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The low Moment: where does this rank

Guest dazzanufc1892

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Guest mickcee

Sir Bobby leaving and relegation were pretty depressing to say the least Then there was the sale of Sir Les looming and Shearer's injuryat Everton.


I also remember feeling a very simalar low to Chris's sacking when Ossie Ardiles was sacked by the club, I loved Ossie and what he was trying to do with the kids at the club but knew it was time for him to go.  But still was gutted for the little argy.



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We got relegated in the most terrible and embarassing way. The teams at the bottom of that league were SO bad and yet our multi-million pound team refused to play. It was an absolute discrace.

Then the club was for sale again, we had no manager. Everyone was worrying about becoming the next leeds. There was NO hope what so ever!

The reason we loved hughton so much was that he somehow turned the situation around by (with the help of the team) creating a good team spirit allowing our supior ability to get our of that dreadful division.

Although I don't necessarily believe he will, Pardew could come in, do average and we stay up. How the hell would that be worse than our 08 season.

Our wanker of an owner has sacked a popular manager. As much as he didn't deserve it, there is no way of knowing the result of this- good or bad (results wise).

What would defintly be bad for the club is boycoutt etc etc, attracting media attention, and then we'll be straight back to '08 mode again. And I don't think we have another Hughton to get us out again.

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Think the shock of this is worse, and the contrast to how we were feeling before.


Relegation had been approaching for a while, and it was inevitable it would happen if we kept going like we were. It was horrible, but it wasn't a total kick in the ball sack like this is.

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Think the shock of this is worse, and the contrast to how we were feeling before.


Relegation had been approaching for a while, and it was inevitable it would happen if we kept going like we were. It was horrible, but it wasn't a total kick in the ball sack like this is.


Yeah I'll give you that - I was shocked as fuck on monday when I got the text and checked the news. And it put me off my work for rest of day.

But still, I deffo don't "feel as low" as 08 ! Never want to experience that again  :weep:

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This is probably the lowest time I've ever felt about NUFC. The fact that I've been on the brink of walking away from the club just says it all. This club is such a huge part of my life- I can't stand seeing it tortured like this.

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I've been lurking on this board since the old days.  I've been a supporter since the early 90's, and with having no connection to the city.  I've stuck it out through some utter dross.  I travelled form the states to see us spank Wednesday and Southampton in Sir Bobby's first season.  I stuck through it when Keegan walked...when Dalglish underwhelmed...when Gullitt soiled St. James Park...when Sourness was appointed...when Roeder was handed the full-time position...when Keegan walked again...when that utter prick Kinnear rose from the dead to make an utter ass of himself...the horror of final day relegation...the disappointment of the board sticking with Hughton...following a Championship side from the states.


Finally, I came around to seeing that Hughton was the best thing to happen to us since Sir Bobby.  He restored hope in this club...in my supporting the club.  In a world of cronyism and utter corruption, he was a top man doing a good job...and under a disgustingly fat Kim Jong Il (if he was a bit more unhinged).


This is certainly the lowest I have felt since I jumped on the train, particularly because it reminds me of working in the corporate world and as a teacher.  Football is meant to be an escape from this.  And even that escape is taken away from us.  The whole f#cking spirit of the game...gone.  Why the f#ck am I stuck with this club when I have no real connection to it?  And yet I know that my dumb ass will be asking the same question in 10 years. 


Nearly had me in tears and thats what its all about supporting YOUR club even with no connection with our city ,i applaud you for sticking with us and WE will be around longer than that fat cunt who is a human wrecking ball .
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