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Posts posted by Sparks

  1. Really don't think a changing lifestyle has much to do with it.


    You only get a handful of truly great players produced every generation. The people who stay home and play FM all the time are the people who are not good enough to be footballers. Quality 13 / 14 year olds are still going to academy's and playing football at school. Doing SATS is hardly going to stop someone becoming a quality footballer is it?


    Quality footballers are naturally talented, they don't need constant coaching and to be playing football 10 hours a day. If you know you are potentially good enough to be a Pro, you will work hard to become one.


    Those not playing football are the ones who were never going to be good enough.

  2. This was from the second game of the season


    Geremi and Smith were both sub standard today.  Geremi looked like he had lead in his boots and Smith ran round like a headless chicken, neither did anything with the ball.


    Butt didn't distribute the ball well or cover the midfield, it was a return to old gloomy times for him today.


    It was pretty obvious something was amiss

  3. Ever since SBR it's been one disappointment after another. The day Souness, Roeder and Allardyce were appointed you could predict exactly what was going to happen and unless something rather surprising occurs under Redknapp he isn't likely to last more than 18 months. Yet again fans will get on his back early and he will become the same joke figure that Allardyce became. "Not up to the job" etc...


    We need a manager who can instill some hope and belief, not somebody as waffer thin as the likes of Redknapp, Souness and Roeder. Someone who when things are not going that well the fans actually will stand by. A big name of proven quality who has handled the big clubs and players. That's the manager I have wanted for the past 3 years and it looks like we going to fail again.

  4. I'm sceptical about this rumour, if only because of Harry and his Bournemouth house - the one he commuted to West Ham from, rather than move!


    I've never heard so much about one players or managers house! Have you ever heard footballer not moving because they liked their house so much?


    Fuk the initial disappointment that its not the major score we wanted, but if he can improve the football and in turn improve the results.



    That's pretty much the positive spin that has been put on our last three managers when they were announced.

  6. No campaign to promote a new manager should ever ever be conducted while there is someone actually in the job because that's not what being a supporter is about. When you resort to that you stop being fans and become politicians or militants.


    That is open to debate, you always support the club not necessarily the manager.


    There are times when for the greater good of the club you have to do some pretty drastic things. I'm not saying that is the case in this situation though.

  7. This will be one of our shortest seasons for a long time. If we were to bring in a break, they'd only moan about fixture congestion later on anyway. f*** 'em.


    Exactly, when do they expect to fit in these delayed games later in the season?

  8. Would anybody take Isaksson btw?


    (Sorry if i'm treading on covered grounds, i cba sifting through 9 pages)


    Not exactly a position we are short of at the moment. He would only go somewhere where he is virtually guaranteed to be first choice.

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