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Alexei Eremenko

ross magoo

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Probably gonna be shot down in a volley of "Scottish footballs shite" venom.  Fair enough.  Hear me out then call me a cunt etc.


Kilmarnock signed the boy on loan from Metalist Karkhiv.  He tends to play off the main striker but when he drops into midfield his passing is something else, through ball especially.  I appreciate a through ball isn't so easy to come by in the EPL where defences tend to keep a bit narrower but a good passer is a good passer.  Takes a fucking demon free-kick aswell.  Just won SPL player of the month although i was singing his praises long before that.


He'll either go back to Karkhiv or somebody will sign him.  He'll no stay in the SPL because he's too good for our league.


Maybe worth a look.

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He's not great.


His younger brother on the other hand, is a far better player.


On his day yes



Alexei seems to be a cunt yes, but I get the feeling he's grown up a bit now. Maybe realises this is probably his last big chance to make it. Hope someone, maybe from prem, gives him a chance :thup:

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Alexei seems to be a c*** yes, but I get the feeling he's grown up a bit now. Maybe realises this is probably his last big chance to make it. Hope someone, maybe from prem, gives him a chance :thup:


We could probably do with a player of his position like. Am I right in saying Alexei is more of a second striker where as Roman plays deeper in midfield?


No surprise he's tearing SPL a new one like, I was shocked when he ended up at Kilmarnock even with Paatulainen (sp) as manager.

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Pure raging, chomp chomp etc.


Are you shaking with rage though, that is the question.


I'll wait til it's "top rank" time and get my money's worth.


FWIW i think we've recovered quite well since Ben Arfa's injury.  When it happened i thought our midfield would look a bit workmanlike without a flair player but in general we've coped pretty well without it.  I just don't think it would be a bad idea to have somebody like that who can unlock a defence with one ball in the squad even to bring off the bench.  Not saying he's as good as Ben Arfa but every team needs a boy like that around.

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Alexei seems to be a c*** yes, but I get the feeling he's grown up a bit now. Maybe realises this is probably his last big chance to make it. Hope someone, maybe from prem, gives him a chance :thup:


We could probably do with a player of his position like. Am I right in saying Alexei is more of a second striker where as Roman plays deeper in midfield?


No surprise he's tearing SPL a new one like, I was shocked when he ended up at Kilmarnock even with Paatulainen (sp) as manager.


He is yes. Personally I wouldnt want him at Newcastle. He's a very frustrating player to watch, doesnt do any tracking back and loves to stand waving his hands around when things dont go his way. The odd (or even more frequent) moment of brilliance doesnt really make up for it for me. Saying that I havent seen a single game from him for Killie. Seems to be doing well there but it would be quite a risk to sign him to Prem. Hope someone else takes that risk !


Roman's prefered position is CM and thats where he's mostly been used this season. Lately even a bit higher up the pitch behind Milevskiy(sp?). I like him a lot more as a player and person. Hard worker and usually a good passer. The problem for him is that he seems to be really inconsistent and makes horrendous passes every once in a while. He's still young though as you said so hoping big things from him in the future.


Guess he hasnt done too bad this season if you look at this:



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Cheers, I've watched a few Finland matches in the past purely because of Litmanen so could vaguely remember them as players. Roman is playing for a wealthy CL club so he's probably our of our reach, whereas Alexei could probably be bought for peanuts atm.


Edit: Forgot they're in the EL this season actually.

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Talking about Finnish players...the next big thing at the moment seems to be http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P%C3%ABrparim_Hetemaj


First Finn to score in the Serie A and according to Gazzetta dello Sport only one of four players in Serie A who have got a match rating of at least 6 from the paper in all their games. Key player for Brescia at the moment....


I've watched Brescia once this season and remember the commentator mentioning him as a promising player, but don't particularly remember how well he played. You'll need some youngsters coming through, considering most of your players should probably have retired already.


Since Litmanen's team got relegated, is he going to hang around there? I'm assuming he just plays the odd minutes these days, but I did see he scored a ridiculous overhead kick a few months ago.  :smitten:



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