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Sack Bernie Slaven !

Guest riccifellini

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Guest riccifellini

What a great new forum - love the colours  bluebiggrin.gif


Here is another article. I've taken the site link off just so people don't think I'm on the PR trail :thup:


I know you guys don't like to read much, so I have just put in some quick quotes to give you all something to brighten up the day. Anything that calls for the, " legend " to be sacked has to be worth a go :cool:


How this smoggie who did sweet fa can call himself a Boro, " Legend " is beyond me...,


:thdn:I'm hoping maccarone's coach will reveal some juicy orgy stories about that other idiot mcclaren so we can give him the boot as well :thdn:


The Problem With Bernie Slaven…, And Why He Must Go


" Simple. Mr Slaven no longer engages his brain before he speaks, and in his quest to become ever more popular in order to justify his self styled, “ Living Legend “ status he's committed the cardinal sin, he's become unprofessional... "


" Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and Mr Slaven has been absolutely corrupted by the popularity of The Three Legends radio programme, by the sound of his own voice, by his column in the local paper, by his books and the book signing sessions, by his DVD, by his face on the big screen at the local cinema, and by the access to all areas that his Boro commentary allows him. With the addition of a prestigious radio award firmly in his back pocket, Mr Slaven now thinks that he is justified in saying whatever he wants, and whenever he wants... "


" In 5 years he has represented his team mates, his manager, this football club, this Chairman, these fans, this town where he lives, and all the people of Teesside, and he has always, ALWAYS done so as a true professional.


Never once has Massimo ever, EVER brought shame or disrepute upon any of the above, and never once has he ever, EVER caused any internal problems, and for this ALONE he at the very least deserves some respect from Mr Slaven.


During the recent game against Everton, Mr Slaven said live on air that the Boro only had two strikers at the club, Viduka and Yakubu. He went on to say that this was because Christie was injured and because, in his opinion, Massimo wasn’t good enough. These comments are unprofessional in the extreme because they were said actually during the game when Massimo was sat on the bench as a Boro player in his beloved red and white shirt, as a representative of his manager, this football club, this Chairman, these fans, this town where he lives, and the people of Teesside... "


" ...I don’t ever recall Mr Slaven or Mr Brownlee collecting the award and saying, “ Boro only have two strikers at the club, Viduka and Yakubu, because Christie is injured and because, in my opinion, Maccarone isn’t good enough. “


Who was it that scored the goals that enabled Mr Brownlee to perform his award winning commentary ? "


" Shouldn’t good opinions be born from fact, rather than being said in ignorance ?


These types of stupid, ignorant and unprofessional comments are repeated all too often by Mr Slaven with his sidekick remaining forever silent... "


" Every time Massimo comes on the Boro fans sing and chant his name to the roof, and they do so because they know that he can have this desired effect. The Boro fans like him, and his arrival on the pitch always raises the tempo of the game, and it re awakens the fabled 12th man.Yet all Mr Slaven can do is say how mystified he is that the fans can do this for someone who, in his opinion, was a record 8.1 million pound signing who has done nothing in the 5 years that he has been here in order to justify this out pouring of emotion.


Are these comments born of jealousy ? After all, Mr Slaven said himself moments later live on air, that in all his years at the Boro he was booed for most of that time... "


" Well Bernie. Doesn't this tell you something ? Maybe it's time to look again in the dictionary under the word, " Legend ".


If I may, my message to the fans and to the very best Chairman in the entire country is to get this idiot off the air and away from the ground, as all he does is destabilise everything the club is working to achieve.... "





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Someone claiming to be a real Newcastle fan wouldn't really care about Middlesborough team selection and what a Middlesborough fan on the radio has to say about it.


Are you actually a fan of Massimo Maccarone? Rather that a Newcastle fan?

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Guest riccifellini

That's your opinion mate. I don't accept that a real Newcastle fan doesn't give a shit about what goes on at the Boro.


I am a fan and I do like to see what goes on over there, especially when they seem to be self imploding under that ugly twat southgate. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see them go down. As for Slaven he knocks all things black and white on his radio programme 24/7 with that smug arrogant scottish voice of his, so I don't see why he should be immune from taking a smack in the mouth. How many times has that wanker said that we are not a big club? How many times has he said that the Boro are more successful just because they won that 1 and only cup when everyone else played their reserve team? Not a big club - WHAT?????


You can slate me all you like. I go to every home game and a few away games when I have the cash so I have paid for the right to say what I want. You don't agree???? fair enough. You are entitled to say what you want to and I ain't got no problem with that.  :thup:


Cheers mate.



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Guest riccifellini

the point of the article is that bernie slates his own players actuall during a game. i edited it because it was a long article. This guy has no problem with what bernie says on his show, but is fucked of that a supposed fan and a commentator should be more professional that to slag of the team whilst they are on the pitch.


Anyway. I'm sorry i posted it at all. I'll give you not a fan..........


I only posted it so that fool slaven mite get some grief.



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That's your opinion mate. I don't accept that a real Newcastle fan doesn't give a shit about what goes on at the Boro.


I am a fan and I do like to see what goes on over there, especially when they seem to be self imploding under that ugly twat southgate. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see them go down. As for Slaven he knocks all things black and white on his radio programme 24/7 with that smug arrogant scottish voice of his, so I don't see why he should be immune from taking a smack in the mouth. How many times has that wanker said that we are not a big club? How many times has he said that the Boro are more successful just because they won that 1 and only cup when everyone else played their reserve team? Not a big club - WHAT?????


You can slate me all you like. I go to every home game and a few away games when I have the cash so I have paid for the right to say what I want. You don't agree???? fair enough. You are entitled to say what you want to and I ain't got no problem with that.  :thup:


Cheers mate.




You see, I find it impossible to believe that a Newcastle fan would join a Newcastle fan with the explicit purpose of talking about Massimo Maccarone.


If you are a fan, you should have no problem answering the following three questions:


1)Who is Sir John's son?

2) What was the last trophy Newcastle won?

3) Who were the last club to beat us in Europe?

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