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Posts posted by Sparks

  1. Everton do have a fine history, but what is more important is the state the club are in today. They don't fill their ground often, the ground itself is a dump. Financially they haven't been able to compete with any other of the clubs above them and you just need to look back two years when they qualified for the champs league, they couldn't get anybody to join them. Most of the players they wanted joined us or Spurs.


    Bolton and Blackburn are forever limited by the small sizes of the towns they play in.

  2. Were in the same tier as Spurs, forget the Mackems or anybody else, right now they are our biggest rivals.


    Chelsea are in the top tier to because of their finances, their ability to attract players, and the fact they've won every domestic trophy in the last two years. Their fanbase isn't strong and their limited potential means they are behind the other three.

  3. You constantly hear people debate whether other clubs are "big" or not. So what defines a club as being big and which clubs come near the top of the list?


    I made this list last season so it includes the teams that have gone down, but I ranked each club and created 7 different tiers in terms of their club size. I ranked each club on following criteria.


    1. Fixed Assests - Essentially your ground size and core fanbase that will always turn up.

    2. Finances  -  The Money and Capital the club has. The ability to invest in new players and facilities.

    3. Ability to attract players - It's fine having money or doing well on the pitch, but it needs to put it to use in buying new players.

    4. Playing history - Important for the prestige of the club and bragging rights, but very limited in terms of what modern use it has.

    5. Future potential - Can a club continue to improve or have they gone as far as they can, are there no new fans to attract or no better players they can attract.


    This is always going to be great debate as to who should be above one another, but I hope to get the tiers as accurate as possible. The clubs position within these tiers is where you can start a real debate.


    I welcome any thoughts or opinions on how to improve the criteria and list.




    Man Utd   









    Aston Villa 




    West Ham   





    Manchester City 











    Sheffield Utd       











  4. They are welcome to Owen.


    Could not agree more, would much rather have the money for Owen an replace him, I would be sad to see martins leave though.


    Would you be happy to see us replace him with Smith?

  5. FFS a striker who gets booked more than he scorers, waste of money on a position we don't need. If our strikers stay fit he will struggle to even make the bench. The 3.5 million could have gone towards a new right back.


    We all know about the mistakes of the past, but if he signs we will have six first team strikers and no first team full backs.

  6. The only reason some people are quick to jump on his back is because other people are over hyping him and making outlandish claims about his ability. Both sides need to calm down, he is a player with significant potential but he still has a long way to go.

  7. People always complain about the costs in comparison to seating capacity, it neglects the other aspects of stadiums that generate a large amount of revenue. It also doesn't consider the design of a stadium and its individual characteristics such as a retractable roof, sliding pitch etc. Land costs and transport improvements are not included as well.

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