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i have nothing to say football is unfair sometimes.


geeza...im sitting in a bar in Rio..... you dont know how many pissed off people there are

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im just frustrated sorry, but i cant see why they cant score its so easy, you only have to aim in between two posts and under a big bar and try to aim wherever the goalie aint.

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After this game, and the game against the US, the window to steal him is closing fast.


Anyone see Lee Clark in the stands?


lol....dont see any skinheads

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Mexico look good i think. this result isn't too unfair to brazil.


Mexico is going to be great in another few years, I think. They're younger players seem talented. Haven't even seen Vela yet either.

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Wow these brazilian players cant careless i guess, theyre getting their millions in europe and im here sweating and actually bothering watching it. If the 2nd match is the same shit ill try to have some nice vacations without even caring about this tournament.

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result is pretty unfair considering goal chances, but if you see who wanted the win then ye mexico is fully deserving. Mexico scored the goals and held it tight in the back they deserved this. Great to see some of Andersons quality pretty good player, but Castillo and Robinho awesome guys >D

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Worst fears realized. Mexico beats Brazil. And we'll probably get drubbed by Argentina. damn.


After the big riot in Argentina, do you think their team is going to come in distracted or fired up?

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