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what worrys me more than anything is the debt of £80 million that we allegedly have that has scared off polygon and belgravia to a larger extent ,most of this debt is apparently the club taking a loan out based on future season ticket sales which unless things turn around on the pitch are going to have a big impact in the future.


Are you talking about the loan which was taken out to redevelop the ground? Or has there been some new loan also secured against future season ticket sales?


And is there a link to something which suggests this was the reason why Polygon and/or Belgravia backed away?


The redevelopment of the ground was £42 million IIRC, the rest was gave to Souness for his shopping spree.

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Aye, fuck all successful people! Bastards.

pretty thin description of success......"he's made money,he's succesful"...more to life than money you know,especially till i get paid a week on friday.


I was being sarcy, like, just for the record.


I'd consider being the chairman of NUFC a success, it'd be a dream living. Possibly the biggest job in the city?

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I also don't think it does the clubs reputation any good to have the Chairman airing his dirty laundry about the clubs main shareholder in public.


Very unprofessional and a clear attempt by Freddie to get fans on his side.

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I look forward to a response from the Halls. FFS has had his fare share telling his side of the story. I hope the Halls and maybe even the prospective buyers give us a better idea of what is going on.


Belgravia can't say anything for 6 months as it's part of some agreement they've signed, we'll find out more then.


My personal opinion is they still want it and will be back in at the end of the season.

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I hope the lot of them go bankrupt.


Death is too good, as someone in their family would benefit from it.


Bankruptcy is the way forward for these ugly fat old cunts.

are you taking this a tad too serious......without really having a clue whats going on aswell

come on then expert of all things nufc .lets have your rundown on the situation instead of putting others down who have to get information from the media etc (which in all honesty is made up to sell papers etc)
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I hope the lot of them go bankrupt.


Death is too good, as someone in their family would benefit from it.


Bankruptcy is the way forward for these ugly fat old cunts.

are you taking this a tad too serious......without really having a clue whats going on aswell

come on then expert of all things nufc .lets have your rundown on the situation instead of putting others down who have to get information from the media etc (which in all honesty is made up to sell papers etc)

you don't get it biggsy,i won't give a rundown of what i think is going on cos i haven't got a clue what's going on behind those closed doors...i don't know who we've tried to get if anyone,or how much we can spend,or if the club  goes about it the right way...and i'll bet no-one on here has..i make my mind up on evidence and if i don't have any evidence to go on then i'll keep shtum till i get some.
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I hope the lot of them go bankrupt.


Death is too good, as someone in their family would benefit from it.


Bankruptcy is the way forward for these ugly fat old cunts.

are you taking this a tad too serious......without really having a clue whats going on aswell

come on then expert of all things nufc .lets have your rundown on the situation instead of putting others down who have to get information from the media etc (which in all honesty is made up to sell papers etc)

you don't get it biggsy,i won't give a rundown of what i think is going on cos i haven't got a clue what's going on behind those closed doors...i don't know who we've tried to get if anyone,or how much we can spend,or if the club  goes about it the right way...and i'll bet no-one on here has..i make my mind up on evidence and if i don't have any evidence to go on then i'll keep shtum till i get some.


I wish some others would do the same.....

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This is complete rubbish by Shepherd and an attempt to get the fans on his side, Shepherd claims that the possible sale of shares is preventing him from doing his job. 


Shepherd thinks he can’t run the club properly because of uncertainty, what was his excuse before last June?  When he could run the club he appointed Souness and gave him £50 million to spend.  If that’s his idea of running the club properly then please don’t.


Shepherd has taken the club from being a profit maker to loss maker while running it properly, he’s taken the club from 2nd in the league to where we are today, 12th.  He’s done all of this while being able to run the club properly.


The bloke wouldn’t recognise the truth if it poked him in the eye.


The idiot blames our performance so far this season on the possible sale of the club, it’s got nothing to do with injuries and lack of squad depth, its got nothing to do with our current and last managers failure to strengthen squads that they both said were "paper thin," both tried to solve this by reducing the squad depth.


“Sir John identified two potential buyers and it hasn’t worked.”  I thought that Sir John was approached about the possible sale of his shares rather than him identifying them?


He also claims “But at the same time I’m not going to let any would-be buyer take the Mickey out of this club or its supporters by raising false expectations.”  He’s got to be taking the piss, this is the same bloke who said that we had top managers applying for our managerial vacancy then appointed Souness and Roeder, who is taking the Mickey with those claims?  The same bloke took the piss out of us for buying club shirts, he took the piss out of Shearer and every female who claims to be a Geordie.


He then claims that he’d consider buying the shares at “the correct price.”  Is he also prepared to sell his shares at the “the correct price?”  Is the “correct price” the same for him selling as it is for him buying?


The bloke is a total inept hypocrite, if his lips move, he should be taken with a pinch of salt.


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