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Saturday's word on the street

Superior Acuña

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I think lots of people are underestimating just how good Owen is. Yeah, he doesn't give a shit about us, but that's hardly new information is it? We've known this since he signed, it's hardly a revelation.


Fact is he scores goals. Almost guaranteed. We shouldn't be selling that commodity unless we have to.

Also a fact that he is constantly injured, and also a face that he hasnt scored 20 in the prem.


He had two of the worst injuries one can sustain as a footballer. What a shithouse.

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I think lots of people are underestimating just how good Owen is. Yeah, he doesn't give a shit about us, but that's hardly new information is it? We've known this since he signed, it's hardly a revelation.


Fact is he scores goals. Almost guaranteed. We shouldn't be selling that commodity unless we have to.

Also a fact that he is constantly injured, and also a face that he hasnt scored 20 in the prem.


He had two of the worst injuries one can sustain as a footballer. What a shithouse.

Doesnt matter what the injuries are though does it, they are still facts.

Shearer had plenty of serious injuries and still hit 20-30 consistently

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I think lots of people are underestimating just how good Owen is. Yeah, he doesn't give a shit about us, but that's hardly new information is it? We've known this since he signed, it's hardly a revelation.


Fact is he scores goals. Almost guaranteed. We shouldn't be selling that commodity unless we have to.


Spot on... we've got a world class finisher in the side, and yet people just aren't bothered simply because he 'doesn't care' - which is exaggerated in this case anyway.


Maybe if he cares now in 2 years time its almost certain that he wont sign new contract.

So we must think about the future and if we can get 12m for him we should take it otherwise we might end up with nothing in 2 years time.


Lots of us (including you and I) call the board for wasting money, loads of times.


If we sell him now for £12m we've thrown £4m + wages + surgery down the swanny for nothing, just because 'he doesn't love the club!!!11!!1'.


I say at least try get some value out of him this season, sell him next year if we/he want(s) out.

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thats the problem now, he only has 2yrs running and whats to say next summer he wouldnt do another 'Liverpool' and play out his last year of his contract, and we'll lose him on a bosman.


I totally agree, selling him now is a massive waste - £6m loss in transfer fee plus about £10m in wages.

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I think lots of people are underestimating just how good Owen is. Yeah, he doesn't give a shit about us, but that's hardly new information is it? We've known this since he signed, it's hardly a revelation.


Fact is he scores goals. Almost guaranteed. We shouldn't be selling that commodity unless we have to.

Also a fact that he is constantly injured, and also a face that he hasnt scored 20 in the prem.


He had two of the worst injuries one can sustain as a footballer. What a shithouse.

Doesnt matter what the injuries are though does it, they are still facts.

Shearer had plenty of serious injuries and still hit 20-30 consistently


Quite frankly i'm baffled you appear to be suggesting we sell Michael Owen as he doesn't score enough.


He's had injures all his career. We knew all of this before we signed him.


Anyway, I can't be arsed arguing any longer. Let's just say that I wouldn't be happy one bit if we sold Owen, unless he refuses to play for us or we NEED the money.

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I think lots of people are underestimating just how good Owen is. Yeah, he doesn't give a s*** about us, but that's hardly new information is it? We've known this since he signed, it's hardly a revelation.


Fact is he scores goals. Almost guaranteed. We shouldn't be selling that commodity unless we have to.


Spot on... we've got a world class finisher in the side, and yet people just aren't bothered simply because he 'doesn't care' - which is exaggerated in this case anyway.


Maybe if he cares now in 2 years time its almost certain that he wont sign new contract.

So we must think about the future and if we can get 12m for him we should take it otherwise we might end up with nothing in 2 years time.


Lots of us (including you and I) call the board for wasting money, loads of times.


If we sell him now for £12m we've thrown £4m + wages + surgery down the swanny for nothing, just because 'he doesn't love the club!!!11!!1'.


I say at least try get some value out of him this season, sell him next year if we/he want(s) out.


Surely you have to consider though, we'll get about £3million for him next summer

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Owen was a terrible signing, in hindsight. Worst in the clubs history, along with Lucky Albert.


The only way Owen can prove himself and his desire for this club, is to bang in some goals before Xmas and sign for an extra season. (then we can flog him in the summer - if he hasnt picked up another injury within a week of signing the extension  :lol:)

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I think lots of people are underestimating just how good Owen is. Yeah, he doesn't give a s*** about us, but that's hardly new information is it? We've known this since he signed, it's hardly a revelation.


Fact is he scores goals. Almost guaranteed. We shouldn't be selling that commodity unless we have to.


Spot on... we've got a world class finisher in the side, and yet people just aren't bothered simply because he 'doesn't care' - which is exaggerated in this case anyway.


Maybe if he cares now in 2 years time its almost certain that he wont sign new contract.

So we must think about the future and if we can get 12m for him we should take it otherwise we might end up with nothing in 2 years time.


Lots of us (including you and I) call the board for wasting money, loads of times.


If we sell him now for £12m we've thrown £4m + wages + surgery down the swanny for nothing, just because 'he doesn't love the club!!!11!!1'.


I say at least try get some value out of him this season, sell him next year if we/he want(s) out.


Surely you have to consider though, we'll get about £3million for him next summer


Maybe so. If his goals get us into Europe, what value that? What value the status boost, ability to sign good players in his place?


He's here now. Let's use him while we can.

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I am really not bothered about the lad not giving a shit, I don't think any player honestly does unless they have been here a long time or supported the club as a kid. What I am bothered about is the fact that in 12 months he could move for a pittance (compared to what we could get now), he is on huge wages and he has little niggling injuries quite a bit (without even thinking about him getting another serious one).


If he signs a contract extension for an extra year the keep him, if not I don't think we could afford the gamble! Liverpool got £8m for him when he was at the peak of his hype, he has spent pretty much 2 years out of football, even if he managed a decent amount of games next season I very much doubt we would get that amount for him.


For £11m we should be able to get a very good striker and Viduka for the same wages Owen is on now.

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Owen was a terrible signing, in hindsight. Worst in the clubs history, along with Lucky Albert.


Agreed. But see my above comment. We only stand to lose by selling now.

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I think lots of people are underestimating just how good Owen is. Yeah, he doesn't give a shit about us, but that's hardly new information is it? We've known this since he signed, it's hardly a revelation.


Fact is he scores goals. Almost guaranteed. We shouldn't be selling that commodity unless we have to.


Spot on... we've got a world class finisher in the side, and yet people just aren't bothered simply because he 'doesn't care' - which is exaggerated in this case anyway.


Maybe if he cares now in 2 years time its almost certain that he wont sign new contract.

So we must think about the future and if we can get 12m for him we should take it otherwise we might end up with nothing in 2 years time.


Lots of us (including you and I) call the board for wasting money, loads of times.


If we sell him now for £12m we've thrown £4m + wages + surgery down the swanny for nothing, just because 'he doesn't love the club!!!11!!1'.


I say at least try get some value out of him this season, sell him next year if we/he want(s) out.


I also want Owen to stay with us but i'll be very surprised if Owen signs new contract next year.

And if we wait until next season to sell him his value would be pretty low considering the fact he will be free agent the summer after that.

It all depends on the fact if Owen wants to be here for the long term or he is waiting for his contract to expire and leave immediately.

If its the second one i think its better business for the club to sell him now.

With 12m we can buy another striker and still have money to spend on other positions.

Also Martins and Owen are similar players and it would be better if we play some partnership like Viduka-Martins rather then Martins-Owen.

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