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Old thread about a potential Icelandic takeover bid years ago

Power NUFC

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But Toon chairman Chris Mort said at the time: “We get unsolicited letters about every three days from someone somewhere in the world looking to buy or invest in a Premiership football club.




I wonder if its those Nigerian fellas.



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Post some facts, then.


I don't have the facts to hand at the moment but when I do, you'll be the first person I tell about it ;)


So on what do you base the statement that they're in the s***?


I'm not going to waste my time trawling the internet to find an article that backs up what i've heard just to appease a numpty on here. If i've heard wrongly then so be it.


I see. So you are essentially just talking out of your arse.


Maybe a job on the Chronicle beckons?


:lol: No, i'm posting what i've heard and read and I never claimed otherwise. Have you got a problem with that Ozzie?


Then why not just admit all you're posting is gossip, instead of flinging insults at someone who's interested in what's actually going on?

I've never said I wasn't posting gossip, have I? I've posted what i've read from a fairly reputable source yesterday that I don't have the time or care to search for at the moment. I read that Bauger have had to pump more money into some of the high street stores they've bought as they aren't performing aswell as they'd have hoped and this has, in turn scuppered the deal they were working towards to buy BHS.


When and if I find said link i'll post it up on here but until then please take your holier than thou attitude and shove it up your arse.


"According to a source close to the North Pole, reports that the Baugur group is financially healthy are wide of the mark."

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I think "David Icke Son of God" (love that name!) is telling the truth. I googled them and somewhere along the line it came up with something dodgy about them.




maybe this is it.


On 17 August 2005, he was charged by a court in Reykjavík with 40 counts of breaking the Icelandic penal code, Accounting Act, Annual Accounts Act and Companies Act. Most of them are related to transactions between him and Baugur. The Supreme court sent most of the charges back to the Reykjavik district court in the fall of 2005 on the base of technicalities. In February 2007, the case was still underway.


I don't believe it is going to happen at any rate so it doesn't matter now.

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Guest Knightrider

I love Bjork  :smitten:


Would you nail her?



Whey aye. She's a babe man. Like her tunes too though.


This and this. Love her music and find her quite sexy. She also looks a right dirty cow.

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Guest definitely_maybe123

alrite guys, hate to be one of those "my uncles friends dog" people but i work for sports world in manchester and am the only newcastle fan there. the manager of the store was telling me 2day that his boss had sent him an email saying that mike ashley is definitely considering selling. i hope to god that his manager just read the speculation and doesnt no anymore. i dont want a biscuit baron in charge of my club!

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Guest BooBoo

alrite guys, hate to be one of those "my uncles friends dog" people but i work for sports world in manchester and am the only newcastle fan there. the manager of the store was telling me 2day that his boss had sent him an email saying that mike ashley is definitely considering selling. i hope to god that his manager just read the speculation and doesnt no anymore. i dont want a biscuit baron in charge of my club!


Nothing to see here.

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alrite guys, hate to be one of those "my uncles friends dog" people but i work for sports world in manchester and am the only newcastle fan there. the manager of the store was telling me 2day that his boss had sent him an email saying that mike ashley is definitely considering selling. i hope to god that his manager just read the speculation and doesnt no anymore. i dont want a biscuit baron in charge of my club!


But someone who sells shuttlecocks is ok?

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alrite guys, hate to be one of those "my uncles friends dog" people but i work for sports world in manchester and am the only newcastle fan there. the manager of the store was telling me 2day that his boss had sent him an email saying that mike ashley is definitely considering selling. i hope to god that his manager just read the speculation and doesnt no anymore. i dont want a biscuit baron in charge of my club!


But someone who sells shuttlecocks is ok?


As long as he also stocks the jock-straps to keep them in.

Oh how we miss the scrap merchant and his media friendly sound bites.

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Dodgy lawless vikings were welcomed with open arms into the north east 1600 years ago and a fat lot it did us then. The volcano-hugging* pricks can stay where they are.


* whoever coined that was a genius.


That be me.

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