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Got Got Need - Panini World Cup Sticker Album - Swapsies etc


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It’s that time again, where fully grown adults get excited about something they should’ve stopped doing a long long time ago, no not w*nking...it’s World Cup Sticker time.


Four years ago this thread was a top top top top place to be, let’s make it the same roaring success as last time.


Anyway. Post your swaps etc to help each other collect the full set so the completed album can sit in a drawer for the rest of time.

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Despite convincing myself to not get involved this time I got sucked in however £3.99 for the album??? I'm sure they were free last WC.


Packs are 80p now n all.


I have a Michael Lang in the house who I'm happy to post to whoever.

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The bairn has been collecting them for about 6 weeks now and has already amassed around 200 doubles.


For anyone with a Costco card you can buy them in there for 55p a pack although you have to buy 20 packets at a time!

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