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Rob W

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Posts posted by Rob W

  1. I think the kids should be allowed a lap - they've been thrown into the shit this season and for some it has probably set them back years but they've given 150%


    the rest - Given, Solano, Butt, Martins maybe



  2. well our fullbacks will get a roasting from the Reading wingers  and they hammer the crosses in so 4-4-2 looks a better bet


    they don't play through the midfield very much so we don't need 5 across the middle


    Long balls from the back will be eaten up by their central defence





    Milner    Parker    Dyer    The Zog


    ------------Ameobi ---Martins


  3. the famous Western line just before the Apache appear


    Where ARE the great unwashed from the SoS???


    I'd have thought we'd be surrounded by them telling us how they are going to win the PL, the FA Cup and the Milk Cup next season.......................

  4. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


    Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch!


    the team that brought cynical dirty pre planned thuggery into English football in the 70's and  now run by that well known **** Ken Bates and his landahn manager


    Oh how I cried.............  mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif

  5. fat fred will NEVER allow Bellamy back so forget it - remember it wasn't just Souness he slagged off


    Lets face it - the guy has been a problem wherever he's been


    a nasty little welshman with a BIg chip on both shoulders

  6. You cant be so sure that Wenger,Ferguson and Mourinho wont be at their clubs after 14months

    Its just speculation.

    Sir Alex said he would retired 2 years ago but he is still there

    If Chelsea win the quatriple i doubt Mourinho will go anywhere

    Wenger said he has great connection with Arsenal and his heart is with Arsenal



    Wenger's contract is up in 2008 and his big mate has jsut been fired


    Mourinho's contract is up in 2008 and he's just escaped (amazing I agree) being terminated THIS summer - no love lost between him and the top guys 


    Mad Alex is really getting on, he looks like a heart attack about to happen any minute and he hasn't seen any $$$ from the yanks yet



  7. It struck me yesterday that the top 4 will see some serious changes in the next 14 months - Morinho will be gone by summer 08, Arsene will almost certainly go in summer 08 and Mad Alex can't have more than a season left FFS


    Liverpool will keep RAFA


    but there may be a period of turbulence such as we haven't seen for years................    with luck............ 

  8. Pedersen and Bentley's a good shout - and i've got no better suggestions - but Pedersen's touch and go for the majority of the time, really. He's fairly inconsisent.


    Think it was Rob who mentioned Reading... agreed. Don't think it's the individual wingers that do it for them though - it's just the system that they've used. They're counter-attacking play is superb for the majority of the time.


    Yeah - they always seem to try and get at least 3 forward at any time with one player out wide to stretch the defence and belt the ball in from near the corner flag

  9. more foreign 4-4-2 rubbish


    and the choice of 4 or 6 to play in the midfield depended on how good the wing halves were


    Stan Anderson played midfield as a 4, Jim Illey as a 6

  10. This is the classic.











    only for 4-4-2



    I'm old enough to remember when it




    2                      3


        4      5    6


    7  8    9 10  11



    no bloody subs, no stupid Yuropean formations and no names on players backs either - you were supposed to be able to recognise your own side....................



    "peanuts, tanner a bag!"

  11. In my family the S word was never mentioned


    One uncle by marriage started to "support" them when we were going through a bad patch (well - another one) and started talking a load of s**** about "its the football I'm interested in"


    Understandably he was scorned and avoided by one and all - even now he's long dead it still comes up whenever his name is mentioned as an example of his lack of principle and judgement

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