m for Enrique. You reckon they'd turn it down?

They'd squeeze to 15.

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so let's see what happens then. :thup:


You didn't even answer my question though, why would teams who have tried to meet the requirements (Man U are one, I think) sit idly by while Chelsea break the rules?  I know you're saying there will be loopholes but do you think clubs the size of Man U are going to let other clubs bend these rules to gain an advantage?


I'm saying the same clubs that have set the rules are the most likely to find the loopholes. Let's wait and see how it pans out. Let's see how well the rules are working in 2 or 3 years time.


Unless they all decide to use the loopholes there will be hell on.  A club that has spent five years sorting itself out will not allow another club to ignore the rules, IMO.  As you say though, I guess we will have to wait and see.  Will be interesting, certainly, to see how clubs approach.


The biggest, richest clubs will come out on top. I can guarantee you that. 

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Why not worry about this in the summer? No point in ruining 4 months of football fretting over something like this. He's ours till then no matter what. Is it going to be like this every time we get a decent player through the doors? Or are we just so used to signing s**** upon s**** we can't handle having decent players at the club?


And if good footballers wanting to prove themselves see us as a stepping stone off selling the like of Carroll and Tiote for daft money then so be it, as there will come a time when we can hold on to them for good and hopefully if we've done it right we've got a really healthy bank balance in the process.







Buy low, sell high. It's the future.

could say that how spurs got where they are...buy...sell for a profit. if you can do it enough you move up.


They pumped the money back into the squad though and kept buying/speculating. Remains to be seen if we do the same.


The quotes from Pardew don't suggest we're prepared to do the same. How long before Enrique is looking to be away?

It remains to be seen because of this new mantra we've seen one player leave for a British transfer record might I add.


Hypothetical: Man U come in and bid £12m for Enrique. You reckon they'd turn it down?

They'd squeeze to 15.


Well that's ok then. 15 is much more than 12. Job done. Think of the interest. :thup:

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Guest Heneage

Why not worry about this in the summer? No point in ruining 4 months of football fretting over something like this. He's ours till then no matter what. Is it going to be like this every time we get a decent player through the doors? Or are we just so used to signing s**** upon s**** we can't handle having decent players at the club?


And if good footballers wanting to prove themselves see us as a stepping stone off selling the like of Carroll and Tiote for daft money then so be it, as there will come a time when we can hold on to them for good and hopefully if we've done it right we've got a really healthy bank balance in the process.







Buy low, sell high. It's the future.

could say that how spurs got where they are...buy...sell for a profit. if you can do it enough you move up.


They pumped the money back into the squad though and kept buying/speculating. Remains to be seen if we do the same.


The quotes from Pardew don't suggest we're prepared to do the same. How long before Enrique is looking to be away?

It remains to be seen because of this new mantra we've seen one player leave for a British transfer record might I add.


Hypothetical: Man U come in and bid £12m for Enrique. You reckon they'd turn it down?

They'd squeeze to 15.


Well that's ok then. 15 is much more than 12. Job done. Think of the interest. :thup:

Players will come and go just accept it.


£15m could get us a replacement no problem yes it would be a shame as he's a fan favourite but if it happens it happens. You also have to factor in whether he'd agree to such a move he seems quite enamored with us and would probably be second fiddle to Evra.


Tbh choosing Man United as potential suitors for a left back was always bad idea. Must try harder.

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There will be loopholes and they will be exploited.


The big clubs will find a way to circumnavigate the rules one way or another. 


wenger already publicly stated one last week and he's probably nailed it - sheik moneybags just gets one of his companies to pay citeh 50m for a sponsorship that everyone else gets say 10m for


job done


I suggested this might happen ages ago but apparently this will be illegal. :dontknow:


The sponsorship/random paying club popped into my head straight away too.

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Guest Heneage

It's been raised already but Fifa seem to happily play ignorant. The fact it's based on how much the club's make no questions asked is just asking for corruption, in theory Man City could hold a raffle and sell 20 million tickets all bought by the Sheikh and his friends at a pound each and it's fine because it's money they've raised.

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It's been raised already but Fifa seem to happily play ignorant. The fact it's based on how much the club's make no questions asked is just asking for corruption, in theory Man City could hold a raffle and sell 20 million tickets all bought by the Sheikh and his friends at a pound each and it's fine because it's money they've raised.


UEFA have also a rule within FFP that regulates "related parties" sponsorships, in order to keep them within "market prices". How effective will that be (we ourselves just got paid €30m a season for sponsorship, so 'market price' is very subjective) leaves to be said.

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Relevant income is defined as revenue from gate receipts, broadcasting rights,

sponsorship and advertising, commercial  activities and other operating income,

plus either profit on disposal of player registrations or income from disposal of

player registrations, excess proceeds on disposal of tangible fixed assets and

finance income. It does not include any non-monetary items or certain income

from non-football operations.


Relevant expenses is defined as cost of sales, employee benefits expenses and

other operating expenses, plus either amortisation or costs of acquiring player

registrations, finance costs and dividends. It does not include

depreciation/impairment of  tangible fixed assets, amortisation/impairment of

intangible fixed assets (other than player registrations), expenditure on youth 34

development activities, expenditure on community development activities, any

other non-monetary items, finance costs directly attributable to the construction

of tangible fixed assets, tax expenses  or certain expenses from non-football



Relevant income and expenses must  be calculated and reconciled by the

licensee to the annual financial statements and/or underlying accounting

records, i.e. historic, current or future financial information as appropriate.


Relevant income and expenses from related parties must be adjusted to reflect

the fair value of any such transactions.


Relevant income and expenses are further defined in Annex X.

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