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Said this before but he reminds me of a slightly slower version of Joe Cole, another player who was written off as a bit of a show pony with poor end product around the same age as Milner is now.




Well he is no "9 times a better than Giggs" Dyer but he isn't as bad as people make out. Like Joe Cole who was slated when he was younger as being a bit of a show pony. I remember clearly the majority on here not wanting Cole or Carrick when they were still at West Ham.

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Said this before but he reminds me of a slightly slower version of Joe Cole, another player who was written off as a bit of a show pony with poor end product around the same age as Milner is now.




Well he is no "9 times a better than Giggs" Dyer but he isn't as bad as people make out. Like Joe Cole who was slated when he was younger as being a bit of a show pony. I remember clearly the majority on here not wanting Cole or Carrick when they were still at West Ham.


Didn't you once say Amdy Faye reminded you of Vieira?

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Said this before but he reminds me of a slightly slower version of Joe Cole, another player who was written off as a bit of a show pony with poor end product around the same age as Milner is now.




Well he is no "9 times a better than Giggs" Dyer but he isn't as bad as people make out. Like Joe Cole who was slated when he was younger as being a bit of a show pony. I remember clearly the majority on here not wanting Cole or Carrick when they were still at West Ham.


Didn't you once say Amdy Faye reminded you of Vieira?


Starting to get the hump are we?


Can't remember ever saying that tbh. I did say he was likened to Vieira when he moved to Portsmouth (so not my words). I also said he was a good player for them (which he was) and we have signed a good player but he never turned out that way.

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Said this before but he reminds me of a slightly slower version of Joe Cole, another player who was written off as a bit of a show pony with poor end product around the same age as Milner is now.




Well he is no "9 times a better than Giggs" Dyer but he isn't as bad as people make out. Like Joe Cole who was slated when he was younger as being a bit of a show pony. I remember clearly the majority on here not wanting Cole or Carrick when they were still at West Ham.


Didn't you once say Amdy Faye reminded you of Vieira?


Starting to get the hump are we?


Can't remember ever saying that tbh. I did say he was likened to Vieira when he moved to Portsmouth (so not my words). I also said he was a good player for them (which he was) and we have signed a good player but he never turned out that way.


Why would I be getting the hump?


I'm simply pointing out another average player you've likened to a far superior player, only time will tell which one of us is right but I'm pretty confident it'll be me. :)


Btw you also called Faye the Ninja or some bollocks like that.

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The Ninja? Honestly what the fuck are you on about.


Faye was a good player at Portsmouth but completely flopped here. I have no shame in saying before he would be a good player for us because on previous evidence in the league he was a good player.


I am sure it wouldn't be too hard to find a few examples of people saying Duff was an excellent signing for us based on his past experience in this league.

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I'm looking forward to seeing Milner on the right of a 4-4-3 formation (forward), supposing we play that. Think it'll give him a new lease of life. He tends to get isolated playing on the right of midfield but i think this position is more natural to him imo.

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The Ninja? Honestly what the f*** are you on about.


Faye was a good player at Portsmouth but completely flopped here. I have no shame in saying before he would be a good player for us because on previous evidence in the league he was a good player.


I am sure it wouldn't be too hard to find a few examples of people saying Duff was an excellent signing for us based on his past experience in this league.


The difference being Duff is a good player, no matter how shit a season he had last year.

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Guest Alan Shearer 9

Gejon has never had a clue about football. Nice lad though.


Piss off jewphro :lol:


It's a fair point though, you rival HTT in having absolutely no clue whatsoever about footie :lol:

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The Ninja? Honestly what the f*** are you on about.


Faye was a good player at Portsmouth but completely flopped here. I have no shame in saying before he would be a good player for us because on previous evidence in the league he was a good player.


I am sure it wouldn't be too hard to find a few examples of people saying Duff was an excellent signing for us based on his past experience in this league.


The difference being Duff is a good player, no matter how shit a season he had last year.


Faye was a good player at Portsmouth. So if Duff has another shite season next year, pisses off somewhere else and doesn't ever perform like his Blackburn days will he not be just as big a flop as Faye was for us? Of course he wont because he was a good player once upon a time, apparently.

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Gejon has never had a clue about football. Nice lad though.


Piss off jewphro :lol:


It's a fair point though, you rival HTT in having absolutely no clue whatsoever about footie :lol:


Well I have opinions, I could just go into everythread posting about raping dogs or "lets sign Naldo" constantly but I tend to prefer to talk about football.

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Well no, basically if you can read I didn't.  

Of course I can read. Or I wouldn't have replied  :idiot2:

So how many times have you actually seen James Milner live then?

Just curious. I saw never saw him in the flesh at Villa and tend to take stats and forums with a pinch of salt. His performances in his first season at SJP were piss poor. His performances last year were better but still very average. He is a worker. I'll give him that.

Anyone who saw Waddler at his age could see the potential. That was obvious. He was the opposite of James Milner. Loads of natural talent and lacked the graft and will to succeed until he got married (83) and Keegan came along (82) - those events seemed to change his outlook. However, he had pace and talent to burn on a level that Milner simply doesnt possess.

Waddle, Robert, Ginola all had those attributes (although Ginola wasnt lightning he was still far quicker than Milner).

I admire the way you stick up for him. Just think it is very misguided. You can tell when a player has something. Steve Howey at centre back looked comfortable from the day he played there. He was a crap centre forward though. He was never going to be a world beater but was a very good player in his position at the time. Gazza was easy to spot, obviously. Irving Nattrass and Alan Kennedy were way better than your average full back. You saw that with your eyes rather than having to look up a stat o back it up. It was obvious. Clarkie is probably the closest to Milner in pace. He had far more natural talent and was ousted by better players when we became successful. However, he was useful as a squad player for a time. That is where Milner should be. If we rely on players of his ilk then we are accepting mediocrity.

There are so many kids who were rated by many for their attitude but failed to make the grade. If Milner makes it to Clarkies level then I will be happy, expecting any more is looking way beyond what he is capable of.

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Guest mr quimbys beard

Dyer is better running through defences in the middle of the park not crossing the ball.

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Dyer is better running through defences in the middle of the park not crossing the ball.

That is far too close to the truth to be acceptable here  ;)
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The Ninja? Honestly what the f*** are you on about.


Faye was a good player at Portsmouth but completely flopped here. I have no shame in saying before he would be a good player for us because on previous evidence in the league he was a good player.


I am sure it wouldn't be too hard to find a few examples of people saying Duff was an excellent signing for us based on his past experience in this league.


The difference being Duff is a good player, no matter how s*** a season he had last year.


Faye was a good player at Portsmouth. So if Duff has another s**** season next year, pisses off somewhere else and doesn't ever perform like his Blackburn days will he not be just as big a flop as Faye was for us? Of course he wont because he was a good player once upon a time, apparently.


Starting to get the hump are we? :lol:


The 2 situations are not even comparable, if Duff has another poor season next year and moves on to do nothing again then it will be down to injuries and him being past his best at a young age, Faye on the other hand is just an average player that you jumped on the bandwagon of from a few match of the day highlights to try and make out you're clued up about football when you clearly are anything but tbh.

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Tbh I can't be arsed to sit here all night again arguing about Milner.


I rate him, some do, some don't. I don't think he is half as bad as people make out and I think he will be good enough for us for a while yet. If we sign better players then fair enough he will deserve to be dropped but at the moment he is one of our better players and I can't see us attracting much better for a few years yet by which time he will have developed further and may still be more than good enougn for us.



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The Ninja? Honestly what the f*** are you on about.


Faye was a good player at Portsmouth but completely flopped here. I have no shame in saying before he would be a good player for us because on previous evidence in the league he was a good player.


I am sure it wouldn't be too hard to find a few examples of people saying Duff was an excellent signing for us based on his past experience in this league.


The difference being Duff is a good player, no matter how s*** a season he had last year.


Faye was a good player at Portsmouth. So if Duff has another s**** season next year, pisses off somewhere else and doesn't ever perform like his Blackburn days will he not be just as big a flop as Faye was for us? Of course he wont because he was a good player once upon a time, apparently.


Starting to get the hump are we? :lol:


The 2 situations are not even comparable, if Duff has another poor season next year and moves on to do nothing again then it will be down to injuries and him being past his best at a young age, Faye on the other hand is just an average player that you jumped on the bandwagon of from a few match of the day highlights to try and make out you're clued up about football when you clearly are anything but tbh.


Bollocks, I saw Faye a number of times and my mate is a big Pompey fan so I heard a lot of good about him.


I said he would be a good player for us from what I had seen and heard (never claimed him to be the next Vieira or whatever else you claim to try and prove a point).


The situations are very comparable, just because you may have not seen anything of Faye doesn't mean others hadn't.

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Well no, basically if you can read I didn't.  

Of course I can read. Or I wouldn't have replied  :idiot2:

So how many times have you actually seen James Milner live then?

Just curious. I saw never saw him in the flesh at Villa and tend to take stats and forums with a pinch of salt. His performances in his first season at SJP were piss poor. His performances last year were better but still very average. He is a worker. I'll give him that.

Anyone who saw Waddler at his age could see the potential. That was obvious. He was the opposite of James Milner. Loads of natural talent and lacked the graft and will to succeed until he got married (83) and Keegan came along (82) - those events seemed to change his outlook. However, he had pace and talent to burn on a level that Milner simply doesnt possess.

Waddle, Robert, Ginola all had those attributes (although Ginola wasnt lightning he was still far quicker than Milner).

I admire the way you stick up for him. Just think it is very misguided. You can tell when a player has something. Steve Howey at centre back looked comfortable from the day he played there. He was a crap centre forward though. He was never going to be a world beater but was a very good player in his position at the time. Gazza was easy to spot, obviously. Irving Nattrass and Alan Kennedy were way better than your average full back. You saw that with your eyes rather than having to look up a stat o back it up. It was obvious. Clarkie is probably the closest to Milner in pace. He had far more natural talent and was ousted by better players when we became successful. However, he was useful as a squad player for a time. That is where Milner should be. If we rely on players of his ilk then we are accepting mediocrity.

There are so many kids who were rated by many for their attitude but failed to make the grade. If Milner makes it to Clarkies level then I will be happy, expecting any more is looking way beyond what he is capable of.


Should have locked this thread after this post tbh, sums the situation up perfectly, especially the comparison of Clark and Milner. O0

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These stats prove that:


1) Dyer doesnt assist much.

2) Dyer doesnt score much.


But we all know this anyway. It doesnt negate the notion/fact that hes a good "footballer" - he has decent to good technical ability, good dribbling, good pace, and when hes bothered, decent work rate. Lacking an end product is what frustrates us the most, but if he had a consistent end product, hed be one of the best midfielders in the league - and thats a pretty unfair standard to set to decide whether or not hes good enough for us.


The problems with Dyer lie in his injury proneness, his lack of a natural position, and of course, a poor attittude, both off the pitch and sometimes on it. And also his mammoth wages - hes getting paid at least 20-30k more than hes worth considering hes a crock without a natural position.


For these reasons, we should be looking to sell/replace if we can, but in terms of being a footballer, hes one of our better ones and someone who we clearly miss when hes not playing. Unfortunately, stats will never show this side of the equation - those who play football regularly will know the difference a better "footballer" can make to the team as a whole, regardless of their personal statistics.

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Dyer does go missing a hell of a lot aswell, as said before even when Milner isnt putting in a great performance he still works his arse off and you can tell he is on the pitch at least.

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Dyer does go missing a hell of a lot aswell, as said before even when Milner isnt putting in a great performance he still works his arse off and you can tell he is on the pitch at least.

Thought you couldn't be arsed?  :razz:


I'll agree with most of what tmonkey said by the way. Agree particularly with the bit about stats at the end.

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