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Mick, NE5, HTL, Baggio et al - for the love of god...

Guest Knightrider

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Good to see HTT's plea for sanity is being well-observed. :laugh:


aye. The admin person dolt, that drinks with dolts, is setting a fine example.


As are you. You dolt.


There's only one admin guy in this thread .......



Yeah, I know. I was simply remarking that you were also making a tiny bit of a prat of yourself too...not that I'm immune from the disorder myself...

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oh dear. The KK bandwagon jumper has arrived.




Glad this new rule was invented like.


You'll be banned permanently by the end of the season, class.  O0

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oh dear. The KK bandwagon jumper has arrived.




Glad this new rule was invented like.


You'll be banned permanently by the end of the season, class.  O0


which would be a crying shame if it left you posting away with loads of others who haven't a clue. Still it may make you feel a bit like you know what you're on about.


The thing is, I'm putting across facts to back up opinions, so who decides who is trolling and posting rubbish, and who isn't ?



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Guest Gemmill

Insult whoever and whatever here

IS gemmil Glenn Roeder??

Sorry Glenn is a better managr than Gemmil the wanka


More likely his rent boy, tbh.


One page after admonishing someone for abuse.  Yet another example of HTL's hypocrisy.  No doubt you'll deny it though.  Thick as fucking pigshit, soldier boy.  :lol:

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Insult whoever and whatever here

IS gemmil Glenn Roeder??

Sorry Glenn is a better managr than Gemmil the wanka


More likely his rent boy, tbh.


One page after admonishing someone for abuse.  Yet another example of HTL's hypocrisy.  No doubt you'll deny it though.  Thick as f****** pigshit, soldier boy.  :lol:


Check your PM's on Toontastic.

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Guest Gemmill

Insult whoever and whatever here

IS gemmil Glenn Roeder??

Sorry Glenn is a better managr than Gemmil the wanka


More likely his rent boy, tbh.


One page after admonishing someone for abuse.  Yet another example of HTL's hypocrisy.  No doubt you'll deny it though.  Thick as f****** pigshit, soldier boy.  :lol:


Check your PM's on Toontastic.


That needs exposing on the forum mate. 

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You insulting someone. Disgraceful really, given your lofty role as a supposed responsible moderator of the forum. Let's face it, everything about your posts changed when you became a moderator so why not this aspect of it too?


Insulting someone who doesn't post on here, well so what? I insult players and managers too, should that not be allowed?


Dolt is not much of an insult either tbh. I'd have thought you'd agree anyway, someone who thought Souness was a top boss is a dolt.


Insulting a lot of your chums there, like. Especially those on toonspastic.


We all know the people who supported Souness from the start and who continued to support him long after that support should have stopped.


I get a lot of abuse on this forum that seems to go unnoticed by you, but the most abuse I ever had was for suggesting Souness be sacked after a couple of months, adding that if he wasn't sacked he should be given no money to spend in that first transfer window. That for me was a measure of the stupidity of some on this forum who believed Souness was the right man but now in HINDSIGHT believe he was never the right man.


The abuse for saying Jenas was s**** a couple of years before he left the club and for saying ages ago that Parker isn't good enough is nothing in comparison, although the abuse over my views on Parker has been dropping as more and more people are seeing him for what he is.


Uh-huh... and what's that got to do with anything I said?


I thought people who backed Souness, including some of my chums on Toontastic, were stupid about it, and they know what I thought. Doesn't stop me going for a drink with them and enjoying their company, it's only a difference of opinion about football ffs.


I agree. So stop posting personal abuse toward other members, ffs.

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eeee.......you're a right little fibber aren't you.


I think perhaps, the next time you disagree with Leazes Mag about something, you should say so and put up some facts and prove him wrong if you can, don't you ?


Like this, you mean?




The vast majority of Rangers fans that I met, at the time, during the 80's, were in awe of Souness. The insisted that he was "the greatest manager going" or he "had turned the club around" all the usual comments.....


At the time Liverpool appointed him to ressurect their former glories...and a fair few scousers thought he would do it on the basis of winning a 2 man league in Jockland.....and a fair few Rangers fans did too as well.


Further down the line...who was at the Newcastle v Liverpool game, the 3-0 one which was the subject of the "bribes" allegation....who remembers the Leazes End singing "Souness for sunderland". I do.


At the time, I was completely convinced that Souness v Keegan was absolutely no contest. We had the best manager by far, the one who was going to take us places, and the scousers had boobed and been totally deceived by his record and achievements in a league of no competition.


Over the years, circumstances have proved differently. While personally I think Keegan has never been the same since he left us, and if he had stayed the sky would have been the limit, Souness has gained experience, adapted his approach to players ie management style and became IMO a top boss.


How good we will see. As I posted last week, his treatment of Craig Bellamy is a test. Does he wash his hands of him as people like Wilkinson and Trevor [blow your nose] Francis did of Cantona, or will he focus him and manage him like Ferguson. It's up to him, just as much as it's up tp Bellamy. Both of them want to be the best, so they both now have the opportunity and the platform and it's the crossroads for both of them, as they say.




Very funny, I think you'll agree.

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Guest Gemmill

You insulting someone. Disgraceful really, given your lofty role as a supposed responsible moderator of the forum. Let's face it, everything about your posts changed when you became a moderator so why not this aspect of it too?


Insulting someone who doesn't post on here, well so what? I insult players and managers too, should that not be allowed?


Dolt is not much of an insult either tbh. I'd have thought you'd agree anyway, someone who thought Souness was a top boss is a dolt.


Insulting a lot of your chums there, like. Especially those on toonspastic.


We all know the people who supported Souness from the start and who continued to support him long after that support should have stopped.


I get a lot of abuse on this forum that seems to go unnoticed by you, but the most abuse I ever had was for suggesting Souness be sacked after a couple of months, adding that if he wasn't sacked he should be given no money to spend in that first transfer window. That for me was a measure of the stupidity of some on this forum who believed Souness was the right man but now in HINDSIGHT believe he was never the right man.


The abuse for saying Jenas was s**** a couple of years before he left the club and for saying ages ago that Parker isn't good enough is nothing in comparison, although the abuse over my views on Parker has been dropping as more and more people are seeing him for what he is.


Uh-huh... and what's that got to do with anything I said?


I thought people who backed Souness, including some of my chums on Toontastic, were stupid about it, and they know what I thought. Doesn't stop me going for a drink with them and enjoying their company, it's only a difference of opinion about football ffs.


I agree. So stop posting personal abuse toward other members, ffs.


Errrr....hello? :lol:  You've now sandwiched your abusive post to me between two posts telling people off for abuse.  You're having a good day.

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Guest Gemmill

eeee.......you're a right little fibber aren't you.


I think perhaps, the next time you disagree with Leazes Mag about something, you should say so and put up some facts and prove him wrong if you can, don't you ?


Like this, you mean?




The vast majority of Rangers fans that I met, at the time, during the 80's, were in awe of Souness. The insisted that he was "the greatest manager going" or he "had turned the club around" all the usual comments.....


At the time Liverpool appointed him to ressurect their former glories...and a fair few scousers thought he would do it on the basis of winning a 2 man league in Jockland.....and a fair few Rangers fans did too as well.


Further down the line...who was at the Newcastle v Liverpool game, the 3-0 one which was the subject of the "bribes" allegation....who remembers the Leazes End singing "Souness for sunderland". I do.


At the time, I was completely convinced that Souness v Keegan was absolutely no contest. We had the best manager by far, the one who was going to take us places, and the scousers had boobed and been totally deceived by his record and achievements in a league of no competition.


Over the years, circumstances have proved differently. While personally I think Keegan has never been the same since he left us, and if he had stayed the sky would have been the limit, Souness has gained experience, adapted his approach to players ie management style and became IMO a top boss.


How good we will see. As I posted last week, his treatment of Craig Bellamy is a test. Does he wash his hands of him as people like Wilkinson and Trevor [blow your nose] Francis did of Cantona, or will he focus him and manage him like Ferguson. It's up to him, just as much as it's up tp Bellamy. Both of them want to be the best, so they both now have the opportunity and the platform and it's the crossroads for both of them, as they say.




Very funny, I think you'll agree.


NE5/Leazes Mag in Souness >>>>>>>> Keegan shocker.  Oh dear. :lol:  Even in my most Souness-supportive moments, I never once suggested he was better than Keegan.  A top boss, no less.


Remember kids NE5/Leazes Mag is ALWAYS right.

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Insult whoever and whatever here

IS gemmil Glenn Roeder??

Sorry Glenn is a better managr than Gemmil the wanka


More likely his rent boy, tbh.


One page after admonishing someone for abuse.  Yet another example of HTL's hypocrisy.  No doubt you'll deny it though.  Thick as f****** pigshit, soldier boy. :lol:




It seems you haven't a clue what you're talking about. As usual.


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You insulting someone. Disgraceful really, given your lofty role as a supposed responsible moderator of the forum. Let's face it, everything about your posts changed when you became a moderator so why not this aspect of it too?


Insulting someone who doesn't post on here, well so what? I insult players and managers too, should that not be allowed?


Dolt is not much of an insult either tbh. I'd have thought you'd agree anyway, someone who thought Souness was a top boss is a dolt.


Insulting a lot of your chums there, like. Especially those on toonspastic.


We all know the people who supported Souness from the start and who continued to support him long after that support should have stopped.


I get a lot of abuse on this forum that seems to go unnoticed by you, but the most abuse I ever had was for suggesting Souness be sacked after a couple of months, adding that if he wasn't sacked he should be given no money to spend in that first transfer window. That for me was a measure of the stupidity of some on this forum who believed Souness was the right man but now in HINDSIGHT believe he was never the right man.


The abuse for saying Jenas was s**** a couple of years before he left the club and for saying ages ago that Parker isn't good enough is nothing in comparison, although the abuse over my views on Parker has been dropping as more and more people are seeing him for what he is.


Uh-huh... and what's that got to do with anything I said?


I thought people who backed Souness, including some of my chums on Toontastic, were stupid about it, and they know what I thought. Doesn't stop me going for a drink with them and enjoying their company, it's only a difference of opinion about football ffs.


I agree. So stop posting personal abuse toward other members, ffs.


Errrr....hello? :lol:  You've now sandwiched your abusive post to me between two posts telling people off for abuse.  You're having a good day.


I am having a good day. thanks.


Where's this abuse toward you?

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Guest Gemmill

Insult whoever and whatever here

IS gemmil Glenn Roeder??

Sorry Glenn is a better managr than Gemmil the wanka


More likely his rent boy, tbh.


One page after admonishing someone for abuse.  Yet another example of HTL's hypocrisy.  No doubt you'll deny it though.  Thick as f****** pigshit, soldier boy. :lol:




It seems you haven't a clue what you're talking about. As usual.



Insult whoever and whatever here

IS gemmil Glenn Roeder??

Sorry Glenn is a better managr than Gemmil the wanka


More likely his rent boy, tbh.


Thick as mince.  Go on, tell me it was just BANTER. :lol:

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#"Nowhere to run to baby...nowhere to hide"#




Jumping on the bandwagon, mate. It was a forlorn hope to expect a bit better from you, even though I'm sure that in reality you're not as immature as your chums despite how you try to feel accepted by them on the forum.  ;)

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Guest Gemmill

This "thing" between HTL, NE5, Gemmill and Alex...all very homoerotic isn't it? :razz:


Giving you a stiffy is it? :razz:

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Insult whoever and whatever here

IS gemmil Glenn Roeder??

Sorry Glenn is a better managr than Gemmil the wanka


More likely his rent boy, tbh.


One page after admonishing someone for abuse.  Yet another example of HTL's hypocrisy.  No doubt you'll deny it though.  Thick as f****** pigshit, soldier boy. :lol:




It seems you haven't a clue what you're talking about. As usual.



Insult whoever and whatever here

IS gemmil Glenn Roeder??

Sorry Glenn is a better managr than Gemmil the wanka


More likely his rent boy, tbh.


Thick as mince.  Go on, tell me it was just BANTER. :lol:


Thick as mince now? I thought I was a thick soldier, according to you. Despite never having been a soldier, like.  :)

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#"Nowhere to run to baby...nowhere to hide"#




Jumping on the bandwagon, mate. It was a forlorn hope to expect a bit better from you, even though I'm sure that in reality you're not as immature as your chums despite how you try to feel accepted by them on the forum.  ;)


Oh dear. So I made a teensy wee joke at the expense of your oppo, and now I'm lumped in with the bad boys.


What a narrow little world you inhabit sometimes. Just a joke FFS!



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Can we have a ceasefire please? This has almost become inter-forum now and is not only boring the arse off everyone, but I'm pretty sure it is boiling your own piss as much. Yous clearly all have your own views on things and will never agree or budge an inch. Can't yous all agree to disagree? Or learn to debate points instead of meaningless point scoring or bitch fests about who said what, who went to X games, who is right and who is wrong. Normally I couldn't care less but it is spreading to most threads and having a negative effect on the rest of the forum in my opinion.


Yous don't have to be the best of mates, but give it a try, you might enjoy it.  :thup:


PS Apologies to the rest of the forum for posting this non NUFC thread and to the guys in question, no offence fellas, hope you can see where I'm coming from.


Eh? I'm seriously puzzled by why I'm included in this f****** list.


I've done nowt in recent times other than post my view on the football, despite being constantly hassled by the usual morons because they don't agree with me.


I assume you're listing people you believe spoil threads. Well if you're going to name names fella, where the f*** is that obnoxious chimp guy and a whole host of others? And don't quote the "et al" s**** either. There are some people on here who never post a f****** thing that is football related, choosing instead to post personal s**** all over the show. There's more than one doing it and you know the people I mean.  I haven't thrown a thread off track for ages, like there are a few members I haven't responded to in ages despite their best efforts. 





Tickled me anyway. And no, I don't mean my slightly embarassing first attempt at using those quotes, for those of you who noticed.

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This "thing" between HTL, NE5, Gemmill and Alex...all very homoerotic isn't it? :razz:


Giving you a stiffy is it? :razz:


No doubt you're off round his house right now, eh.....


That would be daft. A 330 mile round trip, when I've got minge on tap right here in Edinburgh? Doubt it somehow. :lol:

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