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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. It's a problem that he has his favourites and will select them regardless, no matter how average they are and much they unbalance the team (Parker), or simply how shite the are. Depends how you look at it, though. I for one would always select Parker if fit and available. Also, all managers have their favourites. SBR had his - Jenas, Dyer et al - yet he brought results and performances from the team, and Roeder will have to do the same, in spite of his favourites and so on. We aren't the only unbalanced side in the league, in fact, I'd say most teams are unbalanced in one way or onother and could, conceivably select a better XI on paper, but it isn't down to individuals, but the team and good teams can compensate for weaker players, round pegs in square holes etc. etc. - again SBR did, and to great effect. I'm not too worried about Roeder selecting a few of his faves, he will have his reasons and lets face it, we as fans all have our ideal team WE would play and consider the best side equipped to win games, but it isn't as easy as that. For every reason someone could give for not playing Parker (for example), I could come up with reasons to play him and vice versa, right throughout the list of players. That might be so, but Parker actually does nothing that is worth having him in the team for. Imo. The worst decision by far made by Roeder to date has been making this bloke the team captain. He's committed to selecting him week in, week out and that's the biggest single concern I have over the club right now. Remember I said the same about Jenas for most of his time at the club before he eventually left and now everyone slags him.
  2. I don't agree, I think Barton is a liability as well as being average, but well done all the same. :winking: 'Tis all about opinions.
  3. I think you are reading too much into this whole "OMG we win more without Parker" thing which may be statistically correct but when you have to rely on stats which can be interpreted a whole number of ways, I think you're clutching at staws. OMG we win more with Krul in goal than Shay... statistically anyway. For myself I don't look at whether or not we win more with Parker or don't. We PLAY better without him in the team, so over the longer term it's certain we'd do better without him. Your view is a bit skewered if you think not. :winking:
  4. He isn't a DM, whether supposed or not.
  5. "some go on" "those now on Parker's case" "people" Glad I don't qualify for any of those groups. The last sentence was a good one, though. Butt isn't Gilberto, but the difference between these two players isn't far from that scale. And that's not due to high expectations of Parker on my part, as you well know, mate. tongue.gif
  6. Wouldn't want Barton tbh. Very average imo.
  7. Eh? Doubt he'll have the legs? What make you say that? He's not nearly 40, ye knaa.
  8. Why do we need to replace Butt in the summer? He's our best midfielder right now and hardly over the hill. The one to sell is without a doubt, Parker.
  9. Aye, well he shouldn't be judged too harshly on this one transfer window because the January window is pretty difficult for everyone. No club wants to lose their best players.
  10. It's a problem that he has his favourites and will select them regardless, no matter how average they are, how much they unbalance the team (Parker), or simply how shite they are.
  11. "I doubt he did much research into the players we brought in during the last transfer window" You doubt but you don't know and neither do I. Most of what you have said about Roeder is based on heresay not fact. For example, there were rumours that Martins wasn't Roeder's first choice. There were also rumours that Martins was Shepherd's choice. Roeder has said Martins was his first choice. Who do we believe? 99% of what the media say is going to happen with transfers never happen. We only know for sure about the transfers that happened. We have no idea who else we were really after. Players could have been turned down due to what the research turned up. Just because the media say the manager is watching a certain player it doesn't mean for a fact they were. They could have been watching someone else. I think that's a great post, there. It's a joke that I also think it's far too sensible for some around here.
  12. Owen? :winking: Aye, good point. I'd forgotten all about him, tbh.
  13. Had you not actually mentioned Ramage I'd have thought you were talking about Parker there, tbh. Obsessed, tbh. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php/topic,34143.msg662623.html#msg662623
  14. Had you not actually mentioned Ramage I'd have thought you were talking about Parker there, tbh.
  15. Pretty much agreed. I think it's very unlikely we'd have seen Solano at RB had Carr been fit, and I see no way in the world that Roeder would have dropped Parker and used Butt and Emre in the middle. It will be interesting to see what happens as certain players get back to fitness because I see potential here for a similar situation to the one when Souness didn't have the balls to select just 2 from Kluivert, Bellamy and Shearer. Parker should not be an automatic choice under any circumstances imo and I'm concerned Roeder doesn't have the balls to make these type of decisions. blueyes.gif Injuries have so far forced his hand but can he drop Parker like Mourinho dropped Shevchenko, like Ferguson dropped Van Nistelrooy etc. etc.? I doubt it. Which is a problem. I also agree with you that it's highly unlikely we'd have seen Taylor and Ramage as a pairing at CB had it not been forced on Roeder. To be fair to Roeder on that one I wouldn't have done that myself on the evidence of what I'd seen before the current good run. Obviously Roeder sees them all on a daily basis so it would have been great had he seen the potential for this partnership and had the balls to have used it by choice, we'd all be saying different things about Roeder had that been the case given the way they're performing as a pairing. I'm wondering if it's just bottle that he seems to lack. For example that defensive formation against Chelsea last week. I really think we should have gone 4-4-2 and tried to win that match, but Roeder appears to be a bit frightened tbh.
  16. Howaythelads


    I don't think it's particuarly that we have to be a 4-4-2 team, it's more that we need 4 at the back, that's all. Ahead of those 4 I don't see a problem with trying different formations, but the 3 CB thing is such a different way for defenders to play they usually struggle at it in England. They never seem to know what they should be doing, where they should be going etc.
  17. Pretty much agreed. I think it's very unlikely we'd have seen Solano at RB had Carr been fit, and I see no way in the world that Roeder would have dropped Parker and used Butt and Emre in the middle. It will be interesting to see what happens as certain players get back to fitness because I see potential here for a similar situation to the one when Souness didn't have the balls to select just 2 from Kluivert, Bellamy and Shearer. Parker should not be an automatic choice under any circumstances imo and I'm concerned Roeder doesn't have the balls to make these type of decisions.
  18. Unlike some, I don't mind the tone of "I told you so" threads, so I think this is a good thread. I also don't mind admitting it looks like I was wrong about Ramage, a disaster at LB to the extent I couldn't see him being particularly good at CB either, but he's looking a really solid player so credit where it's due. BTW I think the only Newcastle players currently of England International quality are Dyer and Butt.
  19. Howaythelads


    3 at the back doesn't work. It's been tried many times and failed every time. Out of interest, why do you think it will work now?
  20. Getting back on topic. Any reason in particular why you aim this toward me, failing to include the dozens of other posters who probably think he's worse than even I think he is? My thoughts are documented and have been for probably over 12 months now. I think Parker is average. There have been times he's looked worse than average and this season he's looked shite. What has been consistent throughout is that his partnership in a 4-4-2 with Emre does not work. This being the main focus of my point about Parker that you and others seem to have either missed or don't understand. This combination being poor is obvious imo. I look forward to your counter argument, or some clarification of the point of your post above. As it stands, given the number of people who think Parker is over-rated against the number of times only I am mentioned in this thread after he scores a goal, I'd say it suggests a number of people are obsessed by me. Well I have to disappoint you all, I'm already spoken for and she's female. blueyes.gif Thanks in advance and a Merry Christmas to you all. A reminder is here, for those who need it. Looks like at some point I thought he was better than average, putting it all down to the combination with Emre. I must have been drinking. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php/topic,21289.msg394365.html#msg394365
  21. It was me who spoke of the superiority of squads from Newcastle to Villa... i've said that before and i'll probably say it again, aswell as many other teams in the Premiership. And being brutally honest, there are very few players in our squad who i will slag off on a consistent basis*, because in my eyes those few are poor on a consistent basis. I have, however, regularly slagged off the manager for particular things. Because, like those certain players, in my eyes - he regularly does daft things. *Carr, Babayaro and Bramble being the ones that spring to mind. And that's about it really. As I've said, Roeder wouldn't have been my first choice and I'm still not sure he's the right man who can take us to where we'd all like to be. He does make daft decisions, such as the 4-5-1 the other night. The point I'm making is the inconsistency from some people where they slag the players off but then in another thread claim we're knocking on the door of the CL. It just doesn't add up.
  22. HTL, no offence was meant by the way - but I don't understand, if you do truly find what is posted on this forum as irritating as you're always saying you do, why don't you find somewhere more refined, where posters don't irritate you quite so much? Could I suggest this forum CLICK HERE as just one such haven for people like yourself who have reached a certain level of seniority in their years? It may be much more up your street? Sorry to spoil the show for you but I haven't even clicked on the link. This forum doesn't irritate me much at all, tbh. However, the only slightly annoying thing is that people such as yourself (and a handful of others) post personal snipes that you claim are jokes toward other members and then have the gall to complain when they retaliate, but hey, I can live with it. It's just a forum and I'm sure you're not an arsehole in real life despite how it may appear. No offence meant by the way.
  23. I'm happy to be nice all the time, mate. It's over to you.
  24. Sorry, but that's what I think of you. Of me or him? Of the old man. Love you, in all honesty as much as I disagree with him he does have a lot of knowledge and experience and doesnt need to resort to childish put downs. Far as I'm concerned I'm replying to you posting snipes toward me. Hmm, suppose they don't count though.....
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