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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Howaythelads

    £8m For Emre?

    I'd sooner sell Parker tbh.
  2. That's good to know. You're welcome. You should try it, although I'd be concerned about the bandwidth.
  3. I responded to this above. With regards to your post on page 2 I was just annoyed by the whole 'Ooh look, i'll stick in a post about how everyone was wrong' tone. I didn't read the rest of the thread, no. Sorry about that. The lied comment was tongue-in-cheek; I know you don't care. It's similar to my feelings about your posts, I just bit that time. I'll try not to do it again. You really should pay more attention to what I say, Dave. BTW The comment I made that you put in bold was well justified, given your first response. Also, you should try to see past what you imagine to be the tone of a post and actually read and understand what is being posted. Whether you agree with it or not, the content of any post is more important than how you imagine the tone. This is a forum, after all.
  4. Dave, did you take my original post as being aimed toward you in particular for some reason? Nobody has suggested that it's wrong to want Souness to succeed once he was appointed, we all wanted that. I'm not happy that I was right that he would destroy the team and bring the club to it's knees. I wish I'd been wrong. The fact is the majority of those moaning now about the state of the finances of the club are the very same people who wanted Souness to be given the money to build his own team and who would have moaned like fúck had the Board not made the cash available. Yet they won't face up to that fact. A lot of these are the same people who also moan about the club not spending money in summer 2003, despite been in transfer deficit to the tune of ~£45m over the previous 32 months or so by bringing in players in an effort to break into the top 4 and get into the CL. It is ignored we were the only club to have spent big during January 2003. This is the bigger picture, Dave. Having a desire for the twát to succeed shouldn't have made people blind to the fact he was destroying the club but they were blind to it for some reason. In particular, the way some people turned on a player who was previously dedicated to the club and who was acknowledged as a top player for us was staggering and a disgrace, tbh. These same people throw the dummy out when a journalist says a bad word about Newcastle fans! What a joke that is. BTW did you bother reading the whole thread yet, you know, the first two pages where I believe in my first post on page 1 I'd already covered one of the hissy fit type comments you responded with? PS Couldn't give a shit whether you lied about replying or not. Couldn't give a shit whether you reply at all to this post, tbh. After all this time I really don't expect you to get it, but while people continue to post anti-Newcastle threads I'll post my comment in them pointing these things out. You and others will be tempted to give it the old "broken record" stuff, but you won't see me starting threads to make these comments, just replies to those continually putting the knife into the club. Cheers for now
  5. Total bollocks, but what the hell. You and your type are inclined to fall back onto this kind of spitting the dummy out stuff rather than having to admit you were wrong. Me, I make plenty of mistakes and am more than prepared to admit it. I thought Bramble would be good for Newcastle, for example, but I was wrong. I even thought Babayaro was a decent signing by shithead, I was wrong about that too. It really doesn't bother me to admit it and to say I'm not always right, which more or less shows your argument above to be the bollocks I've just said it is.
  6. OMG. Just jumped out the sandpit Dave...... You just can't debate anything can you, mate?
  7. No I don't. That's just your predictable attempt to deflect the point. No it isn't. That's just your predictable attempt to deflect the point. How about some people wanted Souness to do well, as that would mean NUFC was doing well? Hell, some people even agreed with the sale of Bellamy because they thought he was a bad slur on the club, regardless of the undoubted fact we were weakening our team. Why is there seemingly a point-scoring tone to many of your posts? So you thought Souness would **** us up and he did. Well done, have a balloon. Para 2 - It's only 2 pages, read the whole thread ffs. Para 3 - Two reasons. 1) Because I was constantly abused for my opinion at the time, yet I'm accused of abuse by people such as yourself. Much the same as now in fact. Interestingly people who were stupid enough to be taken in by the Souness propaganda machine thought it would be easy to replace a good player like Bellamy, some even claiming he wasn't that good anyway. Sound familiar, does it? It should, you read similar everyday in threads about the shite Board. 2) Because people are in total denial, it's as though they've forgotten they backed it while it was happening. I hope you'll remember when I next ask you a question that I always answer yours, and those of others. Edit : To make it clearer for Dave.
  8. He probably hadn't noticed. Good job you told him, beat me to it.
  9. No I don't. That's just your predictable attempt to deflect the point.
  10. It is important that those who are complaining now, but who supported the destruction of the team by Souness and supported his overspending acknowledge the fact they were spouting total shite when they supported what was happening at the club. It means they were wrong that time but couldn't see it until using hindsight. Perhaps they are wrong again...... Hmm, there could be a lesson for some there.
  11. and you can't see that they would think why not sell out as nobody wants them ? You say you don't want them, so what are you complaining about ... As some of us keep saying, be careful what you wish for. Look at our past, and look at other clubs, look at the reaction of the manure fans who wanted those irish blokes out then criticised them for selling to Glazier. It seems that some Newcastle fans are becoming more like fuckwit manure fans in more ways than one. In case you haven't noticed, look at the title of this thread, which you are rather enthusiastically supporting. I wasn't even making a point with that post, merely trying to explain Baggio's point of view that was spectacularly misinterpreted by HTL. Baggio even confirmed what i'd posted. Talk about picking an argument... I knew exactly what Baggio was on about.
  12. Strange how only Macbeth was bothered about the finances pre-Souness. Did omarse for example give a toss about the value of the club's fixed assets before he supported the Souness destruction of the team. This was all predicted by some, but by supporting Souness to the hilt as he built his own team, was supported by those now moaning about it. It's ironic that the people moaning about the clubs finances are also generally those who DEMAND expensive players be bought every transfer window, otherwise the Board is shit. To save the broken record reply, I know the Board sign the cheques. What I also know is the manager selects the players to join and the players to leave the club. As said before, many of you supported Souness's every move in ridding the club of the 'cancer's. Obviously people who supported this spending spree at the time has good motives, believing Souness would get it right. However, that's a hope and we all hope for that, the reality is that it's unpredictable, he may just as easily get it wrong which we all know he did. Improvement was never automatic. The same principle applies to your desire to remove the Board. This has your ideal dream for a replacement but the outcome is also unpredictable, it could just as easily go wrong. The downturn in finances at the club started with the terrible appointment of Souness. The Board does not run the club badly per se, they made a very poor managerial appointment and we are seeing the (predicted) result now. Be careful what you wish for, as ever.
  13. Errr aye. The Board sanction the release of funds for all transfers. Do you think the cleaner does it, or something?
  14. I predicted the bloke you supported would wreck the team and leave the club in debt. You said he wouldn't and wanted to judge him when he'd spent the money and built his own team. Why aren't you happy? You got what you wanted.
  15. If the Halls and Shepherd sell to a hedge fund such as Polygon who are out to make quick money out of us, it'll show that the money mentmore to them than the future survival and welfare of the club. This one should be kept forever. Classic of all time. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. As I've been saying all along. It's this kind of attitude that makes the journalists write the stuff the do about Newcastle supporters, and you think they're writing shite.... I think the club should only be sold to someone who has the best intentions for the club? Don't you? Shepherd and the Halls continually bang on about how they're fans like us, we'll if they sell out to a hedge fund, a company that is known to asset strip to make fast money would that be the actions of a fan? would you sell to them if you were in charge? Your hypocrisy is staggering. Given the amount of vitriol aimed toward these people wtf do you think they shouldn't just sell to anybody and walk away from it? You think they should make available close to £200m for spending on players that they DON'T HAVE TO MAKE AVAILABLE and get abused for it, you think they HAVE to show this level of ambition for the club, but they don't. If abuse from people who claim to support the club builds up too much then I'm afraid we're into the idea of being careful what you wish for. I wouldn't blame them at all if they sold out to anybody under those circumstances. Well that really shit chairman Doug Ellis managed to withstand decades of hate from fans to sell out to a better man who is in a position to take the club forward, fair play to him for it. Can you tell me how me wanting him to sell to someone who can take the club forward makes me a hypocrite? There is no GUARANTEE that anybody coming in will be better, why can't you understand that? They could really believe they're selling out to someone, or some group better able to take the club forward, but what will you and your ilk say if it doesn't work out? You want them out and yet would slag them if they sell out to a group YOU do not approve of. How do you deteremine whether or not they've sold out to a better group or not? Let me guess, hindsight again. What a surprise there.
  16. And I thought you would be intelligent enough to see past your bias and recogninse that they did not have to try to compete near the top by making this level of cash available. Jesus Christ, THAT IS THEIR JOB. If the club is generating that much cash, then YES, it is their duty to make that cash available to improve things on the pitch. The alternative is that it goes in their back pocket - are you suggesting I should be grateful that it didn't?? It is naive to believe they HAVE to spend such vast sums on players.
  17. You've pretty much hit the nail on the head Do I want Shepherd out? Yes. Do I want him out at any cost? No. I want him out as I've lost all faith in him, we're getting into debt and I just can't see him taking the club forward anymore. However I obviously want it sold on to someone who can do these things, someone I have faith in, someone who can reduce the debt and take the club forward again. Maybe no such person is out there at the moment, but this is what I hope will happen in the not to distant future. As I previously said, someone who claims to be a fan who wants the best for the club wouldn't sell us out like that, to some hedge fund wanting to take us to pieces in order to make money. Despite 'x' level of undeserved abuse? Are you serious?
  18. If the Halls and Shepherd sell to a hedge fund such as Polygon who are out to make quick money out of us, it'll show that the money mentmore to them than the future survival and welfare of the club. This one should be kept forever. Classic of all time. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. As I've been saying all along. It's this kind of attitude that makes the journalists write the stuff the do about Newcastle supporters, and you think they're writing shite.... I think the club should only be sold to someone who has the best intentions for the club? Don't you? Shepherd and the Halls continually bang on about how they're fans like us, we'll if they sell out to a hedge fund, a company that is known to asset strip to make fast money would that be the actions of a fan? would you sell to them if you were in charge? Your hypocrisy is staggering. Given the amount of vitriol aimed toward these people wtf do you think they shouldn't just sell to anybody and walk away from it? You think they should make available close to £200m for spending on players that they DON'T HAVE TO MAKE AVAILABLE and get abused for it, you think they HAVE to show this level of ambition for the club, but they don't. If abuse from people who claim to support the club builds up too much then I'm afraid we're into the idea of being careful what you wish for. I wouldn't blame them at all if they sold out to anybody under those circumstances.
  19. We would all be happy if the Board was replaced by a better one, that's obvious ffs. What you and others have consistently failed to understand is that it is far from certain to happen like that, and because Fred isn't as bad as you think he is it is going to be harder to get a better Chairman than a worse one. What is it exactly that you don't understand about that, and how do no-hopers spin that to mean I think Fred is fantastic?
  20. If the Halls and Shepherd sell to a hedge fund such as Polygon who are out to make quick money out of us, it'll show that the money mentmore to them than the future survival and welfare of the club. This one should be kept forever. Classic of all time. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. As I've been saying all along. It's this kind of attitude that makes the journalists write the stuff the do about Newcastle supporters, and you think they're writing shite....
  21. And I thought you would be intelligent enough to see past your bias and recogninse that they did not have to try to compete near the top by making this level of cash available.
  22. Clueless toss. Ever stopped to wonder at the impression created outside the area by these wankers going on about sacking a Board that's pumped somewhere close to £200m into buying players? Good one, ace. £200 million, no success and some crappy buys. Yes you can highly recommend the board on that basis. There are of course top clubs who would have spent that money wisely. Your defence of the board becomes more comical day by day. tongue.gif tongue.gif tongue.gif tongue.gif It could have been £20m. Which is the point you will never understand for obvious reasons.
  23. Yes, I agree. It's not good that someone with the responsibilty of a moderator should be abusing people by calling them stupid, still moaning about something that *happened* about 3 years ago. But he's a young lad, so I'm not surprised.
  24. I might have a bash HTL "Do you think they had to give £200m to the managers to buy players." Well, as that money was generated by the club, primarily through the fans (via tickets, TV subscriptions, merchandise et al) then the options were to cream that cash off, accumulate it in the bank or spend it on the club - either players or infrastructure. So in a sense YES, they were obliged to spend that money on players, pay off the debt on the stadium and develop training and corporate factilities. Are you suggesting that as shareholders they should simply pocket all profits (as has been suggested was done in the old days?) "How exactly does that stop Newcastle supporters appearing as wankers to outsiders by not being happy with a Board that funds it's managers to that extent?" Only the ignorant would suggest we are angry with Freddy for spending so heavily on players - we are angry that despite this investment we are still failing to reach achievable goals. We have seen a succession of managers who have failed to bring success - the media and outsiders would probably latch onto this fact as a flaw in our supporters, but those campaigning for Shepherd's removal feel that the malaise runs deeper than flawed players and managers, that something deeper is holding us back, and large sections of the Newcastle support group feel that "something" is the board, embodied by Mr. Fred Shepherd Esq Good answer really. However, taking the first paragraph. I don't think the Board is obliged to spend anything like the amount they have done on players. It hasn't worked out overall, but they have funded the managers to a level that they hoped would allow the club to compete near the top. They definitely did that because we finished 4th, 3rd and 5th under Robson. Having then given Souness £50m to improve on a team that finished 5th I don't think they can be accused of trying to compete at a lower level. They could have opted years ago to try to operate at a lower level, therefore making less transfer funds available to managers. That's all I'm saying. I understand the second paragraph and it's written from the point of view of a Newcastle supporter of course, but put yourself in the position of an outsider who doesn't feel the frustration. They won't know exact figures but they will be aware that Newcastle have been big spenders for years. The majority of the country see managers buying players, not Chairmen so will see a club that has a Board that fiair enough have appointed managers who haven't worked out but still a Board that backs the managers with cash. Mny clubs don't do that anywhere near as well as ours. This actually is a flaw in some supporters in my opinion. Look at the list of players signed by Dalglish. Some were good but he wasted a good deal of money, similarly with the others. Did Fred buy Maric, Marcelino for example, or was that Gullit? The list goes on. The attitude of blaming the Board for failed signings ( and that's whata it is ) does the club no credit, a bit like Fred calling Geordie women dogs.
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