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Disgraced NUFC footballer takes up comedy.


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whatever mate, just think how you would feel if you did something wrong and had people cracking jokes at your dead family that's me finished i'm not going to get drawn itno an argument with you, think what you want, but try and keep it to yourself  :wave:


I'm not cracking a joke about his dead family, i'm making a valid point about his commitment to the club, or lack of.


I'm not making this up, you can check back for his stats last season, fuks off when things were getting tough middle of November, then makes a miraculous recovery the day after his brother dies, plays to his best, then fuks off again (possibly started the next game in europe) and doesn't make another appearance when the shit hits the fan again.


He picks and chooses his games while picking up in a week what we'll be lucky to make in a year, yet only the death of a family member motivates him enough to make it to the pitch to earn that money.


I wouldn't piss on the cunt if he was on fire, in fact i'd probably throw on a log or two, the guy is a parasite, vermin, a total fukhead who's took the living piss out of this club since he's arrived. He does not deserve sympathy, understanding or restraint towards him. I'm sorry for the loss of his brother, but in the end of the day, prove to me why else he made that rare appearance fully fit, ready and motivated, then fuked off again after his families honour was upheld?


Don't want an argument about it? Then don't comment on him tbh.




I have to agree with Toon`s Taylor.  It`s not taking the piss out of his dead brother but taking the piss out of the fact that he played that one game. Just got fit out of nowhere.  Then is ill again. I`m sure Babayaro is 2nd to Dyers injury record, at least Dyer actually wants to play. When he doesn`t its because of treatment.

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Guest nufc 4 life

jesus christ this is football not fucking life or death as some people on here seem to think. I love Newcastle United and i think football is the greatest sport in the world, but for you to say you wouldn't help someone on fire (basically someone who is dying), but in fact help  him on the way really disgusts me. I am not saying his commitment to the club is commendable, but i would never wish death on him or any of his family members, i know you haven't done the latter, but you have come close enough.

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Guest nufc 4 life

whatever mate, just think how you would feel if you did something wrong and had people cracking jokes at your dead family that's me finished i'm not going to get drawn itno an argument with you, think what you want, but try and keep it to yourself  :wave:


aye, nee need for comments like that.




what comments i said nothing against Toon Taylor, yet people cast a blind eye on him basically wishing death upon a person, haha some peples morales on here are fucked up.

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I don't think he was being sick, he was making a point that the only time Babayaro has ever really put in a commited performance was after the unfortunate death of his brother. He is right in a way, it earnt Babayaro a lot of respect but he didn't really keep it up.


Took a lot of balls to play that game and he got the credit he was due but the numerous games he has missed/looked heartless in arent good enough.

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Guest nufc 4 life

There's no need to drag someone's dead family into a debate about commitment. That Babyaro is a bit of a waster is not really being disputed in any case.




exactly my point glad someone takes the same view

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Guest samtoonarmy

We need to definatley get rid of Celestine Babayaro. Hes yet another poor signing and he should go as well as Stephen Carr. Babayaro has to be one of the worst signings Newcastle have ever made - he hasn't really done anything while hes been here.

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We need to definatley get rid of Celestine Babayaro. Hes yet another poor signing and he should go as well as Stephen Carr. Babayaro has to be one of the worst signings Newcastle have ever made - he hasn't really done anything while hes been here.


I think there are a lot more people above him in the "worst signings Newcastle have ever made" poll.

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Guest samtoonarmy

We need to definatley get rid of Celestine Babayaro. Hes yet another poor signing and he should go as well as Stephen Carr. Babayaro has to be one of the worst signings Newcastle have ever made - he hasn't really done anything while hes been here.


I think there are a lot more people above him in the "worst signings Newcastle have ever made" poll.


True but he has to be in the top 20 at least. Tell me one good thing he has done for NUFC ?

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We need to definatley get rid of Celestine Babayaro. Hes yet another poor signing and he should go as well as Stephen Carr. Babayaro has to be one of the worst signings Newcastle have ever made - he hasn't really done anything while hes been here.


I think there are a lot more people above him in the "worst signings Newcastle have ever made" poll.


True but he has to be in the top 20 at least. Tell me one good thing he has done for NUFC ?


Played well for us the day after his brother died.

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Guest samtoonarmy

Actually I can think of one thing he has done which was pritty impressive. Remeber when a person in his family died and the next day we were playing Liverpool, I think, and he played because we were down to the bar bones because of all the injuries etc. I have to hand it to him he showed great commitment to NUFC and to play against Liverpool after someone in your family has died proves youve got courage.

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Actually I can think of one thing he has done which was pritty impressive. Remeber when a person in his family died and the next day we were playing Liverpool, I think, and he played because we were down to the bar bones because of all the injuries etc. I have to hand it to him he showed great commitment to NUFC and to play against Liverpool after someone in your family has died proves youve got courage.


If he's going to take the credit for that (credit where credit's due and all that) then he should also take the massive criticism he deserves for successive seasons where he's collected millions in wages and given the club very little in return in terms of commitment.


I'd rather we got rid, even if it means we need to buy two left backs. There's no point in having backup who is only fit for half of the season. That means when our first choice left back is crocked, there's 'a chance' Baba will be there to cover him!


As for all the life and death melodramatics, let's give it a rest eh? This is a football forum.

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Guest samtoonarmy

Actually I can think of one thing he has done which was pritty impressive. Remeber when a person in his family died and the next day we were playing Liverpool, I think, and he played because we were down to the bar bones because of all the injuries etc. I have to hand it to him he showed great commitment to NUFC and to play against Liverpool after someone in your family has died proves youve got courage.


If he's going to take the credit for that (credit where credit's due and all that) then he should also take the massive criticism he deserves for successive seasons where he's collected millions in wages and given the club very little in return in terms of commitment.


I'd rather we got rid, even if it means we need to buy two left backs. There's no point in having backup who is only fit for half of the season. That means when our first choice left back is crocked, there's 'a chance' Baba will be there to cover him!


As for all the life and death melodramatics, let's give it a rest eh? This is a football forum.


I know what you're saying. I was sayong just before that he is a poor LB and hasn't done one good thing for NUFC apart from that which was good. But theres no getting away from the fact that he is a poor LB and we definatley need to sign a LB soon.



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wouldn't be worth making a new thread for the useless muppet, but the worrying quotes here are that Allardyce's is lookin to keep him, thankfully as a back-up though:


"However, he has not given up on Nigeria left-back Babayaro, whose days at St James' Park had appeared to be numbered.


Allardyce said: "We will continue to move forward in the defensive areas. David Rozehnal is a big signing, but we have got few defenders at the club because I let go one or two who were out of contract.


"That has left a big hole in that area and we have got to fill it with the best quality players we can find.


"The left-back spot will be one of those positions we will fill.


"Obviously, Babayaro is still with us.


"He did not figure that much last year, but I will be interested to see such a fine player and whether we can help him in any way to make him fitter, stronger and better so he can play and compete for Newcastle United in the last year of his contract."

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