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Juve In For Martins.

Crumpy Gunt

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Guest alex

How many times last year was the ball lumped up in the air to him? AT 5ft 7 he is never going to excell at that type of game and I think if Sam can work on the lad's first touch and get a regular strike partnership set up then we will see a lot more goals from him.

We haven't played to his strengths, he's never had a decent partner and the team has struggled. So, all in all he did ok. The bit about his first touch shows a complete lack of understanding about football though imo. Sorry.

How many times last year was the ball lumped up in the air to him? AT 5ft 7 he is never going to excell at that type of game and I think if Sam can work on the lad's first touch and get a regular strike partnership set up then we will see a lot more goals from him.

We haven't played to his strengths, he's never had a decent partner and the team has struggled. So, all in all he did ok. The bit about his first touch shows a complete lack of understanding about football though imo. Sorry.



Talk to the hand sister cause the face ain't listening.

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I have played with people a lot older than Martins who have improved various aspects of their game. To claim a player cannot improve touch and movement at 22 is mental. Movement is a little more difflicult to work on as its often about instinct and if a player doesn't have that in the first place its not going to come natural but touch can defintely be improved upon.

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How many times last year was the ball lumped up in the air to him? AT 5ft 7 he is never going to excell at that type of game and I think if Sam can work on the lad's first touch and get a regular strike partnership set up then we will see a lot more goals from him.

We haven't played to his strengths, he's never had a decent partner and the team has struggled. So, all in all he did ok. The bit about his first touch shows a complete lack of understanding about football though imo. Sorry.

yes, Martins doesn't understand football completely.. that's quite a statement

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Guest BooBoo

It may seem churlish but when judging Martins first season its a bit distorting to include the goals he scored against the likes of Tallin and Zulte Waregem. He should be judged on his Premier League performances which were very hit and miss. Tbh, he was a passenger for the last 8 games of the season, his body language screaming that he was simply going through the motions.

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Guest Gemmill

In your opinion, to be fair I think the fact you made up your mind almost straight away on Martins and that has clouded your judgement. The same way people cannot acknowledge Bramble ever having a good game because he is "the worst defender in the league, ever".




Made my mind up about what?  Clouded my judgement about what?  What I said from day one was that his touch and movement looked suspicious.  What Martins has done over the season has proved me right.  My judgement of his touch and movement haven't changed because his touch and movement haven't changed.


And you're talking bollocks if you're suggesting I've said he's never had a good game, or that I won't concede that he does from time to time.  Him or Bramble.  I'm reasonable enough to concede when he plays well, in fact I fucking rejoice in him playing well.  Doesn't do it all that often though does he?


I seem to remember you being quite quiet on the matter when Martins was going through his good spell this season.


When he's had good games, I've said he has - if I've been involved in discussions or whatever.  I rarely involve myself in post match threads at all though, so if you're looking for me waxing lyrical about anyone (not just Martins) in those sort of threads, you're gonna be disappointed.  Has he had a "good spell" btw, or has he just scored from time to time?  I remember giving him plenty credit after the Spurs game btw.


You can't claim someone doesn't give credit to a player because they don't happen to post how well they played on the internet btw.  It's daft. 

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Guest alex

To those who are wanting Martins sold, are you expecting Owen to stay? And if so, what happens next summer if he refuses to sign a new contract with only 1 year left. We currently have a huge amount of players to bring in just to get back to having a threadbare squad like we had last season. Until that is done I would be very against selling any first team or even regular squad players.

It's dependent on the Owen situation, yes. It's also dependent on who else we can get in and how much we can get for Martins.

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I have played with people a lot older than Martins who have improved various aspects of their game. To claim a player cannot improve touch and movement at 22 is mental. Movement is a little more difflicult to work on as its often about instinct and if a player doesn't have that in the first place its not going to come natural but touch can defintely be improved upon.


Like I keep saying, to each their own, but apparently a number of members of this forum know for a fact certain details about certain players (in this case, that at 22 Martins can not improve on his weak areas).

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Guest NUFCnutter

How many times last year was the ball lumped up in the air to him? AT 5ft 7 he is never going to excell at that type of game and I think if Sam can work on the lad's first touch and get a regular strike partnership set up then we will see a lot more goals from him.

We haven't played to his strengths, he's never had a decent partner and the team has struggled. So, all in all he did ok. The bit about his first touch shows a complete lack of understanding about football though imo. Sorry.

How many times last year was the ball lumped up in the air to him? AT 5ft 7 he is never going to excell at that type of game and I think if Sam can work on the lad's first touch and get a regular strike partnership set up then we will see a lot more goals from him.

We haven't played to his strengths, he's never had a decent partner and the team has struggled. So, all in all he did ok. The bit about his first touch shows a complete lack of understanding about football though imo. Sorry.



Talk to the hand sister cause the face ain't listening.


eh? Sister?  :idiot2:

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Guest alex

How many times last year was the ball lumped up in the air to him? AT 5ft 7 he is never going to excell at that type of game and I think if Sam can work on the lad's first touch and get a regular strike partnership set up then we will see a lot more goals from him.

We haven't played to his strengths, he's never had a decent partner and the team has struggled. So, all in all he did ok. The bit about his first touch shows a complete lack of understanding about football though imo. Sorry.

yes, Martins doesn't understand football completely.. that's quite a statement

Quite a bit of miscomprehension on your part I'd say.

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Guest alex

How many times last year was the ball lumped up in the air to him? AT 5ft 7 he is never going to excell at that type of game and I think if Sam can work on the lad's first touch and get a regular strike partnership set up then we will see a lot more goals from him.

We haven't played to his strengths, he's never had a decent partner and the team has struggled. So, all in all he did ok. The bit about his first touch shows a complete lack of understanding about football though imo. Sorry.

How many times last year was the ball lumped up in the air to him? AT 5ft 7 he is never going to excell at that type of game and I think if Sam can work on the lad's first touch and get a regular strike partnership set up then we will see a lot more goals from him.

We haven't played to his strengths, he's never had a decent partner and the team has struggled. So, all in all he did ok. The bit about his first touch shows a complete lack of understanding about football though imo. Sorry.



Talk to the hand sister cause the face ain't listening.


eh? Sister?  :idiot2:

It was a joke. :lol:

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Guest Gemmill

Love how quick some of our fans like to write our players off.


Pathetic, if you ask me.


Yeah no one should point out serious deficiencies in a player's game.  It's tantamount to writing them off.


Have a word with yourself ffs.


Exactly where the fuck did I say I had a problem with people pointing out flaws?


In my opinion it is the zealous desire of some to get rid as soon as possible, that I don't understand. Some on here point out his flaws and leave it at that, but many just completely write him off and express their desire to leave. To each their own. I don't have an issue at all with people pointing out flaws in our players, but I do think it's a bit unfair that so many aren't willing to let the player (in this case) have a chance to eradicate them, especially given the circumstances in this case (new manager, only 22, only just finished his first season).


Because people recognise that this might be the one chance we have to get our money back/make a profit on the player.  As he plays more games, and if he doesn't improve, word is going to get out that he's not even worth £10m, never mind anything north of that.  Don't believe the shit you read on here about OMG OBAZ FUCKUN CLASS!111.  It's just not true.


In your opinion.


If Martins stays and scores 20+ goals next year, will you still want him out if at the end of the day you can still see his deficiencies?


We're not in Europe next season so I doubt Martins will be scoring 20+ goals.  If we have the same ratio of poor performances to good next season, then yeah, I think we need to get rid.  Only by that stage, word will be out and we'll not be getting £10m for him.


But if Martins scores 20+ goals next year, and you still notice his deficiencies, would you still want to get rid?


Do you want to keep asking stupid questions?  Shall we up it to 30 goals?  How about the Golden Boot?


How is it stupid? Why can't you answer it? Yes, or no?


What do you value more? A decent performance over 90, without scoring, or a poor performance over 90, with a goal (or 2)? What's more important to you?


Because a player with deficiencies in his game like Martins has isn't going to be a regular scorer of 20 goals a season long term.  He's going to get found out.  If not for some of the part time dross we've played this season he wouldn't have the 17 he's got.


Serious question - how many times have you seen Martins play in the flesh?  That is the only way you can properly judge a player's movement imo.  I'm not playing the "do you go to games" card, but if you're going to try and pin me down with daft questions, I'll throw one back at you with regards to your ability to assess the player we're discussing.

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Guest alex

I have played with people a lot older than Martins who have improved various aspects of their game. To claim a player cannot improve touch and movement at 22 is mental. Movement is a little more difflicult to work on as its often about instinct and if a player doesn't have that in the first place its not going to come natural but touch can defintely be improved upon.

Which of those people were full-time professionals working on aspects of their game and training every day then?

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In your opinion, to be fair I think the fact you made up your mind almost straight away on Martins and that has clouded your judgement. The same way people cannot acknowledge Bramble ever having a good game because he is "the worst defender in the league, ever".




Made my mind up about what?  Clouded my judgement about what?  What I said from day one was that his touch and movement looked suspicious.  What Martins has done over the season has proved me right.  My judgement of his touch and movement haven't changed because his touch and movement haven't changed.


And you're talking bollocks if you're suggesting I've said he's never had a good game, or that I won't concede that he does from time to time.  Him or Bramble.  I'm reasonable enough to concede when he plays well, in fact I fucking rejoice in him playing well.  Doesn't do it all that often though does he?


I seem to remember you being quite quiet on the matter when Martins was going through his good spell this season.


When he's had good games, I've said he has - if I've been involved in discussions or whatever.  I rarely involve myself in post match threads at all though, so if you're looking for me waxing lyrical about anyone (not just Martins) in those sort of threads, you're gonna be disappointed.  Has he had a "good spell" btw, or has he just scored from time to time?  I remember giving him plenty credit after the Spurs game btw.


You can't claim someone doesn't give credit to a player because they don't happen to post how well they played on the internet btw.  It's daft. 


Well given this is an internet forum its quite obvious I am only going to know about what you think of the player from the forum. Martins had a very good spell after a difficult start and was getting more involved in the team play aswell as goals but then dropped off again.


If you expect a player who plays well in every game of the season you are expecting a little too much.

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Guest NUFCnutter

How many times last year was the ball lumped up in the air to him? AT 5ft 7 he is never going to excell at that type of game and I think if Sam can work on the lad's first touch and get a regular strike partnership set up then we will see a lot more goals from him.

We haven't played to his strengths, he's never had a decent partner and the team has struggled. So, all in all he did ok. The bit about his first touch shows a complete lack of understanding about football though imo. Sorry.

How many times last year was the ball lumped up in the air to him? AT 5ft 7 he is never going to excell at that type of game and I think if Sam can work on the lad's first touch and get a regular strike partnership set up then we will see a lot more goals from him.

We haven't played to his strengths, he's never had a decent partner and the team has struggled. So, all in all he did ok. The bit about his first touch shows a complete lack of understanding about football though imo. Sorry.



Talk to the hand sister cause the face ain't listening.


eh? Sister?  :idiot2:

It was a joke. :lol:


So are you telling me that a 22 year old cannot improve his game any? So apart for fitness reasons why do professional footballers train? Is Stevie Taylor and James Milner not going to improve? You are mad if you think that Martins cannot improve his game with the correct coaching!

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Guest BooBoo

Once thing you wont pick up on the telly is when Oba loses the ball or misplaces a pass he has a tendency to stand still for 10 seconds and thriow his arms in the air, in a hissy fit. Meanwhile the ball is breaking down the other end of play and Oba's about three mile offside.

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Guest alex

How many times last year was the ball lumped up in the air to him? AT 5ft 7 he is never going to excell at that type of game and I think if Sam can work on the lad's first touch and get a regular strike partnership set up then we will see a lot more goals from him.

We haven't played to his strengths, he's never had a decent partner and the team has struggled. So, all in all he did ok. The bit about his first touch shows a complete lack of understanding about football though imo. Sorry.

How many times last year was the ball lumped up in the air to him? AT 5ft 7 he is never going to excell at that type of game and I think if Sam can work on the lad's first touch and get a regular strike partnership set up then we will see a lot more goals from him.

We haven't played to his strengths, he's never had a decent partner and the team has struggled. So, all in all he did ok. The bit about his first touch shows a complete lack of understanding about football though imo. Sorry.



Talk to the hand sister cause the face ain't listening.


eh? Sister?  :idiot2:

It was a joke. :lol:


So are you telling me that a 22 year old cannot improve his game any? So apart for fitness reasons why do professional footballers train? Is Stevie Taylor and James Milner not going to improve? You are mad if you think that Martins cannot improve his game with the correct coaching!

I'm saying his movement and touch won't improve significantly. If you can't grasp that from what I've said already though....

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Once thing you wont pick up on the telly is when Oba loses the ball or misplaces a pass he has a tendency to stand still for 10 seconds and thriow his arms in the air, in a hissy fit. Meanwhile the ball is breaking down the other end of play and Oba's about three mile offside.


No you can pick that up on the tv :lol: he looks like he is going to cry. On the other hand though he has lost possesion and chased half way back down the pitch on numerous occasions.

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Love how quick some of our fans like to write our players off.


Pathetic, if you ask me.


Yeah no one should point out serious deficiencies in a player's game.  It's tantamount to writing them off.


Have a word with yourself ffs.


Exactly where the fuck did I say I had a problem with people pointing out flaws?


In my opinion it is the zealous desire of some to get rid as soon as possible, that I don't understand. Some on here point out his flaws and leave it at that, but many just completely write him off and express their desire to leave. To each their own. I don't have an issue at all with people pointing out flaws in our players, but I do think it's a bit unfair that so many aren't willing to let the player (in this case) have a chance to eradicate them, especially given the circumstances in this case (new manager, only 22, only just finished his first season).


Because people recognise that this might be the one chance we have to get our money back/make a profit on the player.  As he plays more games, and if he doesn't improve, word is going to get out that he's not even worth £10m, never mind anything north of that.  Don't believe the shit you read on here about OMG OBAZ FUCKUN CLASS!111.  It's just not true.


In your opinion.


If Martins stays and scores 20+ goals next year, will you still want him out if at the end of the day you can still see his deficiencies?


We're not in Europe next season so I doubt Martins will be scoring 20+ goals.  If we have the same ratio of poor performances to good next season, then yeah, I think we need to get rid.  Only by that stage, word will be out and we'll not be getting £10m for him.


But if Martins scores 20+ goals next year, and you still notice his deficiencies, would you still want to get rid?


Do you want to keep asking stupid questions?  Shall we up it to 30 goals?  How about the Golden Boot?


How is it stupid? Why can't you answer it? Yes, or no?


What do you value more? A decent performance over 90, without scoring, or a poor performance over 90, with a goal (or 2)? What's more important to you?


Because a player with deficiencies in his game like Martins has isn't going to be a regular scorer of 20 goals a season long term.  He's going to get found out.  If not for some of the part time dross we've played this season he wouldn't have the 17 he's got.


Serious question - how many times have you seen Martins play in the flesh?  That is the only way you can properly judge a player's movement imo.  I'm not playing the "do you go to games" card, but if you're going to try and pin me down with daft questions, I'll throw one back at you with regards to your ability to assess the player we're discussing.


I've seen Martins play twice in the flesh. In one game, he was poor, as was the rest of the team, but he was decent enough in the other. I've never said his flaws don't exist though, so I'm not sure what your point is. And fair enough about the part-time thing, though at the end of the day they only account for 4 of his goals (2 against Waregem and 2 against Tallin if memory serves).


And you've still not answered the question, no matter how stupid you find it. IF Martins does score 20+ goals next season, but doesn't eradicate his flaws, would you still want him gone? Yes, or no?

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To those who are wanting Martins sold, are you expecting Owen to stay? And if so, what happens next summer if he refuses to sign a new contract with only 1 year left. We currently have a huge amount of players to bring in just to get back to having a threadbare squad like we had last season. Until that is done I would be very against selling any first team or even regular squad players.

It's dependent on the Owen situation, yes. It's also dependent on who else we can get in and how much we can get for Martins.


If we get £25-27m for those two, and sign Viduka (Free), Cisse £4m, Bent £12m, Nugent £6m. There's our set of 4 strikers for the new season with £3m to spare.

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Guest Gemmill

Once thing you wont pick up on the telly is when Oba loses the ball or misplaces a pass he has a tendency to stand still for 10 seconds and thriow his arms in the air, in a hissy fit. Meanwhile the ball is breaking down the other end of play and Oba's about three mile offside.


My favourite was when he shanked a shot against some team or other then pretended he's hurt himself to hide his embarrassment.  It's like something I used to do on the playground at school - "Ayas man me leg man!"

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Guest BooBoo

I would just love it if the club could rake in some silly money (notes shaped like triangles) this summer.



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Once thing you wont pick up on the telly is when Oba loses the ball or misplaces a pass he has a tendency to stand still for 10 seconds and thriow his arms in the air, in a hissy fit. Meanwhile the ball is breaking down the other end of play and Oba's about three mile offside.

ok.. i admit he does that.

i just wish people would appreciate more the kid who came and single-handedly saved us from relegation in a team where nobody performed and based on performances we deserved to be relegated.

if any of you has seen Martins at Inter, then you've noticed how he raised his game a lot this season, despite the shite partners, the shite tactics and the clearly clueless attacking style we played. I just think there's much more to come from him and he'll improve even further as we finally have a manager who we can trust.

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