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A squad in urgent need of strengthening


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Guest Heneage

In all honesty ability isn't what held a lot of today's team back, it was attitude. Normally even Premiership players can muster up enough to see off sides like this with little effort, but players like Routledge, Smith and Perch had limited ability coupled with lack of effort. Routledge in particular should have beaten his fullback all ends up instead he couldn't even complete kick and run correctly.

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As much as i don't want to see Alan Pardew build his Newcastle United - reinforcements are absolutely essential.


As he's seemingly here for the next 12months+, why don't you want the club to progress?


He might be a bit doubtful whether Pardew is the right man to be handed a transfer kitty. I know I was when Kinnear was given the money during the last premier window in Jan. Hopefully Pardew will be a bit more clued up than Kinnear but I still feel nervous.


Only just noticed this, aye that's all it is really. Exactly the same as when Kinnear was here. In my heart of hearts i don't see Pardew being here for long so i'd rather not see him blow whatever finances we have. Souness got £50m and it'd have crippled us had Ashley not 'saved' us. We need reinforcements this window but i'm cautious. Especially if he sees right-wing as a priority*.


*Though we do need to improve the cover. 


Wrong. We're stuck with the dour prick.

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If anything positive has come out of today, it's that Pardew has rammed home his lack of squad depth.


Fwiw I reckon that's the reason Airey came on. It smacked of "look Mike, look what I've been reduced to without Carroll fit".

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Get a right winger in.  My patience with Routledge snapped today.  The guy is just a headless chicken.


But we musnt sign a right winger, coz Joey has been amazing there!! We dont need a squad man, just a starting 11 remember!?


Tbh I don't see many people complaining about getting a right winger in. Just the likes of Bentley, as he would push Barton off the starting bertth if we had signed him (as proven by the must play clause in going to Brum). Other than the delusional people who think we're 'too good' for Larsson, people are pleased we're getting an experienced, good age, steady PL player to add to the squad. If it goes through of course.

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