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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Don't you ever get bored of being a broken record yourself, spouting total shite as always? As always? Mate, you really need a slap in the face, you are one of the most hated and laughed at people on this forum. I haven't met a single person on here who has a good word to say about you. Your boring as fuk, talk shite, think your something special and go about being such a misery, most posters avoid you like the plague. Your a joke my friend, i hope you dont go on like this in the outside world, as i doubt you'd have a real friend who'd give a damn if you lived or died. Oh my. I'm gutted.
  2. Yup. Let's hope any new lot are able to select a better manager and then back that person to the same extent the current lot have done. We'll have a chance in that scenario. If they come in and don't select the right manager we're still knackered no matter what kind of backing they give. If they pick the right man but don't back him we're knackered, as happened at various times during the 50 years leading up to 1992. It's easy to understand, really.
  3. Don't you ever get bored of being a broken record yourself, spouting total shite as always?
  4. How do you know they won't meddle? How do you know they'll select the right manager? How do you know they are better? Serious questions. We don't know any of this but some of us are more willing to take the chance to find out rather than sticking it out with Freddy. Good answer, surprisingly enough. However, I don't think others have your sensible take on it, assuming as they do that the current Board is so shite than any replacement will automatically be better. I'll take a better Board, but I'm not assuming a replacement will be better, they could just as easily be worse.
  5. How do you know they won't meddle? How do you know they'll select the right manager? How do you know they are better? Serious questions. Because they aren't 'geordies' therefore won't have some sort of racist vendetta against foreigners and people that aren't 'geordies' and people that don't 'have a feel for the club'. This increases our options massively increasing our chances of success. Hmm, interesting. Are you suggesting the club doesn't employ any foreigners and will suddenly start to do so? You're reading too much into stuff you've read in the media, thompers. What did you make of Shearer spouting that Geordies would rather have a team that wins the FA Cup than the League, and that Souness should be given more time because he'll get it right?
  6. How do you know they won't meddle? How do you know they'll select the right manager? How do you know they are better? Serious questions.
  7. We've had some excellent home grown defenders in the past, but the past doesn't count. We sold them anyway. Some went on to play for England or win trophies like the European Cup with other clubs , one went to the ambitious nappy rippers and if not for injuries could have been an England player.
  8. How is this automatically good news? Will these new owners have some magical ability to automatically select the right manager? Or do you think they'll stump up even more cash than the current Board (which is a lot of cash) and that it won't matter who the manager is?
  9. Can't believe that greedy git SJH would fleece the club of £45m. Disgrace. Only Fred does that kind of thing.
  10. :roll: The only PM's I've sent to you have been to ask you why you suddenly start abusing me in a thread, as you do from time to time but somehow forget. I've still got them, so be careful how you reply. I wouldn't ever post a PM on the forum, but I would consider sending some on to a moderator, or to one who has integrity anyway. I've abused <i>you</i> in a thread?! Diddums. Err, yes, but I don't care, mate, I've posted before that I don't want to see anyone be banned for any abuse they may hurl toward me, it's just a forum and people post whatever they want as far as I'm concerned. There's just this self-righteous note about your earlier post that stinks a bit, given the abuse you post in the open forum and then forget about as though you never do it. Then telling someone to stand by for a threatening PM from me when in fact I don't send threatening PM's to anyone. It's one of those things that if said often enough people will believe it though, so there you go. Keep spouting the lies and I'll continue to think you're a bit soft, tbh. You're joking, right? Honestly now, the vast majority of your posts and PMs I have no problem with... but I can't recall ever "hurling abuse" at you. Got evidence of abuse from your good self though, but like you, I don't care too much about it. You shouldn't have any problem with any PM I've ever sent you, so try being honest on the open forum. There was no reason for you to make that ridiculous post about PMs earlier but I doubt you will admit it. BTW Show me where I said YOU 'hurled' abuse at me. I've got a nice PM - the one you sent to me a few weeks ago - still residing in my inbox. It counts as abuse, for sure. Not that I care. I'll post it here if you'd like. And I know I'm not the only 'victim'. You implied I've "hurled" abuse at me with your use of words above. "The only PM's I've sent to you have been to ask you why you suddenly start abusing me in a thread, as you do from time to time but somehow forget." "I've posted before that I don't want to see anyone be banned for any abuse they may hurl toward me" When you say 'above' do you mean 'below'. If so, there is no reference or implication there of abuse being 'hurled'. Why would you hurl abuse at yourself, by the way? Or is that something else you want to blame me for? Or Fred? And who are these victims you speak of? Are you talking about the incident with Gemmill of about 4 years ago now? I think you're taking yourself far too seriously, mate. I don't make a regular habit of abusing people in a PM. If someone abuses me on the open forum I may go to PM and ask them what they're on about, if they've slagged me off I'll have a go in return. I've also had abusive PM's without anything coming from me but I don't bang on about it like a 5 year old and I don't slyly refer to it on the open forum either, I don't mention names of people who have sent me abuse PM's. Using PM is the advised way of sorting these things out, is it not, rather than on the open forum. Do you prefer these things on the open forum? Cheers I give up. And yes, a lapse of concentration and noticable mistake on my part with my choice of words. My bad. Good. Until the next time you pop out of the woodwork with some sly dig and then become self righteous about the reply. :roll:
  11. :roll: If you say so. bluesleep.gif It's a shame that you don't understand a bit of a joke when you see one, mate. I should have guessed though. bluesleep.gif bluesleep.gif Take your pick, they all apply. As I said, you just proved you don't understand a joke when you see one. :roll: bluesleep.gif bluebiggrin.gif gay.gif emot-yawn.gif
  12. :roll: If you say so. bluesleep.gif It's a shame that you don't understand a bit of a joke when you see one, mate. I should have guessed though.
  13. :roll: The only PM's I've sent to you have been to ask you why you suddenly start abusing me in a thread, as you do from time to time but somehow forget. I've still got them, so be careful how you reply. I wouldn't ever post a PM on the forum, but I would consider sending some on to a moderator, or to one who has integrity anyway. I've abused <i>you</i> in a thread?! Diddums. Err, yes, but I don't care, mate, I've posted before that I don't want to see anyone be banned for any abuse they may hurl toward me, it's just a forum and people post whatever they want as far as I'm concerned. There's just this self-righteous note about your earlier post that stinks a bit, given the abuse you post in the open forum and then forget about as though you never do it. Then telling someone to stand by for a threatening PM from me when in fact I don't send threatening PM's to anyone. It's one of those things that if said often enough people will believe it though, so there you go. Keep spouting the lies and I'll continue to think you're a bit soft, tbh. You're joking, right? Honestly now, the vast majority of your posts and PMs I have no problem with... but I can't recall ever "hurling abuse" at you. Got evidence of abuse from your good self though, but like you, I don't care too much about it. You shouldn't have any problem with any PM I've ever sent you, so try being honest on the open forum. There was no reason for you to make that ridiculous post about PMs earlier but I doubt you will admit it. BTW Show me where I said YOU 'hurled' abuse at me. I've got a nice PM - the one you sent to me a few weeks ago - still residing in my inbox. It counts as abuse, for sure. Not that I care. I'll post it here if you'd like. And I know I'm not the only 'victim'. You implied I've "hurled" abuse at me with your use of words above. "The only PM's I've sent to you have been to ask you why you suddenly start abusing me in a thread, as you do from time to time but somehow forget." "I've posted before that I don't want to see anyone be banned for any abuse they may hurl toward me" When you say 'above' do you mean 'below'. If so, there is no reference or implication there of abuse being 'hurled'. Why would you hurl abuse at yourself, by the way? Or is that something else you want to blame me for? Or Fred? And who are these victims you speak of? Are you talking about the incident with Gemmill of about 4 years ago now? I think you're taking yourself far too seriously, mate. I don't make a regular habit of abusing people in a PM. If someone abuses me on the open forum I may go to PM and ask them what they're on about, if they've slagged me off I'll have a go in return. I've also had abusive PM's without anything coming from me but I don't bang on about it like a 5 year old and I don't slyly refer to it on the open forum either, I don't mention names of people who have sent me abuse PM's. Using PM is the advised way of sorting these things out, is it not, rather than on the open forum. Do you prefer these things on the open forum? Cheers
  14. Brings me back to the national ID card, age and IQ profile...... Playing devil's advocate here, but why does your opinion count and their's does not? My opinion is clearly based on a superior maturity :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: WOOP WOOP!!!! ITS MR MATURITY!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Aye, I thought that was a good one when I wrote it. You should have quoted it all though.
  15. BTW Take a look at the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th posts on page 4 before I came out with the 'utter wankers' remark.......hmmm. I think I'm just dishing it back in return, tbh.
  16. :roll: The only PM's I've sent to you have been to ask you why you suddenly start abusing me in a thread, as you do from time to time but somehow forget. I've still got them, so be careful how you reply. I wouldn't ever post a PM on the forum, but I would consider sending some on to a moderator, or to one who has integrity anyway. I've abused <i>you</i> in a thread?! Diddums. Err, yes, but I don't care, mate, I've posted before that I don't want to see anyone be banned for any abuse they may hurl toward me, it's just a forum and people post whatever they want as far as I'm concerned. There's just this self-righteous note about your earlier post that stinks a bit, given the abuse you post in the open forum and then forget about as though you never do it. Then telling someone to stand by for a threatening PM from me when in fact I don't send threatening PM's to anyone. It's one of those things that if said often enough people will believe it though, so there you go. Keep spouting the lies and I'll continue to think you're a bit soft, tbh. You're joking, right? Honestly now, the vast majority of your posts and PMs I have no problem with... but I can't recall ever "hurling abuse" at you. Got evidence of abuse from your good self though, but like you, I don't care too much about it. You shouldn't have any problem with any PM I've ever sent you, so try being honest on the open forum. There was no reason for you to make that ridiculous post about PMs earlier but I doubt you will admit it. BTW Show me where I said YOU 'hurled' abuse at me.
  17. :roll: I'll take that attempted spin on a fact as an admission that you've been caught out yet again showing the lack of integrity you normally show in your role as a moderator. I admit I was wrong. I overlooked that insult. Perhaps if you would like to report it the admin team will ban him. After all, the admin TEAM make decisions as a TEAM, so i'm unsure where your accusations of a lack of individual integrity come from. PS - I notice he insulted NE5, rather than you. Sorry again, that was me reading too quickly. Although it's hard to tell you apart at times... What are you on, Dave? You're having a go at me for insulting someone as though it's the first time in the thread. I point out to you there has been an insult (probably more) posted earlier but has been ignored. Are you saying you've ignored it because it was posted toward a certain individual? Does it matter who is on the receiving end of an insult, is that what you're saying? Why would I report it to the admin' team? It was posted, I read it at the time and I moved on to the next post because I don't give a toss. It is YOU who seems to give a toss, but only when it concerns certain members. Do you call that integrity?
  18. :roll: The only PM's I've sent to you have been to ask you why you suddenly start abusing me in a thread, as you do from time to time but somehow forget. I've still got them, so be careful how you reply. I wouldn't ever post a PM on the forum, but I would consider sending some on to a moderator, or to one who has integrity anyway. I've abused <i>you</i> in a thread?! Diddums. Err, yes, but I don't care, mate, I've posted before that I don't want to see anyone be banned for any abuse they may hurl toward me, it's just a forum and people post whatever they want as far as I'm concerned. There's just this self-righteous note about your earlier post that stinks a bit, given the abuse you post in the open forum and then forget about as though you never do it. Then telling someone to stand by for a threatening PM from me when in fact I don't send threatening PM's to anyone. It's one of those things that if said often enough people will believe it though, so there you go. Keep spouting the lies and I'll continue to think you're a bit soft, tbh.
  19. :roll: I'll take that attempted spin on a fact as an admission that you've been caught out yet again showing the lack of integrity you normally show in your role as a moderator.
  20. :roll: The only PM's I've sent to you have been to ask you why you suddenly start abusing me in a thread, as you do from time to time but somehow forget. I've still got them, so be careful how you reply. I wouldn't ever post a PM on the forum, but I would consider sending some on to a moderator, or to one who has integrity anyway.
  21. My name is Horatio Tarquin. Use it if you like. The first personal insult in this thread appeared here... http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php/topic,33741.msg648335.html#msg648335 I don't recall you moaning about it much. Start being consistent in your moaning or fuck off.
  22. :roll: I don't give a shit. We all say daft things in a brothel, assuming we're auld enough to get into one, that is.
  23. Here we go with the selective reading again, you do this from time to time, Dave. I've got a soft-shite stalking me on this forum, why don't you have a go at him for slagging me off in nearly every thread just because he has a different opinion, Dave?
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