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Guest Doctor Jimmy

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Guest Doctor Jimmy

Im new to the site and although im a Preston North End fan thought it would be a good idea to register as my 7 year old son is a mad keen Toon fan and is getting me increasingly interested in Newcastle, and if we ever need any info or advice it would be better to get it from the people who really know the score i.e. you lot. Neither of us have been to St James' but we on about coming up for the Zulte Waregem match later this month. We are on about sitting in the Family Enclosure. Can someone give me any info on where in the ground it is and what its like in there. Cheers.

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Couldn't tell you about the family enclosure, but i can tell you about the game.


My advice would be to not bother with the Zulte game mate. We'll more than likely win, but it'll be a boring and slow 1-0 or 2-0 using a weakened side. Arguably, none of this will matter for your lad as any first game is absolutely ace, but i would suggest picking a more elusive sort of tie.


Welcome, btw!

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Hmm, it doesn't work. I'm certain it used to. Bizarre.


The filter might need setting up, you have to add words to be filtered and then give an alternative to use, try it.  It would help me to see more posts while at work.  Sometimes one new post blocks me from seeing the whole page.


My works filter must count words on the whole page and then gives them a score, as soon as the page reaches or goes above the score then I'm locked out.

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Im new to the site and although im a Preston North End fan thought it would be a good idea to register as my 7 year old son is a mad keen Toon fan and is getting me increasingly interested in Newcastle, and if we ever need any info or advice it would be better to get it from the people who really know the score i.e. you lot. Neither of us have been to St James' but we on about coming up for the Zulte Waregem match later this month. We are on about sitting in the Family Enclosure. Can someone give me any info on where in the ground it is and what its like in there. Cheers.


This would be the best game to go to as you will get a better selection of seats to chose from, if you go to a league game you will more than likely end up in level 7 (right up the top) but here you can get seats alot closer to the pitch.


If you go on www.nufc.co.uk and order your tickets online (I don't think they're not on general sale yet) you will be able to pick the area you want to sit in from a map of SJP, you will have to register to the site but it doesn't cost anything.


Another reason to go to this one is it should be a comfortable home win, that would be a better memory for your lad than watching us getting our arse kicked by another Premiership club.

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