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Posts posted by Sparks

  1. I'm moderately concerned over the poor communication part associated with Ashley, at least when were a PLC, we knew what was going on with the club financially, we also occationally heard from Shepherd about what the future plans were and what was going on with the club. Now what are we going to get from our owner? Nothing it seems.


    P.R is pretty damn important in football, it isn't like running a city business when you just succeed by posting good numbers every 6 months. I'm not sure what Ashley knows about this. The best way to make yourself popular is to come on tv or at least radio and occationally speak to the fans like Learner and Gillett do, even the Glazers spoke to the press.

  2. There's looking unique & different and there's looking s***.


    I agree. What is it with people who think that just because something looks different, it's automatically better than what has gone before? Here's Liverpool's previous stadium design. Which would you want your team to play in?




    That got rejected by Heritage groups who didn't like the brickwork.


    Looks good, at least it's different to the 80% concrete stadiums that have been built lately.


    Concrete stadiums? What do you think this will be made out of?


    Glass, concrete and steel, the same as all the other stadiums are.

  4. Just watched the interview on world from Sam following yesterday's friendly.


    He reckons N'Zogbia could arguably be the best left-back at the club following yesterday's performance...


    Worrying isn't it?


    Worrying indeed


    Well, it's not exactly hard.

  5. Baptista maybe a good player but he was down right rotten for Arsenal in the premiership last year, he just couldn't pick up the pace at all. I don't see where he would play for us and I can't see him liking our style of player either. Wasn't he the one complaining about the northern teams long ball tactics last year as well?

  6. I think he wants to go because of what he sees as unfair treatment by the fans, and I think he's got a case. His record isn't unblemished, but a lot of the stick that he gets is OTT IMO.


    His return last season saved us from relegation. In a few crucial games he had a big impact. No appreciation received for that.


    A lot of people seem to believe that his long-term injury problem was his own fault. No rational thinking behind that. He was probably desperate to get  back.


    A lot of fans haven't forgiven him for that row with Robson. He did wrong, he publicly apologised, and there were no repeats. What more do people want? At the same time, we had Shearer saying that he'd move on if he wasn't a first team regular, and Bellamy trying to duck out of games. No apologies from either.




    People didn't simply turn on him because of that, Dyer had a lot of detractors way before the Robson incident. The reason being that his performances never matched the hype. Dyer strolled his way through long parts of seasons living off his “promising youngster” reputation and the imaginary transfer to Leeds. His lifestyle and personal choices don’t exactly make him appealing to most supporters.


    He alone sums up our failures as a club in the past 10 years. A serial injury prone underachiever who is on ridiculously high wages, yet produces virtually no end product. Someone loves the celebrity lifestyle and took advantage of those who helped him get to where he was.


    Despite all the money and the all the potential he and we as a club have done nothing since he joined.

  7. Man Utd and Arsenal would still get massive attendances even if they were not winning things. Up until last year Man Utd had only won the league once in five seasons, yet they were still selling out every week. Arsenal have had a poor two years yet they still sell out easily.


    Man Utd and Arsenal don't require a loyal support, they just have the massive shear number of supporters were unlikely to ever have.

  8. Heard about some crazy things that went on in the 70's.


    One is particular event occurred at Fratton Park where it was Green Street central at the time with home fans and away fans trying to batter it other to death. Just about anything that wasn't bolted down in the stand got hurled at the oppositions fans. Apparently after running out things to throw, the home fans moved into the disabled section and tipped a bloke out of his wheelchair and hurled the chair into the away section. Fortunately they then didn’t lob the bloke afterwards as well though.


    you do know Green Street is the street leading to Upton Park from the Underground station?


    doh, never would realised the link between hooliganism and Green Street.

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