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As was stated by some of the more sensible and less hysterical comments here yesterday nufc.com is about opinions, not gossip, not transfer speculation, not about dirt, not about show bizz. If people want that then go else where. Just remember back to this site before Roeder was hired, how many people, including a good number who have contributed on this topic, basically just lied about what they heard, or passed on made up stories about this or that manger who has accepted. Just about 100% was bollocks, yet they come back and say other stuff which is then commented on and around and around we go. It’s a circus. NUFC.com is two blokes, and a few friends who help saying what they think. They don’t have to make stuff up to get a hearing, they don’t have to pretend to be in the know, they are in the know on lots of stuff, but thankfully they don’t pass on tell tale stories, or half-heard gossip just to appear to be in the know.  And as said earlier, because you don’t go to the juniors away on a bleak wet night does not mean you can’t comment, but far to many of those who contribute here, who live in the North East don’t go and rant all the time. This culture of complaint maybe the cultural zeitgeist but its terribly tiresome and really brings little clarity to a situation which we can all pretend is not as bad as it seems, but  is going to get worse before it gets better. We have a team which needs serious re-building and a club which seemingly totters from one crisis to another, the two don’t go togther.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

As was stated by some of the more sensible and less hysterical comments here yesterday nufc.com is about opinions, not gossip, not transfer speculation, not about dirt, not about show bizz. If people want that then go else where. Just remember back to this site before Roeder was hired, how many people, including a good number who have contributed on this topic, basically just lied about what they heard, or passed on made up stories about this or that manger who has accepted. Just about 100% was bollocks, yet they come back and say other stuff which is then commented on and around and around we go. It’s a circus. NUFC.com is two blokes, and a few friends who help saying what they think. They don’t have to make stuff up to get a hearing, they don’t have to pretend to be in the know, they are in the know on lots of stuff, but thankfully they don’t pass on tell tale stories, or half-heard gossip just to appear to be in the know.  And as said earlier, because you don’t go to the juniors away on a bleak wet night does not mean you can’t comment, but far to many of those who contribute here, who live in the North East don’t go and rant all the time. This culture of complaint maybe the cultural zeitgeist but its terribly tiresome and really brings little clarity to a situation which we can all pretend is not as bad as it seems, but  is going to get worse before it gets better. We have a team which needs serious re-building and a club which seemingly totters from one crisis to another, the two don’t go togther.


are you honestly saying they aren't just another couple of complainers? What are their carefully thought out opinions on what to do next? You're a complete hypocrite tbh. You just don't get it do you, no one bar a select few on here has any misgivings about the situation.

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As was stated by some of the more sensible and less hysterical comments here yesterday nufc.com is about opinions, not gossip, not transfer speculation, not about dirt, not about show bizz. If people want that then go else where. Just remember back to this site before Roeder was hired, how many people, including a good number who have contributed on this topic, basically just lied about what they heard, or passed on made up stories about this or that manger who has accepted. Just about 100% was bollocks, yet they come back and say other stuff which is then commented on and around and around we go. Its a circus. NUFC.com is two blokes, and a few friends who help saying what they think. They dont have to make stuff up to get a hearing, they dont have to pretend to be in the know, they are in the know on lots of stuff, but thankfully they dont pass on tell tale stories, or half-heard gossip just to appear to be in the know.  And as said earlier, because you dont go to the juniors away on a bleak wet night does not mean you cant comment, but far to many of those who contribute here, who live in the North East dont go and rant all the time. This culture of complaint maybe the cultural zeitgeist but its terribly tiresome and really brings little clarity to a situation which we can all pretend is not as bad as it seems, but   is going to get worse before it gets better. We have a team which needs serious re-building and a club which seemingly totters from one crisis to another, the two dont go togther.

Defending nufc.com in relation to the bit in bold. The irony.

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Really pisses me off when arguing with older fans they call you a keegan fan. If you were a kid when keegan came in what the fuck are you supposed to do? Its not my fault I was born at the time I was. Would also say that the older fans do tend to accept the shit that goes on with the club more than the younger ones, probably because they remember the really bad times. But they have to accept that football is completely different these days with all th money involved and what once they would have described as acceptable isnt any more.


To the guy who said about nufc.com spending all their money so being entitled to their opinion.... is it not the case that the large majority of their spending would be subsidised through the advertising revenue/ sponsorship from nufc.com? and not from their own pockets. I dont know just asking.

They do come over as a bit 'soopafanish' tho, and they are always quick to point out how good certain sets of fans are compared to the 'new' ones when in reality we would be up shit creak if it werent for both!

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As was stated by some of the more sensible and less hysterical comments here yesterday nufc.com is about opinions, not gossip, not transfer speculation, not about dirt, not about show bizz. If people want that then go else where. Just remember back to this site before Roeder was hired, how many people, including a good number who have contributed on this topic, basically just lied about what they heard, or passed on made up stories about this or that manger who has accepted. Just about 100% was bollocks, yet they come back and say other stuff which is then commented on and around and around we go. Its a circus. NUFC.com is two blokes, and a few friends who help saying what they think. They dont have to make stuff up to get a hearing, they dont have to pretend to be in the know, they are in the know on lots of stuff, but thankfully they dont pass on tell tale stories, or half-heard gossip just to appear to be in the know.  And as said earlier, because you dont go to the juniors away on a bleak wet night does not mean you cant comment, but far to many of those who contribute here, who live in the North East dont go and rant all the time. This culture of complaint maybe the cultural zeitgeist but its terribly tiresome and really brings little clarity to a situation which we can all pretend is not as bad as it seems, but   is going to get worse before it gets better. We have a team which needs serious re-building and a club which seemingly totters from one crisis to another, the two dont go togther.


The message they put out in the article being discussed here was probably shared by most, the way they came across was a bit shit, taking a swipe at some fans the way they did was stupid, that's probably why they are getting stick.

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Guest Knightrider

As was stated by some of the more sensible and less hysterical comments here yesterday nufc.com is about opinions, not gossip, not transfer speculation, not about dirt, not about show bizz. If people want that then go else where. Just remember back to this site before Roeder was hired, how many people, including a good number who have contributed on this topic, basically just lied about what they heard, or passed on made up stories about this or that manger who has accepted. Just about 100% was bollocks, yet they come back and say other stuff which is then commented on and around and around we go. It’s a circus. NUFC.com is two blokes, and a few friends who help saying what they think. They don’t have to make stuff up to get a hearing, they don’t have to pretend to be in the know, they are in the know on lots of stuff, but thankfully they don’t pass on tell tale stories, or half-heard gossip just to appear to be in the know.  And as said earlier, because you don’t go to the juniors away on a bleak wet night does not mean you can’t comment, but far to many of those who contribute here, who live in the North East don’t go and rant all the time. This culture of complaint maybe the cultural zeitgeist but its terribly tiresome and really brings little clarity to a situation which we can all pretend is not as bad as it seems, but  is going to get worse before it gets better. We have a team which needs serious re-building and a club which seemingly totters from one crisis to another, the two don’t go togther.


And this place is about community, where fans of all ages, nationality and so on converge to talk about NUFC and just about everything else, including rumours, gossip and aye, pure bull shit. That's what communities do.


BTW are you aware that there is also a main site to this forum that posts only opinion/reports and not rumours and so forth? It doesn't even comment on speculation such as transfer stories, we leave that up to the forum.


Anyway thanks for pointing out that the club is in a mess, not getting to matches these days, I never knew that.



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To be honest, Grimsby Town don't play football anywhere these days. ;)


I don't see the point they're trying to make. Are they saying that only the fans who were either there whilst Newcastle were in the lower leagues, or who pay an interest in lower league football have the right to comment?


See, I know plenty about lower league football, but I don't go to SJP, and I only get to about 5 or 6 away games during the season. I don't feel I have much right to comment on the team at all, unless it's during an argument with LeazesNE5beermonster

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Why is pointing out that people who invest more (in terms of effort, time and money) in actually watching the team have more right to feel the "suffering" counts as "disappearing up their own arses"?


Gemmill: you had a go at that Pakistani lad for lecturing the people who go to the home games about creating a bad atmosphere - are you now joining the message board mentality that Biffa was attacking in thinking a nominal "login" is somehow equal to year after year of slogging your body around the UK and beyond?


I know Biffa and he generally shares my view - that rant could have been written by me last Friday morning though it would probably have had more of an anti-team bias than the fan angle that has obviously hit a massive bullseye judging by the response from people here.


Anyone can comment on the team, cheer when we win and feel let down when we lose - I don't dispute that. The point is the level of "pain" felt by people like Biffa is infinitely deeper and "earned" than by others simply by the effort they put in - that might sound like pretensious bollocks - perhaps it is and I know I'll get replies saying people have "lives" which is fair enough but don't then turn around and accuse people of "disappearing up their own arses" just because they occasionally touch a raw nerve.




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Why is pointing out that people who invest more (in terms of effort, time and money) in actually watching the team have more right to feel the "suffering" counts as "disappearing up their own arses"?


Gemmill: you had a go at that Pakistani lad for lecturing the people who go to the home games about creating a bad atmosphere - are you now joining the message board mentality that Biffa was attacking in thinking a nominal "login" is somehow equal to year after year of slogging your body around the UK and beyond?


I know Biffa and he generally shares my view - that rant could have been written by me last Friday morning though it would probably have had more of an anti-team bias than the fan angle that has obviously hit a massive bullseye judging by the response from people here.


Anyone can comment on the team, cheer when we win and feel let down when we lose - I don't dispute that. The point is the level of "pain" felt by people like Biffa is infinitely deeper and "earned" than by others simply by the effort they put in - that might sound like pretensious bollocks - perhaps it is and I know I'll get replies saying people have "lives" which is fair enough but don't then turn around and accuse people of "disappearing up their own arses" just because they occasionally touch a raw nerve.





I don't agree about him feeling the pain more than others, although he might, how does he know how much it hurts others?  Everybody feels pain differently and it doesn't matter if it's physical or mental.  I wouldn't even try to compare my pain threshold with others, pain is personal and one person trying to say that they feel it more than others is just crazy.


When my grandparents died my brother and sister cried yet I didn't, it doesn't mean that it hurt them more, it means we dealt with it differently.


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Guest Gemmill

Why is pointing out that people who invest more (in terms of effort, time and money) in actually watching the team have more right to feel the "suffering" counts as "disappearing up their own arses"?


Gemmill: you had a go at that Pakistani lad for lecturing the people who go to the home games about creating a bad atmosphere - are you now joining the message board mentality that Biffa was attacking in thinking a nominal "login" is somehow equal to year after year of slogging your body around the UK and beyond?


I know Biffa and he generally shares my view - that rant could have been written by me last Friday morning though it would probably have had more of an anti-team bias than the fan angle that has obviously hit a massive bullseye judging by the response from people here.


Anyone can comment on the team, cheer when we win and feel let down when we lose - I don't dispute that. The point is the level of "pain" felt by people like Biffa is infinitely deeper and "earned" than by others simply by the effort they put in - that might sound like pretensious bollocks - perhaps it is and I know I'll get replies saying people have "lives" which is fair enough but don't then turn around and accuse people of "disappearing up their own arses" just because they occasionally touch a raw nerve.





I had a go at him for blaming the fans that were at the game for the team getting beaten.  I'd just got in from the match, and didn't take too kindly to it.  You're mates with these blokes and you know them better than I do, and that's fine.  All I can go on is what I read on that site, and I think it's been going downhill for a long time.

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I don't agree about him feeling the pain more than others, although he might, how does he know how much it hurts others?  Everybody feels pain differently and it doesn't matter if it's physical or mental.  I wouldn't even try to compare my pain threshold with others, pain is personal and one person trying to say that they feel it more than others is just crazy.


When my grandparents died my brother and sister cried yet I didn't, it doesn't mean that it hurt them more, it means we dealt with it differently.



In simplistic terms I just meant that the effort put in does in my opinion give people who go to all of the games more of a right to "pontificate" and feel miserable about the losses than people who picked the team with a pin from half-way round the world (and all the levels in between).


It might be old fashioned to talk in terms of "better fans" but I don't really give a shit - they are in my book.



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I had a go at him for blaming the fans that were at the game for the team getting beaten.


Honest question - what was it that made you think he said that?


He actually started a thread telling us to shout louder etc because the players will only respond to that

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The article wasn't about getting behind the team, it was saying that anyone who doesn't go to away games - the majority of season ticket holders - are 'numpty tosspots', and also begrudged kids who can't afford to go to matches taking an interest in the team.


Their constant use of tedious 80's music references gives them away. They're sneering at anyone under 30.

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The article wasn't about getting behind the team, it was saying that anyone who doesn't go to away games - the majority of season ticket holders - are 'numpty tosspots', and also begrudged kids who can't afford to go to matches taking an interest in the team.


Their constant use of tedious 80's music references gives them away. They're sneering at anyone under 30.


I think the thrust was what I've been saying - putting it harshly "sky boy" fans (and quite a few posters on here whose "real" support is tenuous at best) tend to demand loudly that we do better - I'm not going all NE5/LM here but an appreciation (and participtaion in a few of our cases) in the shit years pre Keegan I feel again gives them/us more of a "right" to talk about it. If that becomes condescending or "sneering" in your view then fair enough. They/I don't begrudge interest - its just a question of "earning" the level/degree of that interest.


If music plays a large part in your life and you happen to be 40ish or more then what the hell is wrong with being a little "inventive" with some references?


I'm not saying being an uber-fan makes your opinion always right - far from it - I've disagreed with a lot of stuff Biffa's written over the years. However I do think it gives that opinion more basic weight and right of respect.




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Guest Gemmill

I had a go at him for blaming the fans that were at the game for the team getting beaten.


Honest question - what was it that made you think he said that?


It was months ago and I can't remember exactly what was said.  If I've exaggerated it, then I apologise.  What I do know is that I was well within my rights to have a go at him at the time.

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Generally, if it wasn't for the younger, more internet-savvy fans who visit their site, would .com have got the sponsorship deals that help them run the place?

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I agree with a lot of what you're saying  NJS, but not so much about having to have experienced the pre-keegan days.  I was born in 1989, and i started following football as early as is realistically possible.  I can't remember not going to newcastle games.  I've been going to games since i was 5, and away games since i was 6 and i can't comprehend anybody feeling more joy or sorrow from Newcastle United than i do.


If anything, you could say it is worse for my generation.  My standards are naturally much higher.  A few years older than me, and you've experienced much worse - relegation and the like.  The first 2 seasons i remember properly we came 2nd in the premiership twice, and the next year we were in the champions league.  Early memories that aren't so 'comprehensive' are of Beardsley and Cole banging them in, 'the entertainers'.


You could say my disspointment threshold will be much higher.


I'm not in anyway saying that i have more right to whinge etc. than older fans, but i'm saying i don't think they have more right than me.

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Guest dasflenst

It's just a matter of opinions really, there's no need to get too bothered by it all.  Re the older fans being condescending - it might sometimes be the case but maybe that's what we'll all be like in 30 years time (or when you're 50 or whatever) and the younger fans are annoying us by hardly ever going or making up stupid songs or whatever.  I don't think it's just football; the older you get, the more you feel your opinion is more valid than younger people's as you've lived longer/worked longer etc. 

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The article wasn't about getting behind the team, it was saying that anyone who doesn't go to away games - the majority of season ticket holders - are 'numpty tosspots', and also begrudged kids who can't afford to go to matches taking an interest in the team.


I suppose it depends how you read it, I took the gist of it to read that the club is in danger of a fair number of regular season ticket renewers not doing so next season which is nothing that hasn't been said on here before. Some folk are taking a giant jump and taking it as an insult to non-going fans/kids/forum users, I don't.



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The article wasn't about getting behind the team, it was saying that anyone who doesn't go to away games - the majority of season ticket holders - are 'numpty tosspots', and also begrudged kids who can't afford to go to matches taking an interest in the team.


I suppose it depends how you read it, I took the gist of it to read that the club is in danger of a fair number of regular season ticket renewers not doing so next season which is nothing that hasn't been said on here before. Some folk are taking a giant jump and taking it as an insult to non-going fans/kids/forum users, I don't.




I would have thought that saying "not to be confused with harassed parents and numpty tosspots queuing for the new home shirt" was meant as an insult, I wouldn't say it as anything other than an insult.

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I agree with a lot of what you're saying  NJS, but not so much about having to have experienced the pre-keegan days.  I was born in 1989


Sorry, I should have said that obviously you can only do your "best" in your era dependent on age.


On expectations perhaps older fans do have more of a sense of fatalism regarding the ongoing failure but that doesn't mean I don't expect or demand success.





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The article wasn't about getting behind the team, it was saying that anyone who doesn't go to away games - the majority of season ticket holders - are 'numpty tosspots', and also begrudged kids who can't afford to go to matches taking an interest in the team.




I suppose it depends how you read it, I took the gist of it to read that the club is in danger of a fair number of regular season ticket renewers not doing so next season which is nothing that hasn't been said on here before. Some folk are taking a giant jump and taking it as an insult to non-going fans/kids/forum users, I don't.




I would have thought that saying "not to be confused with harassed parents and numpty tosspots queuing for the new home shirt" was meant as an insult, I wouldn't say it as anything other than an insult.


It comes down to how you want to read it I suppose Mick, I take the numpty toss-pots that they are refering to to be the ones who are always 'interviewed' on SSN etc, the one's with their white kappa tracksuit bottoms, black soccer world boots and fake designer hat.


It seems like some folk have a problem with the lads who run the site and have seized on this to jump on them, shame really as the gist of the whole post has some relevance.



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Guest Invicta_Toon

I ask myself, do these tossers actually realise that, income wise, the club wouldn't be in the least bit affected if all the people who attend every away game and were there when we played grimsby or whoever the fuck they're on about, were to dissapear off the face of the earth? I.e. why the fuck do they and their groupies think their opinion counts more than anyone else's when it comes to the club? Fuck em tbh

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