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From the Charlton match report:



A defeat that was in equal parts totally predictable and utterly unacceptable.


After conspiring to achieve the messiest retreat from Europe since Dunkirk, whatever fading hopes of engineering a return ticket there next season via the league surely went up in smoke after another failure to win against shambolic opposition.


West Ham, Fulham, Boro, Wigan and now Charlton - woefully uninspiring excuses for football teams all, but like Birmingham enough to knock our gutless wonders out of their stride.


Now that the Hampden diversion has ended, attention is focused back on our domestic form with a vengeance - and it's not pretty.


Today we followed an increasingly familiar pattern this season - shading the opening exchanges but failing to score (or trouble the opposition defence) and promptly imploding once the opposition organised themselves enough to get upfield and stick one in.


In an attempt to shake things up we took to the field with four changes to the starting XI. But while the names, formation and composition of the defence had changed our attitude was no better - and the club's official scapegoat Titus couldn't be blamed for any of it.....


Yes, Martins conspired to miss a chance from close range and yes Dyer didn't win a penalty for a handball that was as unintentional but illegal as the one Taylor conceded against AZ. But like a hungry tramp, there's no future in dining out on hard luck stories.


Shamefully, Carson's fist away of N'Zogbia's 92nd minute effort was the Charlton keeper's first meaningful contribution. Never mind Scott, Frank Carson could have kept a clean sheet.


By then a fair few of those clustered behind the goal who had made a 4am departure from Tyneside to get here had turned on their heel and exited in disgust.


They're not booing, or ranting for heads to roll though - slogans aren't been written on bedsheets yet and jumpy jacks haven't gathered to hockle and pogo in front of Milburn reception. At least not yet.


Instead there's just the realisation that a slow and steady decline back to being also-rans continues as another crack-papering but ultimately futile UEFA Cup campaign passes into history.


That regression is being manifested by an abundance of tickets becoming available - season tickets routinely going spare and away tickets routinely on public sale (a double whammy of steep pricing and consistently under-par showings on the road making it easier for people to avoid the latter).


Supporters are finding other things to do - even if it's watching the game via a dustbin lid on the alehouse roof. And each one that walks away is expressing a vote of no confidence in the current custodians of the club on and off the field.


And we're talking real people here, who have drunk, fought and shouted for this club - not to be confused with harassed parents and numpty tosspots queuing for the new home shirt, who parade round Eldon Square but rarely grace SJP with their presence. Or maybe they're the sensible ones...


We're talking people who know that Grimsby don't play in Grimsby and Port Vale isn't a place. People to whom a message board is something that gets written on with a felt pen. People who have seen this team fail before, but never at these prices - and with this sort of investment spunked away on deadbeats.



Apparently the real people are getting disgruntled now.  :rolleyes:



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As someone who has been on the road with the guys at nufc.com for longer than I’d care to remember, who has shared more lows than highs with them their match report on Charlton is spot on. Have you any idea how far this club has fallen in the past 4 years, and have you any idea how many decades we are going to be suffering this shambles?


People on this message board getting excited about the signing of Steve Sidwell, just about sums up the situation?


I’m not one for saying you can’t comment if you don’t travel to AZ or get out of bed at 3.00am on a Sunday to travel to Charlton, but far too many people on this board, comment from their sofa or after listening to local radio.


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Have you any idea how far this club has fallen in the past 4 years, and have you any idea how many decades we are going to be suffering this shambles?


We've fallen in the last 4 years, but we've fallen and risen in the past aswell. In 1998, for 4 seasons we finished 13th twice and 11th twice, but then we rise again at get in the Champions League.


Without meaning to sound like NE5/HTL, we've 'fallen', yet we still spent £15m last summer - far more than most clubs. We've been shit this season, but we've not exactly done a Leeds have we? If we were bottom of the Championship 4-5 years after being CL Semi Finalists, then we'd be able to worry! A few decent signings and we've got the potential to be a good team again.


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Guest Gemmill

Have you any idea how far this club has fallen in the past 4 years, and have you any idea how many decades we are going to be suffering this shambles?


Yep.  And I still think the two of them have disappeared up their own arses.

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Those two disappeared up their own arses a long time ago.

Aye, still canny but not the site it was. They don't seem to have their inside source at the club any more and haven't for a while. And the reason they've got a bee in their bonnet about message boards is because that place gets increasing amounts of criticism on places like this these days and doesn't have the influence it once did imo. Quite a funny comment though, all the same.

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As someone who has been on the road with the guys at nufc.com for longer than Id care to remember, who has shared more lows than highs with them their match report on Charlton is spot on. Have you any idea how far this club has fallen in the past 4 years, and have you any idea how many decades we are going to be suffering this shambles?


People on this message board getting excited about the signing of Steve Sidwell, just about sums up the situation?


Im not one for saying you cant comment if you dont travel to AZ or get out of bed at 3.00am on a Sunday to travel to Charlton, but far too many people on this board, comment from their sofa or after listening to local radio.


Alreet there Biffa? :razz:

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"A few decent signings and we've got the potential to be a good team again."


Get real man……………………


The season before Bobby went, was the start of this decline, that's what over 5 years ago??? A few decent players??? Were you in Holland, how many of our players would any top 4 team have? Given, I’d guess and that's it. We have papered over the cracks for years. The club is rotten from the top - directors - downwards, we will know doubt spend and spend again, but to what end. We buy Owen when even a blind man can see that we need what 5-6 defenders? Can you see Owen and Martins playing in the same side? There is so much self-delusion here its unreal,




“They don't seem to have their inside source at the club any more and haven't for a while”


And that’s how you judge them? Dear me, buy the Sun…………………………


Have you ever gone back and read some of the so-called inside sources, published by the likes of people on this thread, O’Neil to sign on as manager defo, heard from an inside source, if that is what you are looking for don’t bother with nufc.com, thankfully they leave that to the soothsayer’s here who are 99.9% wrong.


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Guest Gemmill

"A few decent signings and we've got the potential to be a good team again."


Get real man


The season before Bobby went, was the start of this decline, that's what over 5 years ago??? A few decent players??? Were you in Holland, how many of our players would any top 4 team have? Given, Id guess and that's it. We have papered over the cracks for years. The club is rotten from the top - directors - downwards, we will know doubt spend and spend again, but to what end. We buy Owen when even a blind man can see that we need what 5-6 defenders? Can you see Owen and Martins playing in the same side? There is so much self-delusion here its unreal,




They don't seem to have their inside source at the club any more and haven't for a while


And thats how you judge them? Dear me, buy the Sun


Have you ever gone back and read some of the so-called inside sources, published by the likes of people on this thread, ONeil to sign on as manager defo, heard from an inside source, if that is what you are looking for dont bother with nufc.com, thankfully they leave that to the soothsayers here who are 99.9% wrong.



Do you really think you're educating anyone with your "the club is being run poorly" speech?  We know ffs.  What has that got to do with nufc.com?

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"A few decent signings and we've got the potential to be a good team again."


Get real man……………………


The season before Bobby went, was the start of this decline, that's what over 5 years ago??? A few decent players??? Were you in Holland, how many of our players would any top 4 team have? Given, I’d guess and that's it. We have papered over the cracks for years. The club is rotten from the top - directors - downwards, we will know doubt spend and spend again, but to what end. We buy Owen when even a blind man can see that we need what 5-6 defenders? Can you see Owen and Martins playing in the same side? There is so much self-delusion here its unreal,


Here you go again, get off your fucking highhorse.


I know there are a lot of problems, but my point was that football is about ups and downs. No point feeling sorry for ourselves is there? In 2000 we had a lot of shit players, yet a couple of years later with the right players signed, we were challenging again. Have you just written off NUFC's future for the next 10 years, or do you not in this big ego of yours have the sense to think someone might do something about it? I'm not being delusional, just realistic


If we signed a new backline and a better central midfielder, we'd have a decent side. I'm not saying we're going to win the title with it, but providing the defenders are good we should be able to challenge with Bolton etc for 5th/6th.


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Guest Invicta_Toon

so you weren't there.


Do you think Keegan's style of play and transfer budget was a sustainable model of football? Have you any explanation for the fact the very same directors are still in place at the club, the same ones deciding to buy Owen and not defenders?


Take those rose tinted specs off man, and realise we didn't win anything 4,10 or 20 years ago, same as this year


And yes, for the record, I didn't know Grimsby don't play in Grimsby. I have a life outside football

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Just because you weren't doesn't invalidate your criticisms. But far too many people on this site never go, and just repeat drivel. This site, as with those terrible radio phone in’s, verges on wanker’s paradise. Nufc.com say it as they see it, its opinion driven, if you don’t like what they say then don’t read it. I know for certain that nufc.com is inundated with gossip about players, inside stories, fly on the wall stuff. It’s too their credit they don’t publish any of it. If one wants to make any criticism of them it could be that they hold their fire too often.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

k2, currently the forum has over 2000 members from all corner of the world. It's hardly surprising that a huge number don't get to the games.


it's roughly half - see my poll from ages ago

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I think that the match report is pretty much spot on, and I don't have a problem with what Niall and Biffa say in the main. They (like me) are lads of a certain age who have seen all of this (and far worse)before - something which some of the younger poster's on here might not appreciate.


The over-riding concern is that the club has fallen a long way and is showing no signs of recovery - seeming content to wallow in melencoly. For some of us older fans - it simply won't wash anymore.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

I think that the match report is pretty much spot on, and I don't have a problem with what Niall and Biffa say in the main. They (like me) are lads of a certain age who have seen all of this (and far worse)before - something which some of the younger poster's on here might not appreciate.


The over-riding concern is that the club has fallen a long way and is showing no signs of recovery - seeming content to wallow in melencoly. For some of us older fans - it simply won't wash anymore.



otherwise known as the divine rightists


c. Geordie Nation 2007

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Just because you weren't doesn't invalidate your criticisms. But far too many people on this site never go, and just repeat drivel. This site, as with those terrible radio phone in’s, verges on wanker’s paradise. Nufc.com say it as they see it, its opinion driven, if you don’t like what they say then don’t read it. I know for certain that nufc.com is inundated with gossip about players, inside stories, fly on the wall stuff. It’s too their credit they don’t publish any of it. If one wants to make any criticism of them it could be that they hold their fire too often.


Doesn't that apply to these forums then? :o


Or is that a Nufc.com exclusive..or is it exclusive to them because they go to the games?

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