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Rob W

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Posts posted by Rob W

  1. FFS - look at teams like Reading who scraped through the whole season on about 18 players before making idiot posts like this


    We may have the thinnest squad in terms of useful players but there are herds of useless buggers up at SJP


    Reading had a bigger squad than us last season.


    wrong - we had 49 registered players - they had 45

  2. FFS - look at teams like Reading who scraped through the whole season on about 18 players before making idiot posts like this


    We may have the thinnest squad in terms of useful players but there are herds of useless buggers up at SJP

  3. i have said it before and i will say it again, 'nial and biffa' are a pair of goons who have got well above their station.


    i can see already that they are going to be against big sam and on his back at every opportunity, depsite yesterday saying they had vented their splein and were now 100% behind him.





    now they are saying it is 'rotten management' to get rid of titus? are they all there?


    yesterday they commented on the bbc reporters digging up dirt on big sam.



    pair of f****** mongs, who will lose the fans if they are not carefull, it is the first time we have all been positive in years


    'the fans voice' my f****** arse.


    they've run THE Newcatsle web site for years


    they try and keep it relevant, they are a damn site less biased than any other out there


    They're entitled to their opinion


    I think you're just jealous of your elders and betters TBH


    Sam Allardyce's mission when, as expected, he becomes manager of Newcastle United this week will be more of a challenge to himself than anybody associated with the famously unsuccessful Tyneside club.


    "When I work again," he said last week, "it will only be at a club where I believe I can win something."




    The rest can be found here : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/sport/football.html?in_article_id=454451&in_page_id=1779


    Just following the f****** rules..


    so he's blind as well as fat.............

  5. If he did leave he'd have to be willing to take a big drop in wages. I just cant see any of the top 4 coming in for him, Unless you play to his strengths Owen aint all that good and i cant see the top 4 clubs buying Owen then having a team built around him.




    Unlike all the other world class strikers around you mean?

  6. Absolutely Not!!!


    Sure, maybe at some point in the distant future, but until he has all his accreditations and has proven himself in both the lower leagues and foreign leagues we should not consider him for the top football job.



    (p.s. I include foreign league management experience to ensure that when he arrives he has the knowledge to take us to and play us in Europe.)


    dead right................ 

  7. Study reveals referees' home bias


    A US academic has devised a formula for what every football fan instinctively understands - referees' decisions tend to favour the team playing at home.  A study at Harvard University looked at 5,000 English Premier League matches involving 50 different referees.


    Researcher Ryan Boyko came up with the equation that for every extra 10,000 people in the crowd, the advantage for the home team increases by 0.1 goals.


    His study showed certain referees were more likely to be swayed by the crowd.  The figures revealed that away teams scored fewer goals and gave away more penalties, findings which seem to imply that referees are making calls in favour of the home team, possibly as a result of the influence of the crowd.


    Some individual referees proved to be more susceptible to crowd influence than others, but Mr Boyko would not name which ones.  More experienced referees were shown to be less biased by the impact of a large crowd, which suggests they may develop a resistance to the home fans' cries.


    Mr Boyko, a research assistant in the university's psychology department, said: "Individual referees and the size of the crowd present are variables that affect the home field advantage.  In order to ensure that all games are equally fair, ideally, all referees should be equally unaffected by the spectators.  Referee training could include conditioning towards certain external factors, including crowd response.  Leagues should be proactive about eliminating referee bias. The potential is there for a game to be altered because of factors that subconsciously affect the referee."


    The study, which looked at games between 1992 and 2006, will be published in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Sports Sciences.

  8. It was on 5Live last night - they have to go into administration NOW before the end of the season


    that way the 10 point penalty is incurred this season


    if they delay and go into admin after Sunday the panalty applies NEXT season


    Since they are effetcively down right now they are biting the bullet to give themselves a chance of bouncing back next season


    Personally I'd be overjoyed if they went completely bust

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