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Posts posted by Sparks

  1. I really don't think we would see much difference with him in the team. The reason he has been on the bench is because he wasn't doing the business on the field for a number of weeks. He comes in and we might get a slightly different approach, but it would still be just as ineffective.

  2. "I am not going to get bogged down by a tackle that was slightly high"




    Slightly? Only in the world of Roy f****** Keane.  :idiot2:


    Note the absence of the round thing, the picture of the right makes it look like (another) full blown assault.

  3. Regardless of how little he has played recently it's one goal in his last 47 games.


    Failed to score again today, so that's one goal in his last 48 games for the stat' people.


    It's a really s*** striker who can't score 20 goals a season from midfield, especially if playing the holding role like he did quite well at today.......


    I think that I shall never see my cataracts are blinding me...


    I'm obviously not going to expect goalscoring to be high on his list of priorities when he plays in the position he did today. However, how often has he played in the holding role in those 48 games?


    Smith's goalscoring, or lack of it is secondary issue behind his general effectiveness on the pitch, which  has been his biggest problem throughout his career. It's hard to identify what his qualities and role in the side is most of the time.




  4. Cant sleep so I thought Id raise a topic about a thought I had lately.


    A couple of weeks ago I went to Barcelona for my birthday. On one of the nights we were there we went to See Barcelona VS Almeria.

    Not a huge match I know, but it was a full house of 120 odd thousand, Ronaldinho, Henry, Xavi, Iniesta, Gudjohnnsen and Messi all played at some point. Barca won 2-0 and played some outstanding passing football. You'd expect some noise, yes?


    I can honestly say hand on heart that it was quieter than our 0-0 draw against Villa at St. James. When I was at that match I thought the atmosphere was s***, but in fairness, so was the game. I went to the Neu camp expecting at least the level of noise at St.James, but Barcelona's home crowd dont really make any noise unless theres a chance, even if they're dominating and playing some incredible stuff. If youre a Barca fan then you're probably spoilt by expecting that kind of football, but there was no singing or chanting or anything like that, at all.


    Im not saying that because a club that is much bigger in stature than us is quiet as a door mouse that we shouldnt try and raise our noise levels. But its also worth pointing out that we may be louder than we thought. Maybe it takes going away and coming back to realise that. Ive never been to an away game so I was curious to see if any have the same kind of outlook, or if the general consensus is that our home atmosphere is s**** and that it must just be a Barca thing?



    They must have been hanging from the roof as the Nou Camp doesn't even hold a 100,000, but I get your point about the atmosphere.

  5. Regardless of how little he has played recently it's one goal in his last 47 games.


    oh dear. I remember you saying that this Kezman bloke would be an absolute sensation because he scored more goals than Craig Bellamy.


    You really do think its all about championship manager type statistics don't you ?


    I expect you would rather have Luque because he scored 3 or 4  :lol:


    I wanted Kezman back in 2005, it had feck all to do with Bellamy though.


    What's that got to with Smith's goalscoring record though?


    I don't play Football Manager either.


    Do you not find it slightly concerning that Smith simply doesn't provide a goal threat? At least with Bellamy he made chances for himself and then usually screwed it up in front of goal.


    His goalscoring record wouldn't be that problematic if he was some sort of creative genius, but he isn't.


    shows what crap criteria you use when making judgements, if you use a statistic and can't look at the footballer.


    As Smith has played up front for Manu, Leeds in the CL, and England, and you are "concerned" this is laughable. And your daft comments about Bellamy even more so. 5 years since we played in the Champions League and we still haven't finished as high in the league or replaced him adequately. "Screwed it up in front of goal" .........  screwed what up in front of goal ? what a load of bollocks, you like your myths don't you.


    What do you call a creative genius BTW, not someone who partnered Alan Shearer perfectly and prolonged his career by at least 2 years, obviously not. hoho.




    I was referring to Smith when I said he wasn't a creative genius. Bellamy offered far more, but as for his finishing, can you not remember how many times Bellamy missed simple chances?


    Just because Smith has played for some of the biggest teams doesn't mean anything when he hasn't been doing to business on the pitch for the past 3 years!


    no, I don't remember Craig Bellamy missing loads of simple chances. I've seen many people say this, but its complete bollocks. He actually scored about half his goals from close in and in one-on-one situations. Two goals against the mackems, a fair few in europe including Feyenoord and Valarenga, home to Everton, away to Palace, away to Leeds, home to West Brom.....and I've not even thought about it yet.


    BTW, most players miss simple chances, always have and always will.


    And as I said before, if you really are going to harp on about Smith for the last 3 years, you should start by looking at how many games he missed with a broken leg, and how many games he played in midfield for us as well as manure.


    Nobody is saying he is prolific, including me, he needs a prolific player next to him, he's a support striker, like Craig Bellamy, but you don't see this because you don't understand partnerships in football.




    I think we should bring it to an end now, we're never going to agree.

  6. Regardless of how little he has played recently it's one goal in his last 47 games.


    oh dear. I remember you saying that this Kezman bloke would be an absolute sensation because he scored more goals than Craig Bellamy.


    You really do think its all about championship manager type statistics don't you ?


    I expect you would rather have Luque because he scored 3 or 4  :lol:


    I wanted Kezman back in 2005, it had feck all to do with Bellamy though.


    What's that got to with Smith's goalscoring record though?


    I don't play Football Manager either.


    Do you not find it slightly concerning that Smith simply doesn't provide a goal threat? At least with Bellamy he made chances for himself and then usually screwed it up in front of goal.


    His goalscoring record wouldn't be that problematic if he was some sort of creative genius, but he isn't.


    shows what crap criteria you use when making judgements, if you use a statistic and can't look at the footballer.


    As Smith has played up front for Manu, Leeds in the CL, and England, and you are "concerned" this is laughable. And your daft comments about Bellamy even more so. 5 years since we played in the Champions League and we still haven't finished as high in the league or replaced him adequately. "Screwed it up in front of goal" .........  screwed what up in front of goal ? what a load of bollocks, you like your myths don't you.


    What do you call a creative genius BTW, not someone who partnered Alan Shearer perfectly and prolonged his career by at least 2 years, obviously not. hoho.




    I was referring to Smith when I said he wasn't a creative genius. Bellamy offered far more, but as for his finishing, can you not remember how many times Bellamy missed simple chances?


    Just because Smith has played for some of the biggest teams doesn't mean anything when he hasn't been doing to business on the pitch for the past 3 years!

  7. Regardless of how little he has played recently it's one goal in his last 47 games.


    oh dear. I remember you saying that this Kezman bloke would be an absolute sensation because he scored more goals than Craig Bellamy.


    You really do think its all about championship manager type statistics don't you ?


    I expect you would rather have Luque because he scored 3 or 4  :lol:


    I wanted Kezman back in 2005, it had feck all to do with Bellamy though.


    What's that got to with Smith's goalscoring record though?


    I don't play Football Manager either.


    Do you not find it slightly concerning that Smith simply doesn't provide a goal threat? At least with Bellamy he made chances for himself and then usually screwed it up in front of goal.


    His goalscoring record wouldn't be that problematic if he was some sort of creative genius, but he isn't.

  8. http://www.whoateallthepies.tv/2007/10/horror_hair_ste_1.html


    Ireland has supposedly been losing his hair in recent years and is rumoured to have either had a hair transplant or acquired a wig, and this has reportedly led to the player being insulted and severely teased by some of his Irish teammates. This teasing is said to have led to Ireland distancing himself from the rest of the squad and gradually developed into more serious bullying, with one alleged incident involving Ireland being forcibly held down on the dressing room floor for several minutes while teammates pulled out his hair. Ireland is said to be receiving treatment from a psychologist to help him deal with the alleged bullying

  9. 6-a-side makes so much more sense.


    Not enough room on a 5-a-side pitch to play with 2 extra players. Unless you're very small.


    Encourages better ball control and quicker passing, rather than lots of running.


    People can actually have some set positions as well, in 5-a-side it's a free for all.


    2-2-1 in a 6-a-side game.

  10. Expected more from Enrique from what I had read and heard about him, at moment he is playing more long balls than Warren Barton did.


    Everybody else has been fairly predictable, Viduka being good but always injured, Smith not scoring and being generally s**** and the rest taking some time to adapt to the Premiership.


    Faye and Barton haven't done enough yet.

  11. His loss of pace is really effecting him, he never had the quickest feet but now looks like he has lead in his boots. I've rarely seen a striker of his stature turn so slowly on the football pitch.


    He still has a far superior understanding and reading of the game than most strikers though, but at the moment he looks like Fowler did in his late 20's.

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