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I've got very little time for the bloke, but I've got even less for the idiots that boo our own players.  It's funny as well cos you turn around to look at the bloke that's booing, and it'll be some fat 50 year old, all red-nosed and half-alcoholic with his Lord Anthony anorak and his flat cap on, arms folded, booing like a bairn at a Punch and Judy show.  And you just think, you fat ignorant piece of shit.


Or I do anyway.  bluebigrazz.gif


I hope you let them know what you think (in the politest possible manner).

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Guest Gemmill

I've got very little time for the bloke, but I've got even less for the idiots that boo our own players.  It's funny as well cos you turn around to look at the bloke that's booing, and it'll be some fat 50 year old, all red-nosed and half-alcoholic with his Lord Anthony anorak and his flat cap on, arms folded, booing like a bairn at a Punch and Judy show.  And you just think, you fat ignorant piece of shit.


Or I do anyway.  bluebigrazz.gif


I hope you let them know what you think (in the politest possible manner).


A withering look of contempt normally suffices.  :cool:

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"But he kept showing for the ball and playing well."


I don't think thats true.  He was hiding quite a lot 2nd half.  Several times he tucked himself inside when Ramage had the ball, rather than moving out to the touchline and making himself available.  Result was usually a pass back to Given who then booted it upfield, invariably straight back to Reading

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I admit that Babayaro was SHIT against Reading and NEVER seen him play that bad...I almost can go down to the level that I would say (and I can't believe I am saying this) that I've seen better performances from Ramage than Babayaro today...


Overall I think Babayaro is a better player than this and has shown much better form than this...This is not his normal game...


Also booing him was a disgrace...Didn't people notice how the booing actually made him more nervous and worried about making another mistake and hence affected his game so badly...Ineresting how after Martins scored the equaliser, Babayaro started to play much better as it shows that it is all about confidence and belief in onceself...


Stop booing individual players you idiots, instead just don't clap and stay silent if you are not happy about a certain player when playing  at home...

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Guest TampaToon

he's never been a world-beater, but i never expected him to play up to even his standards after a month out. reading move the ball really well, and they look a tough team to keep up with regardless


the booing doesn't help anybody but our opponents....in the 2nd half, it looked like he wanted nothing of the ball, rarely ran with it and always getting rid of it within about 3 seconds - those fans pretty clearly put him even further off his game.


an upgrade is a must in january, but baba's gonna be a newcastle player for a while yet IMO, and the fans booing him at SJP did his play for the long haul no favors today....he's no superstar, but he still has the postential of going boumsong on us if those fans do a proper job of wrecking his confidence.

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Guest TheOrder

he's never been a world-beater, but i never expected him to play up to even his standards after a month out. reading move the ball really well, and they look a tough team to keep up with regardless


the booing doesn't help anybody but our opponents....in the 2nd half, it looked like he wanted nothing of the ball, rarely ran with it and always getting rid of it within about 3 seconds - the fans pretty clearly put him even further off his game.


an upgrade is a must in january, but baba's gonna be a newcastle player for a while yet IMO, and the fans at SJP did his play for the long haul no favors today....he's no superstar, but he still has the postential of going boumsong on us if the fans do a proper job of wrecking his confidence.


Not 'the fans'. A fucking small percentage of 'the fans'.




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Guest TampaToon

Not 'the fans'. A f***ing small percentage of 'the fans'.


true, i stand corrected - let's just say "the fans" = those fans; i edited accordingly

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Regardless of whether the guys got the skill to play at this level or not, booing him during a game is surely only gonna play into the hands of the opposition -- burn him in effigy outside perhaps -- but abusing the guy during the game is akin to shooting ourselves in the foot (although that is what we pay the management for). It will make him nervy and even worse, and put the rest of the team on edge.


In any case, given the injuries theres not much we can do up until Jan 1st other than grin and bear it, and continue to debate the ethics of booing your own team.. (aka what sunderland fans must enjoy seeing).



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Given defending him in the Chronicle saying he shouldn't have even played considering he'd only trained a couple of days and was doing a favour making himself available.

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Given defending him in the Chronicle saying he shouldn't have even played considering he'd only trained a couple of days and was doing a favour making himself available.


I suppose he had a point. Who would we have played in that position if he hadn`t played?  He was rubbish but he is usually ok, better than Carr anyway.

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How about a song for him next match, tongues firming in cheek of course...


"Oh, Oh, Ohh, He's magic.

You knooow.

You'll never beat Babayarooooo,

He's magic,

you knooow....."

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Couldnt agree with this more and i take my hat off to Biffa for putting it so eloquently


"We're not excusing Babayaro's poor showing in the first half, but the evidence of our eyes shows it took him an hour to shake off his ring-rustiness before making a vital contribution in the closing stages.


We just don't believe that slack-jawed arseholes in the paddocks shouting at him made the difference.


We've been down this road before and as in previous times, we just fail to understand what  hounding our own players in this sort of hysterical knee-jerk manner is meant to achieve.


What twisted gratification do people get from forking out to watch this stuff, then seemingly doing their best to undermine the team they profess to support?


Most of those involved couldn't spell anarchy, let alone be motivated enough to try and provoke disorder and unsettle the current regime. It's no more than slack-jawed buffoonery.


There's a fine line between a gut reaction and outburst when something goes wrong and a pre -meditated intention to slag players off, or indeed the whole team.


Unfortunately we have a faction of "fans" at present who are ready to switching into the latter mode at the drop of a cross.. Strange though that they become shy bairns when providing encouragement to the team is required - or staying in their seats until full time.


Like the Bramble thing, we're not 100% sure that there's not a racially motivated angle to it all, with certain throwbacks taking advantage of the chance to indulge in some good old-fashioned baiting whenever one of our non-white players falls below a certain standard."


I have my suspicions too. To any man who booed Baba - You're a proper cunt.

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First off, I wasn't at the match. However, it sounds like Bullshit, imo. The booing may be irrational, but I don't think it's racial. If that were Bernard he wouldn't have got half the stick beacuse the fans like him: he gave 100% every match and didn't come across as a money-grabbing cunt. It's out of order, imo, but fans have booed other players in the past with no regard for skin colour--Robert, Andy O'Brien, Nicky Butt, Viana--as well as getting behind players that, quite frankly, didn't do a lot to deserve it: Jenas, Faye, Kluivert, Cart Cort, Lua Lua, Shaka Hislop, Miran-bloody-dinha among others.

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Totally reasonable report from .com, the knee-jerking from some (not most) gets right on my tits.


Is the booing knee-jerk or the people's opinion of him being one of the shittest, unreliable, unmotivated pieces of shit the club has ever paid millions to?

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Totally reasonable report from .com, the knee-jerking from some (not most) gets right on my tits.


Is the booing knee-jerk or the people's opinion of him being one of the shittest, unreliable, unmotivated pieces of shit the club has ever paid millions to?


I think you can guess from my post. Are you admitting to joining in the boos?

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really think babayaro had it coming


i mean the chance's of him doing something good in a match are 10% of the chances of LUQUE doing something good!!


i lost my faith in him,carr a long time ago,i think they are useless player who will do nothing but harm to our club..

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Totally reasonable report from .com, the knee-jerking from some (not most) gets right on my tits.


Is the booing knee-jerk or the people's opinion of him being one of the shittest, unreliable, unmotivated pieces of shit the club has ever paid millions to?


I think you can guess from my post. Are you admitting to joining in the boos?


I'm with the opinion that he's a proper cunt, and even though i'd never boo a player at a match (quite happily give them shit ranting and raving at a TV screen) i don't blame those who got sick of the tosser, and finally crossed the line with him. However, there have been plenty of other times he' deserved it more, not just straight from injury.


He's a slimy arsehole, and him and Carr are the biggest weaknesses this club have right now, and the fact the twat gets more money in a week than most see in a year, pisses me off to the back teeth as he simply doesn't deserve it, and certainly doesn't appreciate it.



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People can do what they like obviously, but it's a deeper problem at SJP, booing whenever we're losing, even when the performance is no worse than say the previous week winning. That pisses me off more than overpaid underachievers.

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