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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. 3 out of 6 for Chelsea. Terrible planning, terrible performance in the transfer window. :winking:
  2. ffs I'd just give Edgar and Ramage £100k a week pay deals, they're clearly worth it tbh Baines is quality tbf, not sure I would spend that much but I doubt we would get a better full back. So what happens if we buy one for a few million less? Is it like signing Carr instead of Miguel, for example? Carr was £2m, thats hardly "a few" is it? Once again, no credible reply so you take refuge behind being pedantic about the word 'few', which I obviously used instead of bothering to quote exact transfer fees. Pathetic, tbh. Well done again for a shit reply.
  3. ffs I'd just give Edgar and Ramage £100k a week pay deals, they're clearly worth it tbh Baines is quality tbf, not sure I would spend that much but I doubt we would get a better full back. So what happens if we buy one for a few million less? Is it like signing Carr instead of Miguel, for example?
  4. Good post, tbh. Just about sums it up, but they'll never admit to any responsibility for anything. It's always down to someone else.
  5. Can't you just discuss the topic instead of wanting to talk about something else? :winking:
  6. Good job for you my integrity won't let me post PM's on the open forum. Thanks You should be.
  7. Are you trying to sound like an arse bandit, like? Yes, why are you looking? Is that why you PM'd me today but didn't pluck up the courage? Good for you. At least you can admit to something. Still too shy to ask? Tbh I barely understand what you post. You should try punctuation, mate. Oh well thats me told, sorry dad (or probably old enough to be grandad). Not sure what my age has to do with anything being discussed here. Do you have a problem with people older than yourself, mate? I do believe I have been put down for my age before by yourself, so thats a little hypocritical. So your long term memory works. I'm pleased for you.
  8. Because when the inquiry was held, they said they would refuse to look at anything which happened after 20 past three, as everyone who died was dead by then. However the mother of one of the 15 year olds, took out a private thing, and knows her son was still alive at 10 to four, but recieved no first aid and died. Its also for other things, in my opionion, if the game had been delayed for 30 minutes, no one wouldd have died, but the police took the decision to open one gate, and let everyone outside into one bit of the ground, even though this was already full, while the areas to the left and right were empty. The police officers in charge got no action took against them, and indeed most police officers got much much bigger payments for stress, than any of the injured or familys of the deceased got. So the protest is about money? No the protest is not about money i was just making a point, the protest is about noone has ever admitted they were wrong and said so. And been brought to account, because incase you have never realised the authorities in this country close ranks and shit on the working classes when they need to. That's because the Liverpool fans who were there drunk and without tickets, who by their actions outside the ground forced the Police to take the decision to open the gates, will never admit it was their fault. It's no coincidence that 2 massive incidents involved drunken, violent fans of the same football club.
  9. Are you trying to sound like an arse bandit, like? Yes, why are you looking? Is that why you PM'd me today but didn't pluck up the courage? Good for you. At least you can admit to something. Still too shy to ask? Tbh I barely understand what you post. You should try punctuation, mate. Oh well thats me told, sorry dad (or probably old enough to be grandad). Not sure what my age has to do with anything being discussed here. Do you have a problem with people older than yourself, mate?
  10. Good job for you my integrity won't let me post PM's on the open forum.
  11. Are you trying to sound like an arse bandit, like? Yes, why are you looking? Is that why you PM'd me today but didn't pluck up the courage? Good for you. At least you can admit to something. Still too shy to ask? Tbh I barely understand what you post. You should try punctuation, mate.
  12. have you anything else to talk about? blueno.gif Eh? Do I detect a sense of humour failure here? It was meant to be a joke mate, but if you want to be serious....I think it's more than just slightly ironic that people are making post after post about the club spending millions of quid, while slagging the club off at the same time. There's a big contradiction there that many people don't seem to grasp. I'd have left it as it was intended, a bit of a tongue in cheek joke, but never mind, eh.
  13. Are you trying to sound like an arse bandit, like? Yes, why are you looking? Is that why you PM'd me today but didn't pluck up the courage? Good for you. At least you can admit to something.
  14. None. I'd sell Martins and buy Danny Dichio, or somebody. Why spend 'your' money on good players when I could finish 4th bottom and use the cash to maintain my private yacht on the med'?
  15. Are you trying to sound like an arse bandit, like?
  16. I agree, but http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php/topic,34840.20.html Bollocks. He's not class, he's average. At his best he's average. His effect on the rest of the team is what really counts though, and that is poor. As you said. As you spend your whole life telling us. ....in response to others first telling us he's 'class'. Don't expect you to notice that though.
  17. Jesus wept... Its was sarcasim incase you had not worked that out. But if you think we are in the right position to spend £12 mill on Crouch your mad, aye mayve we do need another striker but defenders must be our main priority.. Well it's a matter of opinion and it's your that we need defenders first. Others believe first priority is a striker.
  18. it seems the "planners" don't have a "plan" or even a "plan B" Why are you banging on about a plan? Is this all you have to say? Pathetic tbh. Another NE5 super thread with NE5 talking utter shit and boring everyone to death. Well done you troll. I didn't mention "plan", I don't believe in such a thing, I think you just appoint the manager and let him do his job and work his own strategy and ideas and judgements. Back him in the transfer market too, very important. If you don't do this, you can appoint all the managers you like but when you appoint a good one they will piss off if you don't support them. This is an active decision a board of a football clubs makes ie whether to strive for success, or not. Newcastle United employed that "plan" for decades, but it was a shit plan and didn't succeed. In fact it only succeeded in bringing a half full stadium for decades and near bankruptcy and the 3rd divison before the inspired appointment of Keegan by a new regime, who was the idea of Dogless Hall, Shepherd and Fletcher. As for "troll", there are plenty of ideas, questions and debate put up here by me, if you are unable to accept them in a realistic light instead of thinking we are a mediocre club that qualifies regularly for europe and buys top international footballers - think about it - then its your problem, in fact I could think you are a troll for spouting nothing other than cliches and not listening to factual information when it is put in front of you. Was this not boring enough for you, you had to quote it again you boring boring old man? Was this boring enough for you, you uninformed boring little boy. Again back talking shit, god haven't you had enough of making a tit of yourself on these forums yet? Unfortunately, I think statements such as agreeing we are shit because we haven't made big signings less than a week into January, when nobody else has either, is making yourself look like a tit. Or someone spouting cliches because you don;t have a mind of your own. Similarly, you are unable to take into account the amount of money the club has generated, and spent, over a vast period of time, which is considerably less than dozens of other clubs with better boards that have also run clubs that have appeared in europe dozens more times than we have before trying to tell us that we have a shit board in comparison to all these clubs. :lol: :lol: Who's the troll ie who's talking utter shite ? Your a walking talking cliche mate, in fact its painful to see you referring to Champ manager putdowns, its old hat, move on, get a life, you sad individual. Go back to your saddo ghost town boards, think of some more up to date insults and come back and play, ok? Tarra little man Well, shame but I think you should go back to your own little world where everything is perfect........ Once upon a time ............ :lol: If you try basing your "opinions" on fact instead of making things up and spouting comments just because others do, you might have better judgement. Question. Do you go to games ? If so, why, if you want rid of the board because you think they are so shit ? I can tell you now, and this is factual information, the last board at NUFC who were shit were got rid of because the ground was half full after spending decades of selling our best players and ending up with one foot in the 3rd division. So - the choice is yours. Your dad will tell you this is true. So - Stop going, and see if it brings a board who guarantee a board who will give you european qualification and trophies to match the only 4 clubs in the country who have done better than us in the last decade. Will you do it ? :lol: Do i want to get involved in a superbore super-board debate? Not really. I see your argument in practically every thread, but its boring, we all get where you stand, we have for months maybe years, but no one cares. It doesn't matter how many times your repost the same shit, people are not going to listen to you, even if you were the most righteous man on earth, everyone would rather give up supporting football (maybe even give up their lives) than agree with what you say. The despair squid of N-O tbh simple fact is, is that you don't want to because you have no factual reply, to both the posts and questions I have made. If someone like you could disprove the factual information I post, then I could not post it again. Fact. Enjoy your trip to fairyland and your Enid Blyton books. :lol: Simple FACT is, you'll twist any FACT or any comment to suit you are your boring argument. I simply don't have the patience nor the time to go into anything with you, nevermind your favorite boring subject. Its like banging your head off a brick wall with you, your like a woman tbh? Your not are you? blueeek.gif Would explain a fuking lot tbh!!! Repeated for a reply. =============== Question. Do you go to games ? If so, why, if you want rid of the board because you think they are so shit ? I can tell you now, and this is factual information, the last board at NUFC who were shit were got rid of because the ground was half full after spending decades of selling our best players and ending up with one foot in the 3rd division. So - the choice is yours. Your dad will tell you this is true. So - Stop going, and see if it brings a board who guarantee a board who will give you european qualification and trophies to match the only 4 clubs in the country who have done better than us in the last decade. Will you do it ? :lol: http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/5848/untitledfx8.jpg :lol: :lol: Repeated for a reply. =============== Question. Do you go to games ? If so, why, if you want rid of the board because you think they are so shit ? I can tell you now, and this is factual information, the last board at NUFC who were shit were got rid of because the ground was half full after spending decades of selling our best players and ending up with one foot in the 3rd division. So - the choice is yours. Your dad will tell you this is true. So - Stop going, and see if it brings a board who guarantee a board who will give you european qualification and trophies to match the only 4 clubs in the country who have done better than us in the last decade. Will you do it ? come on then, as you are so knowledgeable and know what you are talking about, why not reply ? You want to know what i do? I'll tell you. I do not pay to go to matches anymore. I refuse to put any money into the club since FS & DH were caught snorting coke, shagging hookers and taking the piss out of us lot for paying over the odds for toon strips and other NUFC merchandise. I'm lucky however, 3-4 tickets a season come my way for free, but if they didn't, then i wouldn't go. I do not buy strips anymore, i do usually though get one for my Birthday each time as the launch of the new strip always seems to be at that time. I never buy anything from the club myself, but i'll happily take it if someone buys it for me. Until FS is removed from the club, that's the way it will be for me. Everyone says well if you want to hurt them, hurt them in the pocket, i'm just one of those rare souls who actually has and will continue to do so. I cannot help what happened in the past before me and my support, i was born 1981, my first match was about 1988, i really started going 1991 and kept going until FS was caught out. I really had no choice as my dad refused to go anymore, and i was still at school or college, but i agree with his principle, and will stick with it until the c*** has gone. That is my side of things, although i dont enforce my views or opinions on anyone, there as valid as yours will ever be. We all know the older NUFC fans had it hard, we all get that, i do know some you know, my family. But they can still see the club would be better off not having this vile leach sucking funds left, right & centre out of the club so he can buy more shares. Hopefully a brighter future is in store for Newcastle, but will you still be around having a pop at the like of my son who will hopefully have the chance to see NUFC win something because he wasn't there to experience the really bads times? I bet you would as well. Fair point and thanks for answering. When you say you wouldn't go, or won't go, until the board/Shepherd/Hall Jnr are removed, do you mean you wouldn't go if the team got to the FA Cup Final again, or ran at the title again like under Keegan ? Would you go if Shepherd and Hall were replaced by directors who were nice gentlemen like McKeag etc and started selling our best players again ? Personally, I would still go in both instances, as I did, but I would massively prefer option 1. In fact, option 2 is a complete no brainer, this is about as useful as a hole in the head. I wouldn't "have a pop" - as you call it - to anyone who was prepared to listen to facts and realistic odds and take such things on board, whether they agree or not. Like you have just done above and may keep on doing, hopefully. There is absolutely no guarantee that replacements for the board would not do exactly the same as the current board ref dividends and to make matters worse they may not even try to succeed on the pitch. There is an article in the current mag by J.Logan. While I don't agree with his initial comments about Babayaro, he goes on to explain his views on the club being taken over by a hedge fund. You could read it, and this is pretty much how I see the situation, it is realistic. You may still not agree, but that of course is your prerogative. This qauote is coming along nicely So is the quote. :winking:
  19. I agree, but http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php/topic,34840.20.html Bollocks. He's not class, he's average. At his best he's average. His effect on the rest of the team is what really counts though, and that is poor. As you said.
  20. :roll: He's average as an individual and his partnership with Emre is shit, would be much more accurate. :roll: Ok! Just pointing out yet another double standard on your part, particulary relevant following the rush of abusive and rude PM's you sent me a couple of days ago.
  21. I agree, but http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php/topic,34840.20.html
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