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Alan Pardew


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This recurring theme cannot continue for long, in addition to relying on a different in-form striker to bail us out every half-term.


I'm as equally inclined to say that Cisse's baron spell cannot go on as i am to say that Remy's purple patch can't.


Ramsay and Giroud have 55% of Arsenal's goals.

Remy and Gouffran have 63% of our goals.

Soldado and Sigurdson have 64% of Spurs' goals

Rooney & Van Persie have 68 % of Man U's

Sturridge and Suarez have 72% of Liverpool's.


Having an in form goal scorer or two is vital to the majority of teams that want to be doing well.


You are absolutely right of course. Having said that, if you watch all the above goals scored between all the above players you will notice a glaring difference in the way they were scored. We create nowhere near as many clear cut chances as the above pairings get (barring Soldado & Sigurdsson).


The football we play relies on scraps and moments of individual brilliance in the majority. Naturally, scraps and wonder goals are part of football, but they are not as sustainable as playing in a way that creates more clear-cut chances for your forwards and midfielders to score from. The worry is, if we go through a barren "unlucky" spell, where we get no scraps to feed off, and Sissoko/Cabaye/Remy don't pull rabbits out of hats for a while, what do we do then?


Surely there must be a way to score "easier" goals with a more distinct style of play? This is clearly evidenced by Cisse's horrendous lack of form. Yes he's missed one or two sitters, but they come so rarely. A forward lacking in form and confidence needs even more service. We spent bloody 10M on the lad, might as well figure out a way to get that confidence back up again. (Not excluding Cisse from criticism here at all, as I believe he also needs to pull his finger out).

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To say our gameplan is unsustainable isn't correct, imo. We'll get results against the majority if we keep playing like this. However, an injury to one of Gouffran or Sissoko (a wing pairing that he's fluked upon, really) will throw that whole gameplan out of the window, because it's as reliant on their incredible stamina as it is Remy's goals. So it's unsustainable in the respect that the squad is still imbalanced/lacking in strength-in-depth.


But that was always going to be the case if we intended to go 4-4-2 without buying a winger.

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I wasn't watching a different game at all really, I do think we deserved to win though.


I think this talk about what kind of winning is 'sustainable' is nonsensical to a large extent. We've won four in a row, that's not bad. One spell we're relying on Cisse, now we're relying on Remy, then we're relying on unexpected goals from the liked of Sissoko. Then we're criticised for not spreading the goals around enough, though we just got a win when Remy wasn't playing well.


I know what people mean, it's true we aren't dominating teams over 90 minutes. But who is? Even the likes of Chelsea are relying on set piece goals, and even Man City can only do it every other week.


Nothing I've posted recently would lead anyone to believe I think everything's great. Bit you know, sometimes it's a good idea to enjoy a bit of success without constantly worrying about when it's going to end.


This is the crux of it Ian. I disagree. The better sides are dominating games they should be dominating. Sure, the league is more open this year than previous editions. But why does that necessarily mean that we can't ask for our team to at least TRY to score the 3rd and 4th that would kill the game off? Why can't we ask to be entertained? Everton did it against Stoke, Liverpool regularly do it at home against the weaker sides. It's the "nature" of football that say 7 times out of 10, the better side will dominate a match at home to a less fancied side.


Of course you get your anomalies, and off-days etc., but those become understandable when you don't consistently see a discernible drop-off in attacking play and focus on backs to the wall defence, when you're 2-0 at home to Norwich/Hull/WBA. Has a lot to do with the damp atmosphere at home as well. Imagine the place if say 5 times out of 10 we won by a comfortable 2 or 3 goals against the weaker sides, playing a cohesive attacking gutsy brand of football.

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Guest Haris Vuckic

To say our gameplan is unsustainable isn't correct, imo. We'll get results against the majority if we keep playing like this. However, an injury to one of Gouffran or Sissoko (a wing pairing that he's fluked upon, really) will throw that whole gameplan out of the window, because it's as reliant on their incredible stamina as it is Remy's goals. It's unsustainable in that respect.


But that was always going to be the case if we intended to go 4-4-2 without buying a winger.


How has he fluked upon it? He put Sissoko out wide when everybody was kicking off about it & he persevered with it. He's got other options other than Gouffran to play so I wouldn't say that's a fluke either.


It sounds more like his idea of the players he has rather than some fluke. In addition he's worked brilliantly to get Gouffran playing like he has.


I think if it was most other managers other than Pardew doing well people would be more receptive but a couple of people went over the top calling Pardew worse than shit last year so now he's getting results they don't know how to handle it.


Hence looking for any reason possible we don't ''deserve'' a win.


Anyway I'm just enjoying the wins.  :coolsmiley:



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This recurring theme cannot continue for long, in addition to relying on a different in-form striker to bail us out every half-term.


I'm as equally inclined to say that Cisse's baron spell cannot go on as i am to say that Remy's purple patch can't.


Ramsay and Giroud have 55% of Arsenal's goals.

Remy and Gouffran have 63% of our goals.

Soldado and Sigurdson have 64% of Spurs' goals

Rooney & Van Persie have 68 % of Man U's

Sturridge and Suarez have 72% of Liverpool's.


Having an in form goal scorer or two is vital to the majority of teams that want to be doing well.


You are absolutely right of course. Having said that, if you watch all the above goals scored between all the above players you will notice a glaring difference in the way they were scored. We create nowhere near as many clear cut chances as the above pairings get (barring Soldado & Sigurdsson).


The football we play relies on scraps and moments of individual brilliance in the majority. Naturally, scraps and wonder goals are part of football, but they are not as sustainable as playing in a way that creates more clear-cut chances for your forwards and midfielders to score from. The worry is, if we go through a barren "unlucky" spell, where we get no scraps to feed off, and Sissoko/Cabaye/Remy don't pull rabbits out of hats for a while, what do we do then?


Surely there must be a way to score "easier" goals with a more distinct style of play? This is clearly evidenced by Cisse's horrendous lack of form. Yes he's missed one or two sitters, but they come so rarely. A forward lacking in form and confidence needs even more service. We spent bloody 10M on the lad, might as well figure out a way to get that confidence back up again. (Not excluding Cisse from criticism here at all, as I believe he also needs to pull his finger out).


There is a large dose of truth in that although if you point it out you will probably be accused of moaning. Look at our goals in the last two matches for example. Norwich gifted us both our goals last week, Gouffran would never normally be allowed to head into an empty net like he did on Sunday, and then there was a wonder strike from Sissoko. We still don't look that good in the final third but we are causing teams problems and it's leading to goals one way or another.

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This recurring theme cannot continue for long, in addition to relying on a different in-form striker to bail us out every half-term.


I'm as equally inclined to say that Cisse's baron spell cannot go on as i am to say that Remy's purple patch can't.


Ramsay and Giroud have 55% of Arsenal's goals.

Remy and Gouffran have 63% of our goals.

Soldado and Sigurdson have 64% of Spurs' goals

Rooney & Van Persie have 68 % of Man U's

Sturridge and Suarez have 72% of Liverpool's.


Having an in form goal scorer or two is vital to the majority of teams that want to be doing well.


You are absolutely right of course. Having said that, if you watch all the above goals scored between all the above players you will notice a glaring difference in the way they were scored. We create nowhere near as many clear cut chances as the above pairings get (barring Soldado & Sigurdsson).


The football we play relies on scraps and moments of individual brilliance in the majority. Naturally, scraps and wonder goals are part of football, but they are not as sustainable as playing in a way that creates more clear-cut chances for your forwards and midfielders to score from. The worry is, if we go through a barren "unlucky" spell, where we get no scraps to feed off, and Sissoko/Cabaye/Remy don't pull rabbits out of hats for a while, what do we do then?


Surely there must be a way to score "easier" goals with a more distinct style of play? This is clearly evidenced by Cisse's horrendous lack of form. Yes he's missed one or two sitters, but they come so rarely. A forward lacking in form and confidence needs even more service. We spent bloody 10M on the lad, might as well figure out a way to get that confidence back up again. (Not excluding Cisse from criticism here at all, as I believe he also needs to pull his finger out).


I think it's clear to anyone watching that we aren't trying to score perfect goals.  We don't play it into the box on the deck and bamboozle defences with our attacking movement.  But what we do is effective.  We have a lot of attempts.  And if you have a go ten times, one of them has a chance of coming off, whether it's from a long range whack, a cross into a crowd of bodies or a through ball on the break. 



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To say our gameplan is unsustainable isn't correct, imo. We'll get results against the majority if we keep playing like this. However, an injury to one of Gouffran or Sissoko (a wing pairing that he's fluked upon, really) will throw that whole gameplan out of the window, because it's as reliant on their incredible stamina as it is Remy's goals. It's unsustainable in that respect.


But that was always going to be the case if we intended to go 4-4-2 without buying a winger.


How has he fluked upon it? He put Sissoko out wide when everybody was kicking off about it & he persevered with it. He's got other options other than Gouffran to play so I wouldn't say that's a fluke either.


It sounds more like his idea of the players he has rather than some fluke. In addition he's worked brilliantly to get Gouffran playing like he has.


I think if it was most other managers other than Pardew doing well people would be more receptive but a couple of people went over the top calling Pardew worse than s*** last year so now he's getting results they don't know how to handle it.


Hence looking for any reason possible we don't ''deserve'' a win.


Anyway I'm just enjoying the wins.  :coolsmiley:


No one isn't enjoying the wins. Some of us are just pointing out that the football we play is somewhat disjointed and inconsistent. What Pardew has managed to do in this run is get the players visibly up for the games (something he failed to do on many occasions last season), and for that he deserves credit. That motivation and "will to win" is the only consistent element I have noticed during this run. The football remains pap. We play some lovely stuff out of the back and into the middle third. If he wants to keep this up, he must work harder on translating that into the danger areas.


And for the record, this idea that people WANT Pardew to fail is absolutely ridiculous for obvious reasons. Unless you are a mackem, you want whoever is NUFC manager to succeed.

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There is a large dose of truth in that although if you point it out you will probably be accused of moaning. Look at our goals in the last two matches for example. Norwich gifted us both our goals last week, Gouffran would never normally be allowed to head into an empty net like he did on Sunday, and then there was a wonder strike from Sissoko. We still don't look that good in the final third but we are causing teams problems and it's leading to goals one way or another.




It's the law of averages.  it's not individual brilliance because we had 19 other efforts against Norwich that were going all over the shop.  Out for throw ins, 30 yards over, straight at the keeper etc.  Just needs one or two of the speculative attempts to come off... and we're really hammering that speculative approach.

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This recurring theme cannot continue for long, in addition to relying on a different in-form striker to bail us out every half-term.


I'm as equally inclined to say that Cisse's baron spell cannot go on as i am to say that Remy's purple patch can't.


Ramsay and Giroud have 55% of Arsenal's goals.

Remy and Gouffran have 63% of our goals.

Soldado and Sigurdson have 64% of Spurs' goals

Rooney & Van Persie have 68 % of Man U's

Sturridge and Suarez have 72% of Liverpool's.


Having an in form goal scorer or two is vital to the majority of teams that want to be doing well.


You are absolutely right of course. Having said that, if you watch all the above goals scored between all the above players you will notice a glaring difference in the way they were scored. We create nowhere near as many clear cut chances as the above pairings get (barring Soldado & Sigurdsson).


The football we play relies on scraps and moments of individual brilliance in the majority. Naturally, scraps and wonder goals are part of football, but they are not as sustainable as playing in a way that creates more clear-cut chances for your forwards and midfielders to score from. The worry is, if we go through a barren "unlucky" spell, where we get no scraps to feed off, and Sissoko/Cabaye/Remy don't pull rabbits out of hats for a while, what do we do then?


Surely there must be a way to score "easier" goals with a more distinct style of play? This is clearly evidenced by Cisse's horrendous lack of form. Yes he's missed one or two sitters, but they come so rarely. A forward lacking in form and confidence needs even more service. We spent bloody 10M on the lad, might as well figure out a way to get that confidence back up again. (Not excluding Cisse from criticism here at all, as I believe he also needs to pull his finger out).


I think it's clear to anyone watching that we aren't trying to score perfect goals.  We don't play it into the box on the deck and bamboozle defences with our attacking movement.  But what we do is effective.  We have a lot of attempts.  And if you have a go ten times, one of them has a chance of coming off, whether it's from a long range whack, a cross into a crowd of bodies or a through ball on the break.


Well I'm not by any means asking for sweeping Arsenal style goals. I'm realistic enough to know that a) it takes years and a certain kind of footballing philosophy at the club to produce that kind of football. And b) that the Ashley/Kinnear/Pardew combo is probably not the holy trinity to produce it.


What I'd like to see is more goals like Remy's against Spurs and Chelsea. Ben Arfa's away at Villa. Some of the tap ins Cisse scored on his debut season. These goals show that you've opened up the opposition defence and made it easier for the forward/midfielder to finish.

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To say our gameplan is unsustainable isn't correct, imo. We'll get results against the majority if we keep playing like this. However, an injury to one of Gouffran or Sissoko (a wing pairing that he's fluked upon, really) will throw that whole gameplan out of the window, because it's as reliant on their incredible stamina as it is Remy's goals. It's unsustainable in that respect.


But that was always going to be the case if we intended to go 4-4-2 without buying a winger.


How has he fluked upon it? He put Sissoko out wide when everybody was kicking off about it & he persevered with it. He's got other options other than Gouffran to play so I wouldn't say that's a fluke either.


It sounds more like his idea of the players he has rather than some fluke. In addition he's worked brilliantly to get Gouffran playing like he has.


I think if it was most other managers other than Pardew doing well people would be more receptive but a couple of people went over the top calling Pardew worse than shit last year so now he's getting results they don't know how to handle it.


Hence looking for any reason possible we don't ''deserve'' a win.


Anyway I'm just enjoying the wins.  :coolsmiley:




He was worse than shit last year. This year he's gone back to basics and that was a good decision because it's the football he knows best.

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To say our gameplan is unsustainable isn't correct, imo. We'll get results against the majority if we keep playing like this. However, an injury to one of Gouffran or Sissoko (a wing pairing that he's fluked upon, really) will throw that whole gameplan out of the window, because it's as reliant on their incredible stamina as it is Remy's goals. It's unsustainable in that respect.


But that was always going to be the case if we intended to go 4-4-2 without buying a winger.


How has he fluked upon it? He put Sissoko out wide when everybody was kicking off about it & he persevered with it. He's got other options other than Gouffran to play so I wouldn't say that's a fluke either.


It sounds more like his idea of the players he has rather than some fluke. In addition he's worked brilliantly to get Gouffran playing like he has.


I think if it was most other managers other than Pardew doing well people would be more receptive but a couple of people went over the top calling Pardew worse than s*** last year so now he's getting results they don't know how to handle it.


Hence looking for any reason possible we don't ''deserve'' a win.


Anyway I'm just enjoying the wins.  :coolsmiley:




He was worse than s*** last year. This year he's gone back to basics and that was a good decision because it's the football he knows best.


Yup. But this is his ceiling. If he does well and we find ourselves in the Europa league again, we're fucked. He may have solidified our spot in the PL, but we need to kick on from here and allow our football club, with some of the players in its current squad to reach their full potential. Ergo, Pardew and Ashley must fuck off  :D

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Well I'm not by any means asking for sweeping Arsenal style goals. I'm realistic enough to know that a) it takes years and a certain kind of footballing philosophy at the club to produce that kind of football. And b) that the Ashley/Kinnear/Pardew combo is probably not the holy trinity to produce it.


What I'd like to see is more goals like Remy's against Spurs and Chelsea. Ben Arfa's away at Villa. Some of the tap ins Cisse scored on his debut season. These goals show that you've opened up the opposition defence and made it easier for the forward/midfielder to finish.


The goals you mention are interesting because they were against teams who had the onus on them to attack us.  Champions League contenders and/or home teams who we had space to run in behind.


Norwich, and WBA are not going to commit to attacking away from home at SJP like any of those other teams we scored prettier goals against.  The space for us to attack is much more limited.

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To say our gameplan is unsustainable isn't correct, imo. We'll get results against the majority if we keep playing like this. However, an injury to one of Gouffran or Sissoko (a wing pairing that he's fluked upon, really) will throw that whole gameplan out of the window, because it's as reliant on their incredible stamina as it is Remy's goals. It's unsustainable in that respect.


But that was always going to be the case if we intended to go 4-4-2 without buying a winger.


How has he fluked upon it? He put Sissoko out wide when everybody was kicking off about it & he persevered with it. He's got other options other than Gouffran to play so I wouldn't say that's a fluke either.


It sounds more like his idea of the players he has rather than some fluke. In addition he's worked brilliantly to get Gouffran playing like he has.


I think if it was most other managers other than Pardew doing well people would be more receptive but a couple of people went over the top calling Pardew worse than shit last year so now he's getting results they don't know how to handle it.


Hence looking for any reason possible we don't ''deserve'' a win.


Anyway I'm just enjoying the wins.  :coolsmiley:


He was forced into playing Sissoko on the right, really. Obertan's rubbish, Sammy isn't ready (probably never will be) and Hatem isn't going to work as an orthodox right-winger. I'm not saying Pardew's fluked the whole gameplan, because he hasn't and I believe it's the only one he truly knows how to implement. Nor am I saying he hasn't delivered good instructions to his wingers. But he's struck lucky in that Sissoko has one or two attributes that make him a candidate for this team's RW. That's saved us really because, having not signed a winger, we'd constantly be changing the team in an attempt to find a balance - like last season.


It isn't all the manager's fault, like. For all it isn't pretty to watch, I'm happy with the current gameplan and I really like Sissoko, but his current role in the side is another example of Pardew: A) not being allowed to build a squad that suits his limited tactical skills (board's fault) and B) not being able to find a system that allows his best players to play in their best positions (manager's fault).

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Guest Haris Vuckic

I really think we're spending too much time trying to explain why our own goals and wins aren't really valid TBH. :lol:


In my opinion - people wouldn't bother with a more popular manager.


I.e they would relish this season's performance from Hughton. People were saying last year Pardew is worse than Souness etc etc,

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Guest neesy111

We're doing well and playing decent football, as long that continues I'll be happy.  Just hope the players don't get carried away and take it 1 game at a time.

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He was worse than shit last year. This year he's gone back to basics and that was a good decision because it's the football he knows best.


Absolutely right.


i really hope the fitness holds for him like or we might have to see what he's made of when things are difficult again :anguish:

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Well I'm not by any means asking for sweeping Arsenal style goals. I'm realistic enough to know that a) it takes years and a certain kind of footballing philosophy at the club to produce that kind of football. And b) that the Ashley/Kinnear/Pardew combo is probably not the holy trinity to produce it.


What I'd like to see is more goals like Remy's against Spurs and Chelsea. Ben Arfa's away at Villa. Some of the tap ins Cisse scored on his debut season. These goals show that you've opened up the opposition defence and made it easier for the forward/midfielder to finish.


The goals you mention are interesting because they were against teams who had the onus on them to attack us.  Champions League contenders and/or home teams who we had space to run in behind.


Norwich, and WBA are not going to commit to attacking away from home at SJP like any of those other teams we scored prettier goals against.  The space for us to attack is much more limited.


True about the away games, not entirely true about the home games. When we went 2-0 against Norwich, they came at us second half. Instead of immediately changing our formation to counter attack them with pace, we took Remy off and sat back, when we could have exploited that. There was a slight improvement in attitude against West Brom, and although we conceded, we didn't let the panic set in.

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I really think we're spending too much time trying to explain why our own goals and wins aren't really valid TBH. :lol:


who said they weren't valid ian?  i missed it, can you point me in the right direction mate...


These posts are really annoying, FWIW. I obviously don't mean literally.

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Well I'm not by any means asking for sweeping Arsenal style goals. I'm realistic enough to know that a) it takes years and a certain kind of footballing philosophy at the club to produce that kind of football. And b) that the Ashley/Kinnear/Pardew combo is probably not the holy trinity to produce it.


What I'd like to see is more goals like Remy's against Spurs and Chelsea. Ben Arfa's away at Villa. Some of the tap ins Cisse scored on his debut season. These goals show that you've opened up the opposition defence and made it easier for the forward/midfielder to finish.


The goals you mention are interesting because they were against teams who had the onus on them to attack us.  Champions League contenders and/or home teams who we had space to run in behind.


Norwich, and WBA are not going to commit to attacking away from home at SJP like any of those other teams we scored prettier goals against.  The space for us to attack is much more limited.


True about the away games, not entirely true about the home games. When we went 2-0 against Norwich, they came at us second half. Instead of immediately changing our formation to counter attack them with pace, we took Remy off and sat back, when we could have exploited that. There was a slight improvement in attitude against West Brom, and although we conceded, we didn't let the panic set in.


we know he can't react well to changes during a game though don't we? 


the counter-attack thing is bang on the money too, it should be our plan b and worked on very hard in training, we're well set up for it

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Guest icemanblue

Well I'm not by any means asking for sweeping Arsenal style goals. I'm realistic enough to know that a) it takes years and a certain kind of footballing philosophy at the club to produce that kind of football. And b) that the Ashley/Kinnear/Pardew combo is probably not the holy trinity to produce it.


What I'd like to see is more goals like Remy's against Spurs and Chelsea. Ben Arfa's away at Villa. Some of the tap ins Cisse scored on his debut season. These goals show that you've opened up the opposition defence and made it easier for the forward/midfielder to finish.


The goals you mention are interesting because they were against teams who had the onus on them to attack us.  Champions League contenders and/or home teams who we had space to run in behind.


Norwich, and WBA are not going to commit to attacking away from home at SJP like any of those other teams we scored prettier goals against.  The space for us to attack is much more limited.


True about the away games, not entirely true about the home games. When we went 2-0 against Norwich, they came at us second half. Instead of immediately changing our formation to counter attack them with pace, we took Remy off and sat back, when we could have exploited that. There was a slight improvement in attitude against West Brom, and although we conceded, we didn't let the panic set in.


No, we didn't.

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