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Toon line up top targets

Guest smoggeordie

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We didn't/don't need defenders.


Our defenders are that good that we've got to play our best right sided midfielder in defence and pack the defence with midfielders and play one up front.


bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif


We correctly spent £5 million (33% of our transfer budget) on a winger who has done nothing since he's been here but he will be good value if he turns out to be as good as he was at Blackburn.


bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif



here comes the genius again.


How did you know he wasn't going to reproduce his Blackburn form from day 1 ?




Solano is playing right back because of numerous injuries and he has played there many times for Peru. I thought you said you knew your football. Maybe moving him there is a good tactical move in view of this and the fact he is getting older ? Thank you for admitting we are short of forwards BTW.




Can you tell us who would have scored the goals if Martins and Sibierski hadn't been brought in and why you think a 19 year old lad was going to play 50 games this season ? It must be choking you that the signings you didn't want are now doing well and are proving to be very important.




There are plenty of people in this thread who think we should be spending more money. Whats your reply to them ?


Can you tell us how Peter Beardsley was so well known his fee when we bought him rocketed to a colossal 150,000 quid ?


Can you tell us why pre-1992 all our locally born England players with their careers ahead of them all wanted to leave the club ?


Take your time. I understand you will struggle with this one.


Can you tell us why Martins came here, was it because we made him feel like he was wanted and that he was signing for a big club. Can you explain why Duff chose us instead of Liverpool - was it because Liverpool didn't make him feel as wanted as we did ? Why did Parker choose us before Everton last summer ? Was it because he saw us as a bigger club and we made him feel wanted ? 


Good planning ?


anyway, surprisingly you clipped this part of your last response, you can answer it now if you like, I understand you didn't deliberately clip it because you had no answer to it ?




Where have I ever said I knew he wasn't going to produce his Blackburn form from day 1?  I know, it'll be the voices.


Moving Solano to right back was because we didn't have anybody else good enough for that position, we might have been better off on that account if we'd done some work on the defence during the window, something which we did try but we left it so late that we screwed up.  As for him playing in that position for Peru, so what, we moved him into defence because Carr was injured so stop trying to dress it up as something else you desperate fool.


We are short of forwards, we're also short of defenders, Leazes (should be paddock).  We might not be as short in the forward department if we ran the football club in a better way and out-bid Liverpool for Owen by a £million rather than doubling what they bid, we would have had the same again to spend on someone else.  I virtually said that when we bought him, we put all of our eggs into one basket because his fee could have brought in two players at least, if we had used our heads instead of acting like some kind of lottery winners who've never had money before.


Where did I say a 19 year old was going to play 50 games?


My reply to those who think we should spend "more money" is that we should spend money to strengthen the team, and not try to double what our only rivals are willing to pay, if we had used that criteria while Souness was here we wouldn't have posted a massive loss recently, have you got a problem with that?


What has Beardsley got to do with this thread you fool?  Beardsley was well known enough for Man U to take him on trial, was he not?  They also handed money over to his club, did they not?


I've answered your question about why the locally born players wanted to leave, if you can't read then that's your problem.  If Ellis is such a shite chairman, is Shepherd worse than shite because Ellis guided Villa to a higher league finish than Newcastle under Shepherd more often than not?  I've highlighted a one of your comments above which applies to this question to save me from typing it, you hypocritical fool, you've failed to answer it for months.


You clip others posts so don't demand comments from others until you start practicing what you preach.  How the hell do I know why he chose us over Liverpool?  It could be that he felt he had less competition for places here, it could be that we offered him more money, it could also be that Liverpool didn't make a bid and the transfer window was almost over and he wasn't going to get a game with his current club, do you know the answer?



You commented on Duff not showing the form he showed at Blackburn - you said We correctly spent £5 million (33% of our transfer budget) on a winger who has done nothing since he's been here but he will be good value if he turns out to be as good as he was at Blackburn.


We currently have the 8th best defence in the premiership, has improved hugely recently, and one of the poorest scoring records and only 2 out and out forwards, one of which is a stop gap. It is obvious - apart from to people like you - that we are better off for defenders than forwards. You desperate fool.


If you realise a 19 year old lad wasn't going to play 50 games, what is your problem with buying Duff ?


The idea of spending money is to strengthen the team. This is what the club do, and have done since 1992, although in your warped mind you think this is no different to the directors for 30 years pre-1992 who actually sold our best players instead.


Nice to see why he chose us over Liverpool, it makes a change rather than sell players to Liverpool, especially locally born England players although why Liverpool didn't buy him for 150,000 quid instead of over 2m a few years later, beats me. Do you know why they would do this, as you say he was "well known through being on the books of manu" and Liverpool is a damn sight nearer Manchester than Newcastle ? Do you think every player signed by manu is "well known" through being on the books of manure, you stupid fool  :lol: [and back then they weren't winning the league either]. As I told you previously, I was working in the south at the time and nobody had heard of him, they only heard of him when we were promoted and even then most people thought Waddle was the best, being the first to win both an under 21 and a full cap for England - FACT.


Doug Ellis took over Aston Villa when they were European Champions, since then they have gone massively backwards. For 26 years. And in the last decade they have not appeared in europe more than us, nor do they have a higher average league position.


I don't clip posts very often. When I occasionally do, it is not to avoid answering questions I can't answer, unlike yourself.


In fact, I'll quote the bits you avoided again - I said  Can you tell us why Martins came here, was it because we made him feel like he was wanted and that he was signing for a big club.  Can you explain why Duff chose us instead of Liverpool - was it because Liverpool didn't make him feel as wanted as we did ?  Why did Parker choose us before Everton last summer ? Was it because he saw us as a bigger club and we made him feel wanted ?




You're thick beyond belief.  Where have I said that Duff "wasn't going to reproduce his Blackburn form from day 1?"


If you are giving Duff a chance to reproduce his best for at his club before last, will you give a certain Spaniard the same opportunity?


We don't have the 8th best defence, we might have the 8th best defensive record but that is due to negative tactics as much as it's down to an improved defence, 4-5-1 is one of the reasons we are not letting in as many as previously, it's also one of the reasons we're not scoring as many, we're playing deeper then we have for years.


My problem with Duff is the same as the day we signed him, he wasn't needed, the fact that his form has been shite just makes it worse.  Milner, Solano and Dyer can all cover on the left wing and we've got kids who could also cover that position.


Where I think Shepherd is the same as old chairman is the fact that he's taken us backwards since taking over from Sir John, he's done this with the legacy that was handed to him on a plate you silly old tart.


You've quoted "well known through being on the books of manu" above.  Who are you supposed to be quoting?  The answer is that you're not quoting anybody, you're twisting words again to try to make a point but you only end up looking like a silly old tart once again.


Has the shit Ellis finished above Newcastle while at Villa more times then we finished above them while Shepherd has been in charge?  Do you use league position as the holy grail when measuring where a team are?  If so, and I'm guessing that you are because you've said it plenty of times.  Is Ellis better than Shepherd?


Liar, you constantly avoid questions that you either can't or just will not answer.


As for why these players signed, Parker said he wanted to play for Souness, Duff and Martins did not come here because they thought we were going to finish above Liverpool so don't try that one.  They probably came because we were the best chance of regular football and possibly dangled a bigger carrot in front of them in terms of £'s.


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Just for observational purposes, how old is NE5?


As I was reading the posts I was wondering that about mick and gejon tbh. While the other two are stupid Gemmill is on a wind up, a 30 year old behaving like a 10 year old again. He does it from time to time.


:lol: ironic considering you are 48 and act like the biggest kid on here




Did you have you tongue sticking out when you posted that, soft boy?


soft boy, have I lost my internet hard man status then?


There are two reasons you don't stick to football. The main one is you're out of your depth when it comes to football, you have a problem on this forum because there are dozens of posters who know a damn more than you do.  The second is that you're so immature and soft you can't admit it and learn from what you're reading. So instead you come across as an arsehole who knows nowt and is trying to sound as though you do. Mick is even more stupid though, as he apparently doesn't have youth to excuse his ignorance. You fancy yourself as someone who can write, anarl. Well you won't manage that without listening first.

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Just for observational purposes, how old is NE5?


As I was reading the posts I was wondering that about mick and gejon tbh. While the other two are stupid Gemmill is on a wind up, a 30 year old behaving like a 10 year old again. He does it from time to time.


:lol: ironic considering you are 48 and act like the biggest kid on here




Did you have you tongue sticking out when you posted that, soft boy?


soft boy, have I lost my internet hard man status then?


There are two reasons you don't stick to football. The main one is you're out of your depth when it comes to football, you have a problem on this forum because there are dozens of posters who know a damn more than you do. The second is that you're so immature and soft you can't admit it and learn from what you're reading. So instead you come across as an arsehole who knows nowt and is trying to sound as though you do. Mick is even more stupid though, as he apparently doesn't have youth to excuse his ignorance. You fancy yourself as someone who can write, anarl. Well you won't manage that without listening first.


Pathetic HTL. You're just pathetic. So now who's the internet hardman?

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Just for observational purposes, how old is NE5?


As I was reading the posts I was wondering that about mick and gejon tbh. While the other two are stupid Gemmill is on a wind up, a 30 year old behaving like a 10 year old again. He does it from time to time.


:lol: ironic considering you are 48 and act like the biggest kid on here




Did you have you tongue sticking out when you posted that, soft boy?


soft boy, have I lost my internet hard man status then?


There are two reasons you don't stick to football. The main one is you're out of your depth when it comes to football, you have a problem on this forum because there are dozens of posters who know a damn more than you do.  The second is that you're so immature and soft you can't admit it and learn from what you're reading. So instead you come across as an arsehole who knows nowt and is trying to sound as though you do. Mick is even more stupid though, as he apparently doesn't have youth to excuse his ignorance. You fancy yourself as someone who can write, anarl. Well you won't manage that without listening first.


Really gotten to you haven't I?


You are almost right, I do fancy myself but not as a writer just in general.

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Just for observational purposes, how old is NE5?


As I was reading the posts I was wondering that about mick and gejon tbh. While the other two are stupid Gemmill is on a wind up, a 30 year old behaving like a 10 year old again. He does it from time to time.


:lol: ironic considering you are 48 and act like the biggest kid on here




Did you have you tongue sticking out when you posted that, soft boy?


soft boy, have I lost my internet hard man status then?


There are two reasons you don't stick to football. The main one is you're out of your depth when it comes to football, you have a problem on this forum because there are dozens of posters who know a damn more than you do. The second is that you're so immature and soft you can't admit it and learn from what you're reading. So instead you come across as an arsehole who knows nowt and is trying to sound as though you do. Mick is even more stupid though, as he apparently doesn't have youth to excuse his ignorance. You fancy yourself as someone who can write, anarl. Well you won't manage that without listening first.


Pathetic HTL. You're just pathetic. So now who's the internet hardman?


Eh? I'm not a hardman at all. Never have been and never pretended to be. The above post is in RESPONSE to the stuff from gejon that you clearly haven't managed to read yet. I suggest you do so before posting to me again.

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Just for observational purposes, how old is NE5?


As I was reading the posts I was wondering that about mick and gejon tbh. While the other two are stupid Gemmill is on a wind up, a 30 year old behaving like a 10 year old again. He does it from time to time.


:lol: ironic considering you are 48 and act like the biggest kid on here




Did you have you tongue sticking out when you posted that, soft boy?


soft boy, have I lost my internet hard man status then?


There are two reasons you don't stick to football. The main one is you're out of your depth when it comes to football, you have a problem on this forum because there are dozens of posters who know a damn more than you do. The second is that you're so immature and soft you can't admit it and learn from what you're reading. So instead you come across as an arsehole who knows nowt and is trying to sound as though you do. Mick is even more stupid though, as he apparently doesn't have youth to excuse his ignorance. You fancy yourself as someone who can write, anarl. Well you won't manage that without listening first.


Pathetic HTL. You're just pathetic. So now who's the internet hardman?


Eh? I'm not a hardman at all. Never have been and never pretended to be. The above post is in RESPONSE to the stuff from gejon that you clearly haven't managed to read yet. I suggest you do so before posting to me again.


Or what?

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Just for observational purposes, how old is NE5?


As I was reading the posts I was wondering that about mick and gejon tbh. While the other two are stupid Gemmill is on a wind up, a 30 year old behaving like a 10 year old again. He does it from time to time.


:lol: ironic considering you are 48 and act like the biggest kid on here




Did you have you tongue sticking out when you posted that, soft boy?


soft boy, have I lost my internet hard man status then?


There are two reasons you don't stick to football. The main one is you're out of your depth when it comes to football, you have a problem on this forum because there are dozens of posters who know a damn more than you do.  The second is that you're so immature and soft you can't admit it and learn from what you're reading. So instead you come across as an arsehole who knows nowt and is trying to sound as though you do. Mick is even more stupid though, as he apparently doesn't have youth to excuse his ignorance. You fancy yourself as someone who can write, anarl. Well you won't manage that without listening first.


Really gotten to you haven't I?


You are almost right, I do fancy myself but not as a writer just in general.




You make me laugh man.

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Just for observational purposes, how old is NE5?


As I was reading the posts I was wondering that about mick and gejon tbh. While the other two are stupid Gemmill is on a wind up, a 30 year old behaving like a 10 year old again. He does it from time to time.


:lol: ironic considering you are 48 and act like the biggest kid on here




Did you have you tongue sticking out when you posted that, soft boy?


soft boy, have I lost my internet hard man status then?


There are two reasons you don't stick to football. The main one is you're out of your depth when it comes to football, you have a problem on this forum because there are dozens of posters who know a damn more than you do. The second is that you're so immature and soft you can't admit it and learn from what you're reading. So instead you come across as an arsehole who knows nowt and is trying to sound as though you do. Mick is even more stupid though, as he apparently doesn't have youth to excuse his ignorance. You fancy yourself as someone who can write, anarl. Well you won't manage that without listening first.


Pathetic HTL. You're just pathetic. So now who's the internet hardman?


Eh? I'm not a hardman at all. Never have been and never pretended to be. The above post is in RESPONSE to the stuff from gejon that you clearly haven't managed to read yet. I suggest you do so before posting to me again.


Or what?



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Just for observational purposes, how old is NE5?


As I was reading the posts I was wondering that about mick and gejon tbh. While the other two are stupid Gemmill is on a wind up, a 30 year old behaving like a 10 year old again. He does it from time to time.


:lol: ironic considering you are 48 and act like the biggest kid on here




Did you have you tongue sticking out when you posted that, soft boy?


soft boy, have I lost my internet hard man status then?


There are two reasons you don't stick to football. The main one is you're out of your depth when it comes to football, you have a problem on this forum because there are dozens of posters who know a damn more than you do.  The second is that you're so immature and soft you can't admit it and learn from what you're reading. So instead you come across as an arsehole who knows nowt and is trying to sound as though you do. Mick is even more stupid though, as he apparently doesn't have youth to excuse his ignorance. You fancy yourself as someone who can write, anarl. Well you won't manage that without listening first.


Really gotten to you haven't I?


You are almost right, I do fancy myself but not as a writer just in general.




You make me laugh man.


Make your mind up  :lol:


Internet hard man - Soft boy


Im not funny - I make you laugh


blueconfused.gif :lol:

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Just for observational purposes, how old is NE5?


As I was reading the posts I was wondering that about mick and gejon tbh. While the other two are stupid Gemmill is on a wind up, a 30 year old behaving like a 10 year old again. He does it from time to time.


:lol: ironic considering you are 48 and act like the biggest kid on here




Did you have you tongue sticking out when you posted that, soft boy?


soft boy, have I lost my internet hard man status then?


There are two reasons you don't stick to football. The main one is you're out of your depth when it comes to football, you have a problem on this forum because there are dozens of posters who know a damn more than you do.  The second is that you're so immature and soft you can't admit it and learn from what you're reading. So instead you come across as an arsehole who knows nowt and is trying to sound as though you do. Mick is even more stupid though, as he apparently doesn't have youth to excuse his ignorance. You fancy yourself as someone who can write, anarl. Well you won't manage that without listening first.


Really gotten to you haven't I?


You are almost right, I do fancy myself but not as a writer just in general.




You make me laugh man.


He will make you laugh, you're probably reading your own quotes.

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Just for observational purposes, how old is NE5?


As I was reading the posts I was wondering that about mick and gejon tbh. While the other two are stupid Gemmill is on a wind up, a 30 year old behaving like a 10 year old again. He does it from time to time.


:lol: ironic considering you are 48 and act like the biggest kid on here




Did you have you tongue sticking out when you posted that, soft boy?


soft boy, have I lost my internet hard man status then?


There are two reasons you don't stick to football. The main one is you're out of your depth when it comes to football, you have a problem on this forum because there are dozens of posters who know a damn more than you do.  The second is that you're so immature and soft you can't admit it and learn from what you're reading. So instead you come across as an arsehole who knows nowt and is trying to sound as though you do. Mick is even more stupid though, as he apparently doesn't have youth to excuse his ignorance. You fancy yourself as someone who can write, anarl. Well you won't manage that without listening first.


Really gotten to you haven't I?


You are almost right, I do fancy myself but not as a writer just in general.




You make me laugh man.


Make your mind up  :lol:


Internet hard man - Soft boy


Im not funny - I make you laugh


blueconfused.gif :lol:


Ok, thicko as well it seems.  :roll:

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There are two reasons you don't stick to football. The main one is you're out of your depth when it comes to football, you have a problem on this forum because there are dozens of posters who know a damn more than you do.  The second is that you're so immature and soft you can't admit it and learn from what you're reading. So instead you come across as an arsehole who knows nowt and is trying to sound as though you do. Mick is even more stupid though, as he apparently doesn't have youth to excuse his ignorance. You fancy yourself as someone who can write, anarl. Well you won't manage that without listening first.


Why mention ignorance?  Is it the same ignorance that had everybody on here thinking that you weren't related to your brother while backing each other up?


At least Jon can post about Newcastle United through recent experience, something you'll not be able to claim as you're online during most games.  I know you've an excuse because you live in the Midlands, others travel from further away.


I can think of a couple of people who come over as :bootyshake: and he isn't one of them, I wouldn't say the same about you.

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There are two reasons you don't stick to football. The main one is you're out of your depth when it comes to football, you have a problem on this forum because there are dozens of posters who know a damn more than you do.  The second is that you're so immature and soft you can't admit it and learn from what you're reading.



Sorry, but that's what I think of you.

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There are two reasons you don't stick to football. The main one is you're out of your depth when it comes to football, you have a problem on this forum because there are dozens of posters who know a damn more than you do.  The second is that you're so immature and soft you can't admit it and learn from what you're reading.



Sorry, but that's what I think of you.


Of me or him?

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There are two reasons you don't stick to football. The main one is you're out of your depth when it comes to football, you have a problem on this forum because there are dozens of posters who know a damn more than you do.  The second is that you're so immature and soft you can't admit it and learn from what you're reading.



Sorry, but that's what I think of you.


Of me or him?


Of the old man.

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There are two reasons you don't stick to football. The main one is you're out of your depth when it comes to football, you have a problem on this forum because there are dozens of posters who know a damn more than you do.  The second is that you're so immature and soft you can't admit it and learn from what you're reading.



Sorry, but that's what I think of you.


Of me or him?


Of the old man.


Love you, in all honesty as much as I disagree with him he does have a lot of knowledge and experience and doesnt need to resort to childish put downs.

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There are two reasons you don't stick to football. The main one is you're out of your depth when it comes to football, you have a problem on this forum because there are dozens of posters who know a damn more than you do.  The second is that you're so immature and soft you can't admit it and learn from what you're reading.



Sorry, but that's what I think of you.


Of me or him?


Of the old man.


Love you, in all honesty as much as I disagree with him he does have a lot of knowledge and experience and doesnt need to resort to childish put downs.


Yeah, agree. I just wish someone would change his nappy more often.

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