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Rob W

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Posts posted by Rob W

  1. Bellamy changes clubs the way other people change their underwear


    It's quite clear he carries a lot of baggage and that so far every manager he's been with ahs been glad to see the back of him


    pity because he has genuine talent but you get both th poisonous shit and the gifted footballer in the same nasty little package - and people can't work with him




  2. Owen is a tart


    Only after Man U get Tevez, Chelsea get Pizzaro, Liverpool sign Torres and Arsenal sign Da Silva and get prepared to spend £4m more for Oba.....


    ... does he then "commit" himself


    what a f****** c***!

    didn't allardyce say a couple of weeks ago (before torres and tevez) that he was 100% sure owen would stop.i notice he's said no such thing about martins.



    Graemeh72 is mainly right tho - total bloody silence until he realised he isn't as popular with the big 4 as he thought...................

  3. singing section? like we're in the NHL or something?


    everybody should sing at stadiums, that's what football's all about


    But they don't.


    we actually need a crying, wailing and gnashing of teeth section right now  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:


    we'll sing when we see some bloody effort on teh pitch.........................




  4. I much rather have a decent team than stadium.  Teams like Chelsea and Liverpool have smaller stadium than ours but they have superior teams on the picth. Once we got a good team it is easier to expand the stadium.



    Half-right - you need BOTH, but the team takes precedence ; anyone who doubts that should look at Sheffield Weds & what happened when they put ground before team...

    Personally, I wouldn't care if Ashley had to move to get a much bigger stadium once things start rolling & success arrives - we lost hugely when the Leazes Park project was downed, and even if it meant going over the river(which would concentrate the Council's minds hugely.!!)we should consider it if it means keeping up with Man U, Liverpool etc.


    worry about that once we've won the PL , the Cup and reached the SF of the CL regularly

  5. 1. ManUtd

    2. Chelsea

    3. Liverpool

    4. Arsenal

    5. Newcastle

    6. Tottenham

    7. Everton

    8. Aston Villa

    9. West Ham

    10. Portsmouth

    11. Blackburn

    12. Fulham

    13. Reading

    14. Birmingham

    15. Man City

    16. Derby

    17. Reading

    18. smoggies

    19. Wigan

    20. Sheffield United

    21. mackems


    No Bolton either?




    Reading born, Reading bred

    Strong in arm, thick in head

  6. never an easy match when he was ont eh other side for sure - he haad real ability at getting under the skin of a defence


    not dirty  but quite like Shearer in that respect

  7. Answer me this. Who has a better goals:game ratio than Crouch for England? Answer = NO ONE. NOE ONE IS BETTER THAN CROCUH FOR ENGLAND


    Answer = Dixie Dean. Who no-one has ever seen. Or Jimmy Greaves. Who someone might have.


    Saw him on his debut for Chelsea when he scored against Spurs and, not surprisingly, throughout his career.  Easily the most clinical striker England has produced in my lifetime.  But, as I said before, the best English player I've seen (albeit only 7 or 8 times) was Duncan Edwards, absolute quality, better than Bobby Moore imho.  Saw Utd thrash the scum at Highbury the weekend before Munich, that was the best club side I've ever seen, better than the Spurs Double side and far better than anything else since.




    What kind of player was Edwards like? Me granda says he was a real powerhouse and could do absolutely anything on the pitch, absolutely anything.


    Edwards - I saw a bit of him on film when I was a bairn - very stocky, very solid.  Excellent distribution and could "see" the whole pitch


    he never really played in the era when club sides and England were playing a lot of matches against foreign opposition - it was always the Home Countries - and I have a feeling he would have been caught for pace against the likes of Brazil & Portugual


    I saw Greaves play a lot  - not just a goal scorer but also could play off the ball as well - on his day he could just dismantle a defence.  Mind there was always something a bit...odd... about him - like his attention wasn't always there - I don't think most peopel were too surprised that he never really hit it off with Ramsey who demanded 100% 100% of the time.  The Greavsie you see on TV these days is much the same - bit of a lad, liked a drink, laid back, not too serious.  But a brilliant forward for sure

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