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Useful Flair or just ShowBoating?


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On Thursday night we seen something we have not seen much of this season and that was FLAIR,  little flicks and back heels from Martins the whole game, Le Sib did a cracker of a back heel flick to put Dyer through, Duff tried a few also.  Some managers hate players doing this, Sir Bobby stopped Lua Lua doing all his little tricks n s***.

I know some players can over do it like Ronaldo but most of the time when he does it, its effective and leads to a goal or a goal scoring chance.

I love to see players with flair, they get the crowd going if nothing else, I have no idea how many players we have that can play with real flair, I think Martins has proven he can but I bet Nobby,Emre and Duff can also.


Do we say ya or na to seeing more flair from our players ????

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I agree skirge...Was the first time i'd seen that amount of trickery and flashy stuff from a newcastle side in one game....and the great thing was that it actually worked! 2 of the goals came from amazing little flicks, and we coulda had another if parker had done a bit more with that lil flick from martins.


As far as seeing it more or less, its great when it works, but i can imagine someone like duff doing more and more and then losing the ball more often allowing them to break down the left against baba or GOD FORBID steven carr....which pretty much means a goal for them.


So yes to flair, but in moderation! ;D

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I know thats the thing aint it, the fine line between getting it right and over doing it so most managers do not want to see it.

I just wonderd if Glenn had said anything to them about using flair before the game, I find it stange that all of a sudden our players starting trying little tricks when we enver see it any other time.

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the difference between flair and showboating is that one is necessary,the other isn't..ie the duff back heel and sibs, for the goals,this wasn't shpwboating as it just made for the quickest and most effective way of getting the ball from A to B.

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the difference between flair and showboating is that one is necessary,the other isn't..ie the duff back heel and sibs, for the goals,this wasn't shpwboating as it just made for the quickest and most effective way of getting the ball from A to B.


I agree but I still think in the past we would not have done such things as a back heel, Sib would have taken a touch then tried playing it through.  Martins did little flicks and tricks the whole game and all worked and found their target.

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