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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Great observation there, like. Can't argue. Well done, old man.
  2. I'm not really sure if the Woodgate purchase was entirely for the reason you mentioned - seemed a lot more like 'taking advantage of Leeds' precarious financial position' - in fact each one of those signings were us taking advantage of the financial position of the players' respective clubs. We thought there were bargains to be had with re-sell value; that seems to have been the defining reason to purchase those players - and the fact that we no longer have any of them would bear that out. And we've never replaced Woodgate, of course. Jesus Wept! :roll:
  3. Jesus, give it a rest. Come back to me when Emre and Butt have done the business away from home against a proper team next Wednesday, eh? Truth hurts, don't it. Come back to me when Emre and Butt have done the business away from home against a proper team next Wednesday, eh? Come back to me when Parker does the business against any team, eh?
  4. I don't think he is overrated, the reason we think he is overrated is because we rate him by his performances last season when he played as a defensive mid, he was indeed superb in that position as a holding midfielder, though his problem is sometimes that he releases the ball too slow so we can't do counter attacks, this season he has been going forward and though individually he looks better on paper (because he can score goals) our central mid as a whole doesn't work as well. He's never been superb. Ever.
  5. I expected that comment from NE5 or HTL but not you. "but not backing him and making additions to improve on an excellent season is a mistake" is that hard to grasp that I was talking about a specific summer and not his whole reign? Ludicrous! The reason he 'wasn't backed' in the specific summer you talk about might have something to do with Robson getting £9million to spend on Woodgate the January before. To view things in microcosm and not to look at the bigger picture (or in this case 6 months earlier) is, to use your phrase, ludicrous. Absolutely. This has been pointed out before but is ignored every time. The club could have waited and signed Woodgate in the summer, but signing him in January showed the ambition of the club to buy when we were winning. We later added Bowyer and Ambrose, further increasing the depth of the squad and the wage bill. That kind of ambition doesn't suddenly disappear a few months later, to suggest it does is laughable. It took ambition to spend ~£45m over a 32 month period to move the club up from mid table to that place in the top half dozen in the country, increasing the squad size and therefore the wage bill. It seems really difficult for some to understand that there must be a period of consolidation at some stage, the club doesn't have a bottomless pit of money and so they should be applauded for that summer for not over stretching. Macbeth should understand this and be in favour of the prudence of the Board, he should also PM his brother giving him permission to be in favour as well, but that wouldn't fit with their agenda.
  6. WOOP! WOOP! BORING ALERT!!! bluelaugh.gif
  7. Dalglish >> appointed a defensive manager to manage the most attacking team in football. Gullit >> appointed a manager who'd only ever managed one club, a club that he knew inside out from his playing days. So, so far from being described as 'proven' at the time. Robson >> Good appointment, but expecting him to keep us up the top, but not backing him and making additions to improve on an excellent season is a mistake, and only backing him when it seemed we were about to nosedive was pathetic. Souness >> Had Blackburn in relegation places. Paid for his services. Roeder >> Not even qualified. All shit/unproven appointments barring Robson, who they screwed over. Had Robson not lost the respect of the players they wouldn't have "screwed him over". Did Robson lose respect from the players because Shepherd said that Robson wouldn't have a job next season, or because Shepherd didn't say that Robson wouldn't have a job next season? Didn't expect that from you. Mick maybe, but not you. The team performances began to drop off during the latter stages of the season we finished 3rd, proven the following season when we finished 5th. The general behaviour of various players off the field was known to be a problem and was commonly complained about at the time, the manager failed to get them back into line, that's because they had no respect for Robson for quite some time. The players losing respect for the manager had nothing to do with your suggestion above. Oh, you mean after the "Bowyer summer" team performances began to drop? Could you therefore link this downward spiral to the board, for failing to provide funds in that summer? No, silly boy. You've obviously missed the numerous times it's been posted that ~£45m net had been spent on players in the previous 32 months to lift us to the position we were in that summer, this meaning a larger squad and so also a larger wage bill. I'll leave macbeth and mick to tell you how important it was to consolidate and not spend money the club didn't have. By 'Bowyer Summer' do you really mean 'Woodgate Winter'. If you don't, you should try engaging your little brain and getting your head out of your arse. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nope it's Superbore! :lazy: WOOP! WOOP! BORING ALERT!!!! bluelaugh.gif
  8. Jesus, give it a rest. Come back to me when Emre and Butt have done the business away from home against a proper team next Wednesday, eh? Truth hurts, don't it.
  9. Couldn't agree more. Probably the most over-rated player I've seen for Newcastle in decades. After saying that, Parker is obviously still our best player you know...... :roll:
  10. Howaythelads


    Ramage can't defend at LB, he hasn't got a clue. He's totally shit at LB.
  11. Howaythelads


    First game back, Babayaro is a far better LB than Ramage.
  12. Dalglish >> appointed a defensive manager to manage the most attacking team in football. Gullit >> appointed a manager who'd only ever managed one club, a club that he knew inside out from his playing days. So, so far from being described as 'proven' at the time. Robson >> Good appointment, but expecting him to keep us up the top, but not backing him and making additions to improve on an excellent season is a mistake, and only backing him when it seemed we were about to nosedive was pathetic. Souness >> Had Blackburn in relegation places. Paid for his services. Roeder >> Not even qualified. All shit/unproven appointments barring Robson, who they screwed over. Had Robson not lost the respect of the players they wouldn't have "screwed him over". Did Robson lose respect from the players because Shepherd said that Robson wouldn't have a job next season, or because Shepherd didn't say that Robson wouldn't have a job next season? Didn't expect that from you. Mick maybe, but not you. The team performances began to drop off during the latter stages of the season we finished 3rd, proven the following season when we finished 5th. The general behaviour of various players off the field was known to be a problem and was commonly complained about at the time, the manager failed to get them back into line, that's because they had no respect for Robson for quite some time. The players losing respect for the manager had nothing to do with your suggestion above. Oh, you mean after the "Bowyer summer" team performances began to drop? Could you therefore link this downward spiral to the board, for failing to provide funds in that summer? No, silly boy. You've obviously missed the numerous times it's been posted that ~£45m net had been spent on players in the previous 32 months to lift us to the position we were in that summer, this meaning a larger squad and so also a larger wage bill. I'll leave macbeth and mick to tell you how important it was to consolidate and not spend money the club didn't have. By 'Bowyer Summer' do you really mean 'Woodgate Winter'. If you don't, you should try engaging your little brain and getting your head out of your arse.
  13. Howaythelads


    :roll: Sorry like. 3 at the back doesn't work. It's been tried many times and failed every time, there is nothing to suggest it will work. The club is in too much trouble to fanny around like this.
  14. Oops, waiting for macbeth and his brother to throw a fit at the suggestion the club should spend some money. After all, the club never spends money on players.
  15. He looks much better without the leg-iron dragging him down to his level. 3 goals scored and chances created ( although missed ) without the 'hero' in the team.
  16. Dalglish >> appointed a defensive manager to manage the most attacking team in football. Gullit >> appointed a manager who'd only ever managed one club, a club that he knew inside out from his playing days. So, so far from being described as 'proven' at the time. Robson >> Good appointment, but expecting him to keep us up the top, but not backing him and making additions to improve on an excellent season is a mistake, and only backing him when it seemed we were about to nosedive was pathetic. Souness >> Had Blackburn in relegation places. Paid for his services. Roeder >> Not even qualified. All shit/unproven appointments barring Robson, who they screwed over. Had Robson not lost the respect of the players they wouldn't have "screwed him over". Did Robson lose respect from the players because Shepherd said that Robson wouldn't have a job next season, or because Shepherd didn't say that Robson wouldn't have a job next season? Didn't expect that from you. Mick maybe, but not you. The team performances began to drop off during the latter stages of the season we finished 3rd, proven the following season when we finished 5th. The general behaviour of various players off the field was known to be a problem and was commonly complained about at the time, the manager failed to get them back into line, that's because they had no respect for Robson for quite some time. The players losing respect for the manager had nothing to do with your suggestion above.
  17. Saying something over and over doesn't make it true. I wonder if McDermott was well known as well, he was obviously a hugely ambitious signing by the manager, massive funds released by the Board for Terry Mac and what a battle we had to get him. After a very short time his performances had shown him to be a very good player, destined for a great career at Liverpool and England. Of course some only saw him because we had a cup run and thought we had signed a top quality established player.
  18. you're wrong, it was McKeag and your monkey, who he admires, that did that. I don't believe message board existed during the McKeag years, does that mean you weren't a fan of the club then either bluesleep.gif sorry that's too subtle, who was my "monkey", and who admires whom ? As there was no message boards, I wrote to the chairman to complain, I criticised him in fan magazines, I tried to change people's sycophantic views of the board. There were still people around who argued that McKeag was better than Westwood, and that we should be careful what we wished for as it could always be worse. McKeag spent £2m in 1988, backing his manager, no other chairman had backed his manager like that. complete rubbish. Mick will be here soon to back up his brother in this lie. I was definitely around at the time and I don't recall anybody making any such claims, never even heard of this suggestion before either. As you say, complete rubbish and indicates macbeth wasn't around at the time either. They really are like reformed smokers. Having deserted the club because we were crap they came back as 'life long supporters' on the back of a supposed promise of trophies, now babbling on like 5 year olds because it hasn't happened. They could always bugger off again......but then they won't do that until we're shit.
  19. Dalglish >> appointed a defensive manager to manage the most attacking team in football. Gullit >> appointed a manager who'd only ever managed one club, a club that he knew inside out from his playing days. So, so far from being described as 'proven' at the time. Robson >> Good appointment, but expecting him to keep us up the top, but not backing him and making additions to improve on an excellent season is a mistake, and only backing him when it seemed we were about to nosedive was pathetic. Souness >> Had Blackburn in relegation places. Paid for his services. Roeder >> Not even qualified. All shit/unproven appointments barring Robson, who they screwed over. Had Robson not lost the respect of the players they wouldn't have "screwed him over".
  20. Johan Apart from hindsight, what is your criteria for the selection of a manager? Just curious. Do you believe the Board almost has a policy of appointing shit managers? The reality is they appoint managers with superb track records (apart from Roeder, they clearly changed tack here) and then back them to the hilt. Many of the managers people on here were clamouring for in the summer certainly do not have track records better than some of those people previously appointed by the Board. Dalglish springs immediately to mind, Robson is obvious but even Gullit and Souness had decent track records at previous clubs.
  21. Wow. Just got back from a mega slash.
  22. Disappeared when Souness wasn't sacked after about 2 months in the job. Maximum.
  23. I think we're in for a relegation scrap regardless. It'll not end until May.
  24. Well every game is vital, but we aren't knacked if we lose tomorrow. We're in trouble win, lose or draw tomorrow. It's going to be a long season.
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