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In his 2 years in charge Souness spend almost the same amount of money that SBR spend in his 5 years in charge?


Keegan-from 1992 until 1997:


Players IN: £57 125 000


Players OUT: £21 485 000


Difference= - £ 35 640 000.This sum divided to his 5 seasons in charge equals the number of £7 128 000 per season



Dalglish-from 1997 until 1998


Players IN: £33 300 000


Players OUT: £27 150 000


Difference= - £ 6 150 000


Gullit-from 1998 until 1999


Players IN: £ 33 400 000


Players OUT: £ 25 975 000


Difference= - £ 7 425 000


Robson-from 1999 until 2004


Players IN: £ 75 460 000


Players OUT: £ 43 600 000 


Difference= - £ 31 860 000.Divided to his 5 season in charge equals the number of  £ 6 372 000 per season


Souness-from 2004 until 2006


Players IN: £ 49 500 000


Players OUT: £ 20 400 000


Difference= - 29 100 000.Divided to his 2 season in charge equals the number of £ 14 550 000 per season


Roeder-from 2006 until 2007


Players IN: £ 15 140 000


Players OUT: £ 7 500 000


Difference= - £ 7 640 000




The difference between the money spend and money recieved from the Robson reign are £31 860 000

The difference between the money spend and money recieved from the Souness reign are £ 29 100 000

Thats only £ 2.5m.Not to mention that Souness lasted only 2 season and SBR spend 5 seasons as manager

Also when you divide SBR difference money valued at £31 860 000 to the 5 season he was in charge the amout of money he had per season are  £ 6 372 000,which i think its not too much.

Keegan's sum of money from players bought and players sold from his 5 years in charge is £35 640 000

That number divided to his 5 season in charge equals of £7 128 000 per season

Dalgish numbers are £ 6 150 000 per season

Gullit numbers are £ 7 425 000 per season

and Roeder numbers for his one season-£7 640 000


Funny that Souness spend almost as much as Keegan and he is the manager which the board backed with most money per season-£ 14 550 000

I think Souness reign bring us at least 4-5 years back in the time before Robson took in charge.Everything that SBR build Souness had destroy it.

Any thoughts about this?

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Shite use of tense tbh.  :lol:


God what I'd give for us to have given Bobby the money that summer we spent nothing that we gave to Souness in that summer he spent a fortune.

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God what I'd give for us to have given Bobby the money that summer we spent nothing that we gave to Souness in that summer he spent a fortune.


After Bobby spunked  approx £11 mill on Cort & Bassedas (Sp), I can see why he did not get much more dosh. He was also lucky he got Bellend & Robert one summer because at the time his first choice targets Jeffers & Zenden who both turned us down for Arse & Chelsea.

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Guest Knightrider

To hire Souness cost us the best part of 40m quid, shocking management by the club that like.

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Robson is a known quality manager who has a history of good transfer dealings whereas Souness doesn't.


If Shepherd is prepared to hire Souness then Shepherd needs to be willing to support him financially.

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Robson is a known quality manager who has a history of good transfer


When he was at Barca & PSV he didnt do the signings.


Carr,Bramble,Quinn,Cort,Bassedas,Cordone,Fumaca are just some of the names I can think of with out trying. As for Soumess I wouldnt give him £1 to spend.


Bob was best at not making  it fooking complicated we played it simple. Remember when he took over & he told Al his back was facing the goal to much, he needed to play a bit more on the turn, it was shit like that turned the sinking ship Ruud left around.

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Foruth time I've pressed the "New"-button going into the thread without knowing what it's about! Threadnames like these SUCK!

Another one... Although, I've just clicked it once, but yeah

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Robson is a known quality manager who has a history of good transfer


When he was at Barca & PSV he didnt do the signings.


Carr,Bramble,Quinn,Cort,Bassedas,Cordone,Fumaca are just some of the names I can think of with out trying. As for Soumess I wouldnt give him £1 to spend.


Bob was best at not making  it fooking complicated we played it simple. Remember when he took over & he told Al his back was facing the goal to much, he needed to play a bit more on the turn, it was shit like that turned the sinking ship Ruud left around.


He signed Ronaldo when he was at Barca

Every manager makes bad transfer decisions from time to time.

Nobody is perfect.

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