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Typical Over Reaction


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We have an average squad and an average manager.


We played against a decent side who have a manager astute enough to exploit our obvious weaknesses as team (any coincidence both goals came from their right hand side where we consistently play inexperienced out of position bairns?).


We've been appalling all season and picked up results when our "best" (ahem) players were injured and the kids were forced into the fray.  Said kids have been subsequently binned for their efforts.


We all know our manager will pick certain players regardless of form and he paid a heavy price for that last night, or rather the club and its fans paid a heavy price for that last night.


We all know we've got it all to look forward to again next season as Glenn continues to "steady the ship" after Souness (I fear we might be hearing that in a decade still) and continues to "just miss out" on players in the transfer market that we desperately need. 


The outpouring of anger and vitriol is understandable but I'm a little surprised anyone thought we might actually win the UEFA cup to be honest....I'd love it much as the next person but if ever our trademark self-destruct was on the cards then it was this season as we've already seen vs Brum etc...


Get set for the broken down rollercoaster ride again next season kiddies 'cause "Safety First" Glenn is here to stay in the near future - all the dreaming and pontificating about new managers will only heighten your disappointment in the months to come.

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What is there to actually look forward to?


All season, our tactics have been all over the place, and we only win when a couple of our individuals have a good day.


Michael Owen wont change things that much, for as long as we keep Roeder, we are only going to beat teams in the bottom half of the table.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

don't confuse blind optimism for actual belief


who are you talking about there?  the manager or the fans?


(made myself laugh there)


fans man (well me)


fucknows what glenn really thinks, probably amazed everyday he's not sacked

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Frankly I think the only reason it might look like an over-reaction to some, is because of the complete under-reaction by many.


I still don't understand why so many people just shrug their shoulders and say, "That's Newcastle for you", when we are a club who's financial and supporter strength is as good as or better than most clubs in the world who dominate their respective leagues.


If you accept mediocrity, mediocrity is what you will receive.

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What is there to actually look forward to?


All season, our tactics have been all over the place, and we only win when a couple of our individuals have a good day.


Michael Owen wont change things that much, for as long as we keep Roeder, we are only going to beat teams in the bottom half of the table.


if we were beating teams in the bottom half of the table we'd be higher up the league than we are right now i'd imagine!!


but i agree, there ain't much to look forward to in the near future....


tell you what i'm gonna hate myself for saying this but look at spurs: arguably a squad of similar depth/ability to us although they haven't had the injuries we've had and maybe they're more balanced....anyway they were struggling earlier in the season and how did their manager respond?  by changing his intention to play attacking football and tring to nick results here and there?  did he f&ck....he stuck to what he believed and look at the football they are playing now, they're great to watch and if they're going down then they're going down with style and a fight


we've forgotten what either of those two things even are any more

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What is there to actually look forward to?


In my case it's sex, drugs and drink. It's probably a cup of cocoa at bedtime for you ;)

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Frankly I think the only reason it might look like an over-reaction to some, is because of the complete under-reaction by many.


I still don't understand why so many people just shrug their shoulders and say, "That's Newcastle for you", when we are a club who's financial and supporter strength is as good as or better than most clubs in the world who dominate their respective leagues.


If you accept mediocrity, mediocrity is what you will receive.


Exactly. And i hope to fuck not one NUFC fan is giving it the "give Roeder time" shite that a number of idiots on this site gave when we had Souness.

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Frankly I think the only reason it might look like an over-reaction to some, is because of the complete under-reaction by many.


I still don't understand why so many people just shrug their shoulders and say, "That's Newcastle for you", when we are a club who's financial and supporter strength is as good as or better than most clubs in the world who dominate their respective leagues.


If you accept mediocrity, mediocrity is what you will receive.


Exactly. And i hope to fuck not one NUFC fan is giving it the "give Roeder time" shite that a number of idiots on this site gave when we had Souness.


I actually believe that Souness was more likely to win a trophy than Roeder ever will be, although that was likely to come at the expense of poor league form.

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Frankly I think the only reason it might look like an over-reaction to some, is because of the complete under-reaction by many.


I still don't understand why so many people just shrug their shoulders and say, "That's Newcastle for you", when we are a club who's financial and supporter strength is as good as or better than most clubs in the world who dominate their respective leagues.


If you accept mediocrity, mediocrity is what you will receive.


Exactly. And i hope to fuck not one NUFC fan is giving it the "give Roeder time" shite that a number of idiots on this site gave when we had Souness.


I actually believe that Souness was more likely to win a trophy than Roeder ever will be, although that was likely to come at the expense of poor league form.


Neither of them would win fuck all with us, they are both too entrenched in their own stupidity and bad decisions.

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Frankly I think the only reason it might look like an over-reaction to some, is because of the complete under-reaction by many.


I still don't understand why so many people just shrug their shoulders and say, "That's Newcastle for you", when we are a club who's financial and supporter strength is as good as or better than most clubs in the world who dominate their respective leagues.


If you accept mediocrity, mediocrity is what you will receive.


but there's no way out of the situation we're in - fans can sing shepherd out and roeder out all they want and get on message boards kicking off but at the end of the day the first guy runs the club and dictates the future of the second guy....


it's no use believing that making noise will push the board members to oust shepherd 'cause that won't happen 'til they stop getting dividends, the dividends become very small, or we're headed for relegation


it's no use believing that shepherd will sack roedebot 'cause he won't for the simple fact Glenn will do what he says, never criticise shepherd, and again unless we're headed for relegation there's no catalyst for change at that level


accepting mediocrity doesn't come into it anymore, accepting the reality of where our club is does

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Frankly I think the only reason it might look like an over-reaction to some, is because of the complete under-reaction by many.


I still don't understand why so many people just shrug their shoulders and say, "That's Newcastle for you", when we are a club who's financial and supporter strength is as good as or better than most clubs in the world who dominate their respective leagues.


If you accept mediocrity, mediocrity is what you will receive.


but there's no way out of the situation we're in - fans can sing shepherd out and roeder out all they want and get on message boards kicking off but at the end of the day the first guy runs the club and dictates the future of the second guy....


it's no use believing that making noise will push the board members to oust shepherd 'cause that won't happen 'til they stop getting dividends, the dividends become very small, or we're headed for relegation


it's no use believing that shepherd will sack roedebot 'cause he won't for the simple fact Glenn will do what he says, never criticise shepherd, and again unless we're headed for relegation there's no catalyst for change at that level


accepting mediocrity doesn't come into it anymore, accepting the reality of where our club is does


You're wrong there - putting pressure on the Fat Man is the best way of getting shot of Roeder - Fatty will sacrifice anyone before he falls on his own sword.

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Guest WalkervilleMag

spineless performance yesterday against an average AZ Alkmaar team. Went over for the 0-0 and as soon as we conceded it was game over. No plan B, no nothing.


No Europe next season.

No Money next season.

No Hope next season.

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Frankly I think the only reason it might look like an over-reaction to some, is because of the complete under-reaction by many.


I still don't understand why so many people just shrug their shoulders and say, "That's Newcastle for you", when we are a club who's financial and supporter strength is as good as or better than most clubs in the world who dominate their respective leagues.


If you accept mediocrity, mediocrity is what you will receive.


but there's no way out of the situation we're in - fans can sing shepherd out and roeder out all they want and get on message boards kicking off but at the end of the day the first guy runs the club and dictates the future of the second guy....


it's no use believing that making noise will push the board members to oust shepherd 'cause that won't happen 'til they stop getting dividends, the dividends become very small, or we're headed for relegation


it's no use believing that shepherd will sack roedebot 'cause he won't for the simple fact Glenn will do what he says, never criticise shepherd, and again unless we're headed for relegation there's no catalyst for change at that level


accepting mediocrity doesn't come into it anymore, accepting the reality of where our club is does


You're wrong there - putting pressure on the Fat Man is the best way of getting shot of Roeder - Fatty will sacrifice anyone before he falls on his own sword.


that's my point, no-one will have to fall on their sword unless we are headed for relegation which we probably won't be, due to the side having a few decent players in it who show up from time to time and (presumably) decide to ignore what they've been told to do in training and go out to actually win a football match


roedebot deserves a boatload of stick for this result, no mistakes about that, but he'll be here next season and so will the fans - the continued presence of the latter ensures the continued presence of the former in my opinion...talk about your irony!!!

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Guest WalkervilleMag

we have a wage bill which is 3rd highest in the Premiership which can only be maintained if we are in the champions league.


need to start shipping these under performers out.











aswell as




Terry Mac


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we have a wage bill which is 3rd highest in the Premiership which can only be maintained if we are in the champions league.


need to start shipping these under performers out.











aswell as




Terry Mac


totally agreed...not gumna happen though!!

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Frankly I think the only reason it might look like an over-reaction to some, is because of the complete under-reaction by many.


I still don't understand why so many people just shrug their shoulders and say, "That's Newcastle for you", when we are a club who's financial and supporter strength is as good as or better than most clubs in the world who dominate their respective leagues.


If you accept mediocrity, mediocrity is what you will receive.


but there's no way out of the situation we're in - fans can sing shepherd out and roeder out all they want and get on message boards kicking off but at the end of the day the first guy runs the club and dictates the future of the second guy....


it's no use believing that making noise will push the board members to oust shepherd 'cause that won't happen 'til they stop getting dividends, the dividends become very small, or we're headed for relegation


it's no use believing that shepherd will sack roedebot 'cause he won't for the simple fact Glenn will do what he says, never criticise shepherd, and again unless we're headed for relegation there's no catalyst for change at that level


accepting mediocrity doesn't come into it anymore, accepting the reality of where our club is does


Like was said by someone else, I think you're wrong, but for a different reason.


It is fairly obvious that the root cause of -all- our issues is Freddy.  As long as he is at the helm we're screwed and I think that is a fairly well accepted fact.  So the issue is how do fans get rid of Shepherd?


Shepherd is chairman of our great club for two primary reasons, money and fame, and as I see it will stay in charge of the club as long as certain conditions are maintained:


1.  The club must be generating a dividend for him.

2.  The club must provide him with a position on the world stage.

3.  The environment in which he works must not become intollerable.


Now, it is very hard for the fans to affect number 1, without punishing themselves (i.e. not going to games, buying merchandise, etc...).  But numbers 2 and 3 are almost entirely controlled by the fans.


Number 2 can be addressed by just ignoring the guy.  If people stop reading articles featuring him, stop watching interviews with him (etc...), then the media will stop showing him (as there would be no ratings in dealing with Fat Fred).  At that point he loses his stage, he stops being the centre of attention.


Number 3 can also be affected and controlled by the fans, especially the local fans.  Make his life intolerable.  Start a direct local action group to make his life a misery.  Drive past his house doing burn-outs at 3am with the stereo on full, verbally abuse him on the streets, sing insulting songs at the game during live telecasts for the world to hear.


If no one is paying attention to him, and his life in the community stinks he will soon go away.


So I don't think resigning ourselves to our fate is the right answer.  It creates a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy, that is to say predicting mediocrity and then accepting nothing can be done to change it, will result in mediocrity being achieved because no one is saying "it ain't good enough!"

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Guest Sniffer

Why would you ship out a player who has been unlucky with two injuries like Owen? Who is guarranteed to score goals and yet you keep ameobi? Pretty f*****g stupid, IMO.



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Guest WalkervilleMag

Why would you ship out a player who has been unlucky with two injuries like Owen? Who is guarranteed to score goals and yet you keep ameobi? Pretty f*****g stupid, IMO.


he has made 10 appearences in 2 years. He is on a basic salary of £105,000pw which does not incude bonuses ect.  and you think soon as he gets over this injury, he is then going to be fit for every game until his contract is up ?????  he will play 2 games , then be out for 6/7, play 2 out for 5/6.


We simply cannot afford that, and the money we are paying him is a big reason why we have fck all to spend in the transfer windows



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firstly i disagree that numbers 2 & 3 are entirely controlled by the fans


shepherd effectively has the local media in his pocket so they'll still continue to fill us full of his sh!te....and lets imagine, somehow, that all the NUFC supporters boycotted him and everything he said and stopped buying papers where he featured then you still face the problem of the rest of the world don't you?  if i was a villa fan i wouldn't stop reading and listening to his tripe just 'cause the newcastle fans did, it would still make me laugh


if you believe for a second that it would be possible in 2007 in england to do what you describe to make his life intolerable without being thrown in jail then i feel you're deluding yourself...money talks and bullsh!t walks....


your #1 is the ONLY thing that would affect anything 'cause it would hit both FS and the club in the pocket and it's the only one of the three things they'd not accept....and as we both agree #1 won't happen then i feel justified in my pessimistic outlook to be honest!!

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Guest ChickenKiev

Frankly I think the only reason it might look like an over-reaction to some, is because of the complete under-reaction by many.


I still don't understand why so many people just shrug their shoulders and say, "That's Newcastle for you", when we are a club who's financial and supporter strength is as good as or better than most clubs in the world who dominate their respective leagues.


If you accept mediocrity, mediocrity is what you will receive.


but there's no way out of the situation we're in - fans can sing shepherd out and roeder out all they want and get on message boards kicking off but at the end of the day the first guy runs the club and dictates the future of the second guy....


it's no use believing that making noise will push the board members to oust shepherd 'cause that won't happen 'til they stop getting dividends, the dividends become very small, or we're headed for relegation


it's no use believing that shepherd will sack roedebot 'cause he won't for the simple fact Glenn will do what he says, never criticise shepherd, and again unless we're headed for relegation there's no catalyst for change at that level


accepting mediocrity doesn't come into it anymore, accepting the reality of where our club is does


Like was said by someone else, I think you're wrong, but for a different reason.


It is fairly obvious that the root cause of -all- our issues is Freddy.  As long as he is at the helm we're screwed and I think that is a fairly well accepted fact.  So the issue is how do fans get rid of Shepherd?


Shepherd is chairman of our great club for two primary reasons, money and fame, and as I see it will stay in charge of the club as long as certain conditions are maintained:


1.  The club must be generating a dividend for him.

2.  The club must provide him with a position on the world stage.

3.  The environment in which he works must not become intollerable.


Now, it is very hard for the fans to affect number 1, without punishing themselves (i.e. not going to games, buying merchandise, etc...).  But numbers 2 and 3 are almost entirely controlled by the fans.


Number 2 can be addressed by just ignoring the guy.  If people stop reading articles featuring him, stop watching interviews with him (etc...), then the media will stop showing him (as there would be no ratings in dealing with Fat Fred).  At that point he loses his stage, he stops being the centre of attention.


Number 3 can also be affected and controlled by the fans, especially the local fans.  Make his life intolerable.  Start a direct local action group to make his life a misery.  Drive past his house doing burn-outs at 3am with the stereo on full, verbally abuse him on the streets, sing insulting songs at the game during live telecasts for the world to hear.


If no one is paying attention to him, and his life in the community stinks he will soon go away.


So I don't think resigning ourselves to our fate is the right answer.  It creates a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy, that is to say predicting mediocrity and then accepting nothing can be done to change it, will result in mediocrity being achieved because no one is saying "it ain't good enough!"



Are you for real?

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Frankly I think the only reason it might look like an over-reaction to some, is because of the complete under-reaction by many.


I still don't understand why so many people just shrug their shoulders and say, "That's Newcastle for you", when we are a club who's financial and supporter strength is as good as or better than most clubs in the world who dominate their respective leagues.


If you accept mediocrity, mediocrity is what you will receive.


but there's no way out of the situation we're in - fans can sing shepherd out and roeder out all they want and get on message boards kicking off but at the end of the day the first guy runs the club and dictates the future of the second guy....


it's no use believing that making noise will push the board members to oust shepherd 'cause that won't happen 'til they stop getting dividends, the dividends become very small, or we're headed for relegation


it's no use believing that shepherd will sack roedebot 'cause he won't for the simple fact Glenn will do what he says, never criticise shepherd, and again unless we're headed for relegation there's no catalyst for change at that level


accepting mediocrity doesn't come into it anymore, accepting the reality of where our club is does


You're wrong there - putting pressure on the Fat Man is the best way of getting shot of Roeder - Fatty will sacrifice anyone before he falls on his own sword.


that's my point, no-one will have to fall on their sword unless we are headed for relegation which we probably won't be, due to the side having a few decent players in it who show up from time to time and (presumably) decide to ignore what they've been told to do in training and go out to actually win a football match


roedebot deserves a boatload of stick for this result, no mistakes about that, but he'll be here next season and so will the fans - the continued presence of the latter ensures the continued presence of the former in my opinion...talk about your irony!!!



You said it right there.... the only way to make FFS so something about it is if he sees empty seats. Its a difficult balance I know because we want to get behind and support the team but at some point we have to try and make a difference and the way to do it is with our feet. Dont re-new the seasons tickets and he will sharp take notice.... or at best it might get something done because while we have this tag of "Great Supporters" and the press saying "52,000 loyal fans every week" FFS is just sitting there laughing all the way to the bank.

This has nothing to do with being fairweather fans. We have to use our power to make things happen


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Frankly I think the only reason it might look like an over-reaction to some, is because of the complete under-reaction by many.


I still don't understand why so many people just shrug their shoulders and say, "That's Newcastle for you", when we are a club who's financial and supporter strength is as good as or better than most clubs in the world who dominate their respective leagues.


If you accept mediocrity, mediocrity is what you will receive.


but there's no way out of the situation we're in - fans can sing shepherd out and roeder out all they want and get on message boards kicking off but at the end of the day the first guy runs the club and dictates the future of the second guy....


it's no use believing that making noise will push the board members to oust shepherd 'cause that won't happen 'til they stop getting dividends, the dividends become very small, or we're headed for relegation


it's no use believing that shepherd will sack roedebot 'cause he won't for the simple fact Glenn will do what he says, never criticise shepherd, and again unless we're headed for relegation there's no catalyst for change at that level


accepting mediocrity doesn't come into it anymore, accepting the reality of where our club is does


You're wrong there - putting pressure on the Fat Man is the best way of getting shot of Roeder - Fatty will sacrifice anyone before he falls on his own sword.


that's my point, no-one will have to fall on their sword unless we are headed for relegation which we probably won't be, due to the side having a few decent players in it who show up from time to time and (presumably) decide to ignore what they've been told to do in training and go out to actually win a football match


roedebot deserves a boatload of stick for this result, no mistakes about that, but he'll be here next season and so will the fans - the continued presence of the latter ensures the continued presence of the former in my opinion...talk about your irony!!!



You said it right there.... the only way to make FFS so something about it is if he sees empty seats. Its a difficult balance I know because we want to get behind and support the team but at some point we have to try and make a difference and the way to do it is with our feet. Dont re-new the seasons tickets and he will sharp take notice.... or at best it might get something done because while we have this tag of "Great Supporters" and the press saying "52,000 loyal fans every week" FFS is just sitting there laughing all the way to the bank.

This has nothing to do with being fairweather fans. We have to use our power to make things happen



yep....not suggesting we do it mind, it'd play into the hands of the media and rival fans if we stayed away - imagine the fucken mackems if we did that?


hence my bleak outlook for the near future...


our best hope is he eats one pie too many or chokes on a strippers edible g-string

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