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What do we really have to thank Sir John Hall for?


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Seriously, I'm getting a little sick of all these posts praising Sir John Hall. He has been the cancer of this club for the best part of a decade.


I'll start by giving him credit where it's due, he dragged this club out of the gutter and turned it into a secure Premiership club who can challenge for Europe.


The fact is for many years SJH has stopped us from moving forward. His first mistake came when he failed to get planning permission to build on leazes park and then subsequently abandoned the plan to create a Barcelona style set up for Newcastle. Pushing this through would have taken this club truly to the next level I believe.


His second mistake came when he allowed Douglas and Freddy to keep their positions after the infamous NOTW investigation incident. He should have never allowed either of them to stay on the board and should have washed his hands of them.


His third mistake was getting rid of SBR. I think we all know that Freddy loved Bobby and that the only reason he got the sack was because Douglas and Sir John were putting Freddy under pressure to do so. It also disgusted me that after sacking him Sir John tried to make sacking him look like Freddy's idea and keep his good image in the Newcastle public's eyes.


His final and most important mistake was sitting around for the last decade with the majority share and not having any day-to-day role in the running of the club. I say sitting around but in fact I very much doubt he sat around I would assume he had some role in the well known catostrophe's of the last few years but again sat in the shadows and let Freddy take the blame.


Well done for selling his shares and making a massive profit in the process, shame he didn't sacrifice the profit by selling the club when he should have a decade ago.


He will always be remembered for his better days but in my eyes he should also be remembered for the above.

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Seriously, I'm getting a little sick of all these posts praising Sir John Hall. He has been the cancer of this club for the best part of a decade.


I'll start by giving him credit where it's due, he dragged this club out of the gutter and turned it into a secure Premiership club who can challenge for Europe.


The fact is for many years SJH has stopped us from moving forward. His first mistake came when he failed to get planning permission to build on leazes park and then subsequently abandoned the plan to create a Barcelona style set up for Newcastle. Pushing this through would have taken this club truly to the next level I believe.


His second mistake came when he allowed Douglas and Freddy to keep their positions after the infamous NOTW investigation incident. He should have never allowed either of them to stay on the board and should have washed his hands of them.


His third mistake was getting rid of SBR. I think we all know that Freddy loved Bobby and that the only reason he got the sack was because Douglas and Sir John were putting Freddy under pressure to do so. It also disgusted me that after sacking him Sir John tried to make sacking him look like Freddy's idea and keep his good image in the Newcastle public's eyes.


His final and most important mistake was sitting around for the last decade with the majority share and not having any day-to-day role in the running of the club. I say sitting around but in fact I very much doubt he sat around I would assume he had some role in the well known catostrophe's of the last few years but again sat in the shadows and let Freddy take the blame.


Well done for selling his shares and making a massive profit in the process, shame he didn't sacrifice the profit by selling the club when he should have a decade ago.


He will always be remembered for his better days but in my eyes he should also be remembered for the above.


You answered your own question with your third sentence. I think that's a record tbh.  :thup:

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I think that highlighted part says it all. Sir John Hall pretty much saved this club, f*ck knows what would have happened without him - we may not even be here, or if we were, we may be a reformed club that had to start over from scratch way down the league system like say AFC Wimbledon or FC United of Manchester.

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I think that highlighted part says it all. Sir John Hall pretty much saved this club, f*ck knows what would have happened without him - we may not even be here, or if we were, we may be a reformed club that had to start over from scratch way down the league system like say AFC Wimbledon or FC United of Manchester.


and that outweights any negatives that you can throw at him.


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