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Would it be fair to say.....?

Guest hindu times

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Guest hindu times

.... the fans who travel to the away games are still behind Roeder and the team, but the cynical and impatient home fans have had enough?


At Sheffield on Saturday, all the fans I was sat near, or around, or spoke to, were in support of Roeder. There was the odd Chav piping up just after they equalised, but for the most part there was a lot of support there.


Then yesterday at the Arsenal match, after 20 mins, I heard a good 5 or 10 different people sat within 5 metres of me bitching that Roeders set the team up wrong, and moaning every time someone made the slightest mistake.


Would it be fair to say that the folks who go to the majority of the games are still behind him and the team?

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Guest Gemmill

Only an idiot would want to stick with Mr. Mediocre as boss IMO.


Cheers Gemmil  O0


No problem.  Were you expecting a definitive answer to the question? :razz:

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Its hard for me to say as an exile - I get to see the team so rarely these days but I am amazed to hear you spoke to people who are behind him

I think the mentality of teh away fan is always different - away fans always give fantastic support to the team on the pitch where as at home, they are far more critical and less suypportive


If there are some people in support of him then I despair

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The only moaning around where I was on Saturday was directed towards Dyer (guilty) and Martins for dribbling with his head down so he can't see where anyone is running alongside him. No one seemed to have a go at Roeder, then again we did win so an all together different atmosphere.

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Guest Gemmill

Fans at away games have travelled hundreds of miles specifically to give support to the team though.  That's the difference.  It's not that they all think Roeder is great, but that they've travelled to make a racket in support of the team - I know Renton and SLP were there at the weekend, and both think Roeder is a moron.  Dismissing anyone that piped up after they equalised as "the odd chav" just suggests to me that the OP is a Roeder bummer boy content with mediocrity. :razz:

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Guest Gemmill

The only moaning around where I was on Saturday was directed towards Dyer (guilty) and Martins for dribbling with his head down so he can't see where anyone is running alongside him. No one seemed to have a go at Roeder, then again we did win so an all together different atmosphere.


Ally, it's fair to say that you think Roeder is a mong to.  Stand up for yourself man!  Hindu times is telling everyone that you love Glenn Roeder!

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The only moaning around where I was on Saturday was directed towards Dyer (guilty) and Martins for dribbling with his head down so he can't see where anyone is running alongside him. No one seemed to have a go at Roeder, then again we did win so an all together different atmosphere.


Ally, it's fair to say that you think Roeder is a mong to.  Stand up for yourself man!  Hindu times is telling everyone that you love Glenn Roeder!


Roeder is mong-tastic, I deny any allegations of love. :razz:



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I just get the feeling the regular away fans are a lot more patient ( and rightly so) where as the home fans who only  see half the story, are just negative cynical folk.


So the away fans see twice as many sh*t performances and still defend him?! Mental.

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Guest Gemmill

I just get the feeling the regular away fans are a lot more patient ( and rightly so) where as the home fans who only  see half the story, are just negative cynical folk.


I think that's total bollocks.  Whichever half of the story you've seen this season, it's been fucking shit - we've been dire home and away, and the fans are quite rightly sick of it. 


Or have the away performances this season been so scintillating that the regular away fans who've seen the full story know something that we don't about the genius of Glenn Roeder?

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Guest Knightrider

You can't use the away support as any yardstick because they turn up, as Gemmill points out, to get behind the lads first and foremost regardless. To show any dissent of any kind would be very unsupportive and on the road, Toon away fans like to keep their reputation intact as top away fans who ALWAYS get behind their team no matter what. Remember even under Souness the team got amazing backing on the road and lets not forget Cardiff, yet no-one was happy with the result, performance or players and management that day.

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Guest Gemmill

You can't use the away support as any yardstick because they turn up, as Gemmill points out, to get behind the lads first and foremost regardless. To show any dissent of any kind would be very unsupportive and on the road, Toon away fans like to keep their reputation intact as top away fans who ALWAYS get behind their team no matter what. Remember even under Souness the team got amazing backing on the road and lets not forget Cardiff, yet no-one was happy with the result, performance or players and management that day.


I understand what your saying, but I'm referring to the grumbles when a player loses the ball, or the snide comments that so-and-so's shit. You here them once a minute at home games, but not at away games (or at least at the 4 away games I've been to this year).


And Gemmil, I'm not saying that this is the case, because I don't get to as many away games as I'd like .... I'm asking whether this is the case.


I guess what I'm trying to get at is, surely it would be more beneficial at home if people saved their moaning until after the match, and just got behind their team as the away fans do.


If we were a team that played with any sort of shape or cohesion, people would forgive the odd poor performance.  If our players were the sort for whom mistakes were a rarity, people would forgive them their rare mistakes.  It's every week that the fans turn up though.  And people have had enough.  Perhaps it's time that those at away games made their feelings known too - maybe the fact that the fans keep bending over and parting their cheeks is why the players and management have been getting away with being substandard at NUFC for so long.  I mean really, what is the point in this reputation for being great away fans when your team is an embarrassment?  I'm not necessarily saying that I think this way btw, but you must be able to see what I mean?


And you can't compare the away fans with the regular home fans.  They're like a totally different species.  I guarantee you that, as commendable as they might think it is, the vast majority of the home crowd look on those that travel every week to away games as though they're slightly mental - it literally wouldn't even occur to them to go to an away game EVER.  Completely different set of fans.  More so than ever before these days.

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Guest Andrew Flintoff

I feckin hate home games now. Only been to three or four this year, thats an all-time low for me. I prefer away games so much. The fans at the away games are there to support and then bitch after the match. Fans at the home games bitch the entire 90 minutes. I hate home games because you have so many know-it-all fans abusing all and sundry about nothing, knees-jerking all over the shop and nothing in the way of backing.


Our home support is full of mongs demanding everything yesterday.

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Guest Gemmill

I feckin hate home games now. Only been to three or four this year, thats an all-time low for me. I prefer away games so much. The fans at the away games are there to support and then bitch after the match. Fans at the home games bitch the entire 90 minutes. I hate home games because you have so many know-it-all fans abusing all and sundry about nothing, knees-jerking all over the shop and nothing in the way of backing.


Our home support is full of mongs demanding everything yesterday.


The other side of the coin is that if the home support clapped like performing seals for 90 minutes and did their bitching afterwards, the management, players and board wouldn't have a clue what the fans really thought about their substandard efforts.


Sorry like, but as much as I think there are a number of dickheads in SJP, the fans also have some right to reply when their team are churning out shite, and if that's in the form of an unpleasant atmosphere at SJP, then so be it.  People are paying a lot of money and they don't do it to be served up shit every week.

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Guest Andrew Flintoff

I feckin hate home games now. Only been to three or four this year, thats an all-time low for me. I prefer away games so much. The fans at the away games are there to support and then bitch after the match. Fans at the home games bitch the entire 90 minutes. I hate home games because you have so many know-it-all fans abusing all and sundry about nothing, knees-jerking all over the shop and nothing in the way of backing.


Our home support is full of mongs demanding everything yesterday.


The other side of the coin is that if the home support clapped like performing seals for 90 minutes and did their bitching afterwards, the management, players and board wouldn't have a clue what the fans really thought about their substandard efforts.


Sorry like, but as much as I think there are a number of dickheads in SJP, the fans also have some right to reply when their team are churning out s****, and if that's in the form of an unpleasant atmosphere at SJP, then so be it.  People are paying a lot of money and they don't do it to be served up s*** every week.


I don't disagree with that mate but I think it would be better placed at half-time/full-time than during the game, jumping on the back of whichever poor sod it is this week who is being ripped to shreds. I know that they are being paid a hell of a lot of money but to boo a player a la Carr/Babayaro while they are still on the pitch is going to ruin the man - if you've ever played football at any level at all, and you've had a bad run of form, you feel shite enough. You don't need people jumping on your back and making this worse.


I just feel that the fans at away games are more willing to back the players and give support, then show their frustrations after the game - which I see as far more productive than singling people out for nonsensical abuse.

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Guest Knightrider

It is a catch 22 situation. If fans didn't get on the backs of players and the team, maybe they would play better, however if the players and team played better, fans wouldn't get on their backs. At the end of the day though it is down to the management, team and players to make the fans happy. The days of fans turning up in full support, win, lose or draw, are long gone. Perhaps if prices weren't so expensive and players were earning their wages like the common man.... we could get back to those days.

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Guest Gemmill

It is a catch 22 situation. If fans didn't get on the backs of players and the team, maybe they would play better, however if the players and team played better, fans wouldn't get on their backs. At the end of the day though it is down to the management, team and players to make the fans happy. The days of fans turning up in full support, win, lose or draw, are long gone. Perhaps if prices weren't so expensive and players were earning their wages like the common man.... we could get back to those days.


The ticket prices are a big part of the problem imo.  People can go on about these terrible fans that turn up to games expecting to be entertained etc., but people are paying £30+ for tickets and they're not doing it to blindly get behind a bunch of millionaires or their millionaire manager regardless of effort expended/ability demonstrated.  There are certain expectations that come with those sort of ticket prices, and NUFC have been failing to meet those expectations for some time now.


I mean, can anyone honestly say that they're looking forward to next season, or to their renewal form dropping on the mat?  I'm fucking sure I can't.

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Guest Gemmill

Me either. I'm going to have to get a fucking job to pay for it. THE HUMANITY!





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Guest Gemmill

It is a catch 22 situation. If fans didn't get on the backs of players and the team, maybe they would play better, however if the players and team played better, fans wouldn't get on their backs. At the end of the day though it is down to the management, team and players to make the fans happy. The days of fans turning up in full support, win, lose or draw, are long gone. Perhaps if prices weren't so expensive and players were earning their wages like the common man.... we could get back to those days.


The ticket prices are a big part of the problem imo.  People can go on about these terrible fans that turn up to games expecting to be entertained etc., but people are paying £30+ for tickets and they're not doing it to blindly get behind a bunch of millionaires or their millionaire manager regardless of effort expended/ability demonstrated.  There are certain expectations that come with those sort of ticket prices, and NUFC have been failing to meet those expectations for some time now.


I mean, can anyone honestly say that they're looking forward to next season, or to their renewal form dropping on the mat?  I'm f****** sure I can't.


I can honestly say I look forward to every game... purely because I love going to the match.


I really do agree with an earlier post... it's catch 22. If the players were given the backing by the home crowd, then maybe they would put out good performances.


I can honestly say that these days the match gets in the way of what would otherwise be a good day out.  Any enthusiasm I have for the match is normally completely gone by half time as I see yet another snoozefest being played out by inept players, overseen by an inept manager with his hands in his pocket.

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On prem plus on sunday they interviewed some fans about Roeder, I thought here we go they will find all the fans who will back him. To my suprise they more or less said the same as we have on here apart from one apathetic fan that wanted to give him more time, the other 4 or 5 had nothing good to say. The funny thing was I think NE5 was on there, some old bloke raving about how he has supported NUFC for 54 years and that he has never seen such dross. 

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On prem plus on sunday they interviewed some fans about Roeder, I thought here we go they will find all the fans who will back him. To my suprise they more or less said the same as we have on here apart from one apathetic fan that wanted to give him more time, the other 4 or 5 had nothing good to say. The funny thing was I think NE5 was on there, some old bloke raving about how he has supported NUFC for 54 years and that he has never seen such dross. 


Funny thing is, that's the exact opposite of what NE5 tends to say.

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