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Rob W

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Posts posted by Rob W





    Recommended Cash Offer by St James Holdings Limited for

    Newcastle United PLC






    On 23 May 2007, St James Holdings Limited ("SJHL") announced that it had acquired 55,342,223 Newcastle United PLC ("Newcastle United", the "Company" or the "Club") shares, representing approximately 41.6 per cent. of the issued share capital of Newcastle United, from members of Sir John Hall's family at a price of 100 pence for each Newcastle United share.


    In accordance with the provisions of Rule 9 of the Takeover Code, SJHL also announced that it intended to make a cash offer for all of the issued and to be issued share capital of Newcastle United which was not already owned by SJHL, and that SJHL intended to seek a recommendation of the offer from the board of Newcastle United.


    Further to that announcement, SJHL and Newcastle United are pleased to announce that they have agreed the terms of a recommended cash offer by SJHL for all of the issued and to be issued share capital of Newcastle United not already held by SJHL or any party acting in concert with SJHL at an offer price of 101 pence per Newcastle United share (the "Offer").  The board of Newcastle United has unanimously recommended that Newcastle United shareholders accept the Offer.




    Irrevocable undertakings




    SJHL has received irrevocable undertakings from Shepherd Offshore Limited, a company connected with William Frederick Shepherd and Bruce Stewart Shepherd, and Timothy Revill, the independent non-executive director of Newcastle United, to accept the Offer in respect of a total of 37,288,959 Newcastle United shares representing, in aggregate, approximately 28.0 per cent. of the existing issued share capital of Newcastle United.  These undertakings will cease to be binding only if the Offer lapses or is withdrawn and will remain binding in the event that a higher competing offer for Newcastle United is made.




    Commenting on the offer, Freddy Shepherd, Chairman of Newcastle United, said:




    "The time since Newcastle's flotation in 1997 has seen a radical transformation in the Club and its fortunes, with the Club now being one of the 20 wealthiest clubs in Europe with one of the finest stadiums in European football, a premier league participant and a regular participant in European UEFA competitions with a fantastic fan base.”




    "The offer from SJHL is at a level which fully reflects both the performance of Newcastle and its prospects and ambitions for the future. The Board believes that SJHL and Mike Ashley will be excellent custodians of Newcastle United's heritage and will provide the best possible opportunity for the Club to flourish in the future, to the benefit of the Company and its fans."




    SJHL intends to post the offer document in respect of the Offer and the form of acceptance to Newcastle United shareholders on 7 June 2007.



  2. The Premiership is played at an unbeleivable pace cp. any other league - so waht we get are "Energizer Bunny" players who run up and down like madmen, when skileld wingers get stick becuase "tehy don't tackle back" etc  etc


    English teams often look liek chickens withteir heads cut off  TBH


    Most of the foreign palyers who star in the PL are pretty laid back and "lazy" compared to their team mates


    You don't see the likes of Henry playing in his own penalty area for example

  3. I see Abramovitch has said this story is total bollocks now............ from the beeb


    Abramovich hints at more spending 


    Abramovich has spent nearly £250m at Stamford Bridge

    Chelsea's billionaire owner Roman Abramovich has dismissed reports that he will no longer spend heavily to bring players to Stamford Bridge.

    Recent newspaper reports have suggested that Abramovich, who took over at Chelsea in 2003, would be spending less in the transfer market in future years.


    But he told radio station Ekho Moskvy that such claims were "nonsense".


    He added: "Everything will remain the same. My relationship with Chelsea has not changed. I don't want to change."


  4. The revenue they're getting from sponsorship deals, merchandising and all puts them in a different league to us. They will become 'self-sufficient' if they can stop spending £30m on one player, which they will because the team is filled with class players. That's the biggest factor going for them. They don't need to blow their budget out of the water anymore. They're covered in every position, and continuing to poach some of the top youngsters in the world. Didn't they poach a kid from Arsenal about a month or two ago?? It's not like the first couple of years of the Roman era where they had to spend £50m+ in the summer to be able to compete next year. If they spend nothing this summer, absolutely f*** all, they're still one of the favourites for the title.


    With regards to building a new stadium, even if Abramovich doesn't chip in (very unlikely), I'm sure it's possible to finance it through season ticket sales and what-not (or do an Arsenal and get £150m for the naming rights of the stadium for 10 years - fantastic deal btw, one of the smartest deals I've seen in football), just like how SJP was developed. It is possible. I'm also very sure Kenyon will know the fact that a massive stadium would elevate their revenue streams into Manyoo's league, which is why it's going to happen sooner rather than later.


    Alright, I'm going to throw numbers around willy-nilly and see if we can make some sense. How much did The Emirates Stadium cost? £300m? Assume it'll also take roughly £300m for Chelsea to purchase a nice piece of land and build a 50000+ seater stadium. Do an Arsenal with the naming rights, and that covers half the cost. They can probably finance up to about £100m (just making a guess) through future season-ticket sales. All that's left is £50m, which I'm pretty sure can be found from the other sources of revenue that they have (whether it's their £12m/year shirt sponsorship or whatever). All those numbers are just random guesses, but to me, it seems as if it won't cost that much for Chelsea to push themselves into Real's and Manyoo's league. And all this with the assumption that Abramovich actually does nothing.


    have you any idea how much that land at the Bridge is worth?


    I think the whole site is about 0.75 sq km - that's about £ 8 BILLION at C. London prices - and the council and the neighbours HATE the football ground so planning permission would be a breeze.  It's the biggest underdeveloped site (other than Buck House) for miles


    I always thought ol' Roman was making an investment as well as indulging his hobby when he rolled up in london



  5. Hmmmm - brilliant players and better than some on my list


    but never that feeling that you were about to see something absolutley unbelievable conjured out of nowhere - the "sharp intake of breath" feeling

  6. I think that once Ashley gets a majority and is obliged to make an offer for the rest of the shares, the company will have to suspend trading, meaning we won't be able to buy any players until the takeover is finalised.


    With Ashley saying he wants to be in full control by the start of the season we may be in a position where we cannot buy any of our targets at all this summer, especially if FF tries to fight the takeover.


    Am I right or am I wrong?


    wrong - suspending the shares doesn't mean the company stops trading


    he has to make an offer for ALL the shares once he gets 30% (ie now) - the shares continue to trade until the company removes them from the stock market (which they have the option to do once he reaches 75%).


    teh company trades right through - you have to seperate the shraeholders from teh business

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