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Liverpool Fans that Didn't Get In Last Night......

Guest nufc_geordie

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Oh that's alright then, we'll point fingers at someone else until a mackem bus bricking goes a bit further than before, hits the driver and people get killed.






Just face the facts, man. Scousers are wankers. Full stop.

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Oh that's alright then, we'll point fingers at someone else until a mackem bus bricking goes a bit further than before, hits the driver and people get killed.






Just face the facts, man. Scousers are wankers. Full stop.


Some are.

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Guest graemeh72

- they travelled without tickets


- those without tickets that tried to get in knew that they would fuck over fellow supporters who actually had tickets


quite simply its their own fault - if only those with tickets had travelled then there wouldn't have been a problem





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- they travelled without tickets


- those without tickets that tried to get in knew that they would f*** over fellow supporters who actually had tickets


quite simply its their own fault - if only those with tickets had travelled then there wouldn't have been a problem





I agree, I only took issue with some who seem to think "all scousers are like that", there's problems with a significant minority of their support who seem to turn out in force for big European matches.

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Let's also remember stewards being beaten up in SJP for boxes of scarves FFS.

Is that supposed to be a comparison to this? f****** hell :lol:

This guy is an idiot mate, I think it's possibly one of Sima/Vic? 

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Guest Invicta_Toon

Let's also remember stewards being beaten up in SJP for boxes of scarves FFS.

Is that supposed to be a comparison to this? f****** hell :lol:

This guy is an idiot mate, I think it's possibly one of Sima/Vic? 


yep, talking to myself over three threads right now

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- they travelled without tickets


- those without tickets that tried to get in knew that they would f*** over fellow supporters who actually had tickets


quite simply its their own fault - if only those with tickets had travelled then there wouldn't have been a problem





I agree, I only took issue with some who seem to think "all scousers are like that", there's problems with a significant minority of their support who seem to turn out in force for big European matches.

They're all cunts.  Convince me otherwise.

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- they travelled without tickets


- those without tickets that tried to get in knew that they would f*** over fellow supporters who actually had tickets


quite simply its their own fault - if only those with tickets had travelled then there wouldn't have been a problem





I agree, I only took issue with some who seem to think "all scousers are like that", there's problems with a significant minority of their support who seem to turn out in force for big European matches.

They're all c***s.  Convince me otherwise.


Exactly, they dont even deserve their own thread..useless lazy t**ts.. :p

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Oh that's alright then, we'll point fingers at someone else until a mackem bus bricking goes a bit further than before, hits the driver and people get killed.






Just face the facts, man. Scousers are wankers. Full stop.

and incestuous to be fair.

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There we go, accuse someone of being a sock puppet when they disagree with you, a message board classic.



Your argument is "they're all cunts". Grow up, football banter is for a laugh, believing it all means you need to get out a bit more.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

i reckon stevie was interfered with by a scouser when he used to support them as a kid, hence his angst against all things red


thank god he never supported the boro

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i reckon stevie was interfered with by a scouser when he used to support them as a kid, hence his angst against all things red


thank god he never supported the boro



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As per usual they are blaming everybody else but themselves for the problems, even the fans who had no tickets and got in were not embarrassed or apologetic to those who had genuine tickets. The need to learn to take responsibility for their actions for once.



One of my mates is one of the most level headed people you'll ever meet, he's recently joined the poliss, but he's a smashing kid despite that.


He's just been on the phone there "I FUCKIN HATE THEM c***s, THEY'LL NEVER LEARN."  This is one of the most placid people you'll ever meet. 


I think the secrets out that they're the biggest bunch of c***s on these islands, something I've known for years.


Celtic went to Seville, all 10m of them - no trouble.


Chelsea (?!?!) went to Stockholm no storming of the gates no trouble


Arsenal went to Copenhagen 94 (forget about 2000 that wasn't their fault). Paris 2006 - no trouble


Man Utd went to Rotterdam and Barcelona - no trouble


Boro went to Eindhoven - no trouble


Liverpool went to Brussels and Athens - one the biggest riot in European Football history in which they tried to blame everybody, including Chelsea fans, Thatcher, the police and the stadium.  Athens 2006- they rob their own fans, they storm the gates (scum with no memories), they steal tickets out of their own fans hands, they call themselves the best fans in the world.  THEY ARE PURE SCUM, defend them all you like but that's all they are, they're scum, they're no hooligans - just the dregs of society, why can the above come away from European finals with their reputations intact and these bastards can't?  Because they're scum.  Rant over.


Stevie, you missed out tens of thousands of Everton fans in Rotterdam, '85. Mass football matches with the locals and the coppers. Celtic fans travelling with Evertonians to the game to support the blues after getting robbed in the semi by Rapid. No bother at all. 


So please don't make out this is a purely scouse thing. It's a Liverpool FC thing.

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There we go, accuse someone of being a sock puppet when they disagree with you, a message board classic.



Your argument is "they're all c***s". Grow up, football banter is for a laugh, believing it all means you need to get out a bit more.

We're having a discussion about their scummy predictable actions, last night and down the years, yet you compare it to ours :lol:


I think it's you that needs to sort your life out.


Justice For The 96, and they steam the gates yet again with ticketless fans and you audacity to stick up for them. I'm not going to say what I think you are, primarily because you're probably a WUM, and I don't know you personality, but seriously sort yesel oot 4fs.

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As per usual they are blaming everybody else but themselves for the problems, even the fans who had no tickets and got in were not embarrassed or apologetic to those who had genuine tickets. The need to learn to take responsibility for their actions for once.



One of my mates is one of the most level headed people you'll ever meet, he's recently joined the poliss, but he's a smashing kid despite that.


He's just been on the phone there "I FUCKIN HATE THEM c***s, THEY'LL NEVER LEARN."  This is one of the most placid people you'll ever meet. 


I think the secrets out that they're the biggest bunch of c***s on these islands, something I've known for years.


Celtic went to Seville, all 10m of them - no trouble.


Chelsea (?!?!) went to Stockholm no storming of the gates no trouble


Arsenal went to Copenhagen 94 (forget about 2000 that wasn't their fault). Paris 2006 - no trouble


Man Utd went to Rotterdam and Barcelona - no trouble


Boro went to Eindhoven - no trouble


Liverpool went to Brussels and Athens - one the biggest riot in European Football history in which they tried to blame everybody, including Chelsea fans, Thatcher, the police and the stadium.  Athens 2006- they rob their own fans, they storm the gates (scum with no memories), they steal tickets out of their own fans hands, they call themselves the best fans in the world.  THEY ARE PURE SCUM, defend them all you like but that's all they are, they're scum, they're no hooligans - just the dregs of society, why can the above come away from European finals with their reputations intact and these bastards can't?  Because they're scum.  Rant over.


Stevie, you missed out tens of thousands of Everton fans in Rotterdam, '85. Mass football matches with the locals and the coppers. Celtic fans travelling with Evertonians to the game to support the blues after getting robbed in the semi by Rapid. No bother at all.  


So please don't make out this is a purely scouse thing. It's a Liverpool FC thing.

I haven't made it out to be a scouse thing.  If the internet is anything to go by Everton fans detest NUFC, but that hasn't altered my opinion of them.  The first game I have a concious memory of is the 1985 FA Cup Final, and your CWC was just before but I can't remember it.  I have on other threads made the distinction between scousers and Liverpool FC.  They're arrogant scummy bastards, and they have more form, in more disgraceful ways than anyone else in this country.  I wouldn't care if these people were hooligans or part of a firm but they're not.

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Let's also remember stewards being beaten up in SJP for boxes of scarves FFS.

Is that supposed to be a comparison to this? f****** hell :lol:

This guy is an idiot mate, I think it's possibly one of Sima/Vic? 


Don't think it's Vic, he's funny and this abcdefg is a bit of a berk. Can't be sima either, as it seems to know the alphabet. Or at least a part of it.....

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As per usual they are blaming everybody else but themselves for the problems, even the fans who had no tickets and got in were not embarrassed or apologetic to those who had genuine tickets. The need to learn to take responsibility for their actions for once.



One of my mates is one of the most level headed people you'll ever meet, he's recently joined the poliss, but he's a smashing kid despite that.


He's just been on the phone there "I FUCKIN HATE THEM c***s, THEY'LL NEVER LEARN."  This is one of the most placid people you'll ever meet. 


I think the secrets out that they're the biggest bunch of c***s on these islands, something I've known for years.


Celtic went to Seville, all 10m of them - no trouble.


Chelsea (?!?!) went to Stockholm no storming of the gates no trouble


Arsenal went to Copenhagen 94 (forget about 2000 that wasn't their fault). Paris 2006 - no trouble


Man Utd went to Rotterdam and Barcelona - no trouble


Boro went to Eindhoven - no trouble


Liverpool went to Brussels and Athens - one the biggest riot in European Football history in which they tried to blame everybody, including Chelsea fans, Thatcher, the police and the stadium.  Athens 2006- they rob their own fans, they storm the gates (scum with no memories), they steal tickets out of their own fans hands, they call themselves the best fans in the world.  THEY ARE PURE SCUM, defend them all you like but that's all they are, they're scum, they're no hooligans - just the dregs of society, why can the above come away from European finals with their reputations intact and these bastards can't?  Because they're scum.  Rant over.


Stevie, you missed out tens of thousands of Everton fans in Rotterdam, '85. Mass football matches with the locals and the coppers. Celtic fans travelling with Evertonians to the game to support the blues after getting robbed in the semi by Rapid. No bother at all. 


So please don't make out this is a purely scouse thing. It's a Liverpool FC thing.


Aye, that's a fair comment.

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They're arrogant scummy bastards, and they have more form, in more disgraceful ways than anyone else in this country.  I wouldn't care if these people were hooligans or part of a firm but they're not.

So it would be fine if they just went out there tooled-up, part of a real army eh? Show those Ities a bit of British pride?

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They're arrogant scummy bastards, and they have more form, in more disgraceful ways than anyone else in this country.  I wouldn't care if these people were hooligans or part of a firm but they're not.

So it would be fine if they just went out there tooled-up, part of a real army eh? Show those Ities a bit of British pride?

Did I say that? :lol: oh dear.  What sort of respectable "firm" would go tooled up.  It's like minded people fighting like minded people usually these days when it goes "off".  Not pissed up arseholes kicking their own fans in the head when they're lying on the floor.



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They're arrogant scummy bastards, and they have more form, in more disgraceful ways than anyone else in this country.  I wouldn't care if these people were hooligans or part of a firm but they're not.

So it would be fine if they just went out there tooled-up, part of a real army eh? Show those Ities a bit of British pride?

Did I say that? :lol: oh dear.  What sort of respectable "firm" would go tooled up.  It's like minded people fighting like minded people usually these days when it goes "off".  Not pissed up arseholes kicking their own fans in the head when they're lying on the floor.



Respectable firm? Like the gremlins and casuals mostly jailed for twatting each other with bricks, bats and knives while decent people cowered in terror? Yeah, they're well respectable.

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They're arrogant scummy bastards, and they have more form, in more disgraceful ways than anyone else in this country.  I wouldn't care if these people were hooligans or part of a firm but they're not.

So it would be fine if they just went out there tooled-up, part of a real army eh? Show those Ities a bit of British pride?

Did I say that? :lol: oh dear.  What sort of respectable "firm" would go tooled up.  It's like minded people fighting like minded people usually these days when it goes "off".  Not pissed up arseholes kicking their own fans in the head when they're lying on the floor.



Respectable firm? Like the gremlins and casuals mostly jailed for twatting each other with bricks, bats and knives while decent people cowered in terror? Yeah, they're well respectable.

I said respectable firm, not arseholes from North Shields who change the rules as they go along.

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