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Posts posted by Sparks

  1. That Kuyt tackle was f****** awful. Absolute, nailed-on red card.


    Not even sure it was a tackle, more like a jumped block, as he knew he would never make it to the player in time. Henry did something virtually identical there a couple of seasons back.

  2. Always frustrating having to sell such a good player, however the money would be the key issue, as long as we use it wisely and get the right player in.


    Selling Owen for £15 million, at nearly 28, on his huge wages, his injury record and with him coming to the end of his contract is simply too good to turn down.

  3. Oh for the days when it was 1 on a Sunday,  1 on a Monday and the rest 3pm on a Saturday.


    Failing that, it should be a maximum of 1 lunchtime and evening game on the Sat and Sun, the remainder at 3pm Saturday.


    That was when the Uefa Cup was on Tuesday night, and Champs League only on a Wednesday.

  4. Current form is the only criteria a manager should use to pick his team. Otherwise you end up with a pile of s**** like Sven's England team with everyone guaranteed a start regardless of form.


    Shit players go through periods of good form, good players go through periods of form. You would have wanted Sven to pick to likes of Marcus Stewart, James Beattie and Michael Ricketts then?

  5. Given was reinstated because of what he has done before in the previous 400 games! He had a bad game today, his worst for a long time. If we drop him now we have uncertainty and confusion in the one area of the pitch we haven't had for the past 10 years. Like I have said before, Allardyce has to pick his number one and stick with him, you can't drop a goalkeeper for having one bad game especially when that is Given who has proven his quality.


    Chopping and changing goalkeepers will do us no good whatsoever, they need to get into a rhythm.


    Allardyce hasn't managed the situation well, he should have reinstated Given when he was fit or stuck with Harper as he was in form.

  6. Just look down the Rangers and Celtic teams and see the sort of players that play for them. It makes both their achievements in Europe all the more impressive. But they really are filled with a lot of very ordinary players.

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