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This a good one for a caption competition?

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Reuters: FIFA 15 to still be released, despite deadly pandemic that only affected quality footballers.


"A return to normalcy." - Unnamed EA representative.


Although the untraceable disease that mysteriously only claims talented football players is still ravaging the rosters and leagues of nations across the globe, things will be as they once were again in the virtual world. "We had a very difficult time finding a star for the cover, and most thought it was in bad taste to put Rooney on the cover now, considering what the disease has done to his face..."




A retired Wayne Rooney wears a shoal to cover his disease ravaged, purple visage. PHOTO AP


Players are warned not to develop youngsters past a certain point, because the disease "is in the game."


"We felt it was only right to include it, not only out of a dedication to the realism of the game, but maybe we can learn more about it through hundreds of thousands of FIFA man hours."


Things aren't all bad, according to EA analysis: "This is the first year where we're seeing people online actually select teams other than Barcelona and Real Madrid. The disease is deadly, and must be stopped, of course. But it has done absolute wonders for parity."




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