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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. You've got a massive problem with Roeder don't you!!?!! No doubt if Roeder had gone out and brought Smith on loan, you'd be like, "is this what it's come to, helping other teams players get fit" Aye, and how things have changed. I was called all kinds of stuff when I suggested we should try to sign him from Leeds the season before he went to Manure. He's shite you see, doesn't score the obligatory 20 goals per season that for some means he isn't good enough, despite the fact he hadn't been used much as an outright striker, like. I seem to remember opinion being split 50/50 at the time. Also, at that time we weren't in the shit like are now. Indeed, people in there are discussing Van Nistelrooy... Here is your post: http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php/topic,25647.msg481065.html#msg481065 I think you're having trouble reading as usual, or at least understanding plain English. Read the first sentence again and then tell me why I should give a toss about what is in that link you posted.
  2. Total bollocks, tbh. He's aggressive on the field but there is no suggestion he's a gobshite off the field. BTW Bellamy has a great attitude. It's called a "winners attitude". Look at the league table and think about it.
  3. Never ceases to amaze me the number of people who still persist with the thought Parker and Emre should be our central midfield partnership, despite the amount of evidence that it is a shite combination. :roll:
  4. You've got a massive problem with Roeder don't you!!?!! No doubt if Roeder had gone out and brought Smith on loan, you'd be like, "is this what it's come to, helping other teams players get fit" Aye, and how things have changed. I was called all kinds of stuff when I suggested we should try to sign him from Leeds the season before he went to Manure. He's shite you see, doesn't score the obligatory 20 goals per season that for some means he isn't good enough, despite the fact he hadn't been used much as an outright striker, like.
  5. There will be cheap options this winter with contracts ending in the summer and some clubs looking to cash in. Beckham? bluebiggrin.gif We need a big strong athletic striker/defender. This is going to cost a fortune. There are plenty of other clubs prepared to pay decent wages nowadays and they arent involved in a relegation scrap. Viduka is a big strong striker and Distin is an athletic defender. Both coming to the end of their contracts. Apparently Pearce doesnt want to sell Distin but would the City board let an asset potentially worth a couple of million walk out on a free in 6 months? So if we go for these two thats how much money? With us in the relegation zone too... Neither would be free and am not sure Viduka is the sort of character we need. Still, not bad suggestions. I would be suprised if both players cost over £4m. Not sure about Viduka's character but he is more likely to score than any of the strikers we currently have on the books. So £4m plus big wages is nowt. When next years figures are published and the income to wages ratio has gone up are you going to slag off the Board even more than you do now, given that they would have done what you want them to do? Why don't you want the club to sell Parker and Emre to reduce the debt? This would keep Macbeth and his monkey happy for starters, or would they then claim the club has no ambition? I would slag off the board for putting us in this position in the first place. If it saves us going down its a worthy investment but there is only one reason we are in this position, the boards inability to sign a manager who can take us forward without having to spend stupid sums of money! None of which gets anywhere close to answering the question in the thread. Broken f****** record. AND! If the boards inability to appoint a manager who can take us forward is the only problem we have, then why not advocate a new manager? Surely that whole sentiment about the manager assumes we have the right players just the wrong manager. No matter what your opinion of the chairman or the past, if its just a question of having the wrong manager but that we DO have the right players then we should just replace the manager. If you disagree then that means you think the players arent good enough, in which case its not the managerial appointment that is to blame, its our recent past. I think it's a no brainer the players aren't good enough. We have no decent strikers, for example.
  6. It's loaded only if you think people want to slag the Board despite the Board doing what they want them to do. The Board has made mistakes, how many times does it have to be said and ignored, so slag them for that and for Fred calling Geordie women dogs, if that's what does it for you and you think it's bad for performances on the pitch. But don't slag them for doing what you want. It's a really very simple about the Board. What you won't accept is that if Souness had spent the £50m on that 5th placed squad properly we wouldn't be where we are now. Souness picked the players to come in and it was him who booted various players out he couldn't manage, while undermining their fee, all of which was supported by those moaning right now. The same people who slagged people like me for telling them it would go pear shaped. "No, we'll be better off", they said. The same people are now saying we'll be better off without the current Board. (Broken record alert...."and who appointed Souness?".....end of broken record alert). I'm sure you're not so stupid that you don't get the point, but probably like others all you really want to do is moan on and on and on and on and on............ I'm sure those members who have taken the trouble to respond properly aren't the type who will complain later. Which says it all.
  7. You really hate me, don't you, gay.gif ..... bluelaugh.gif Stick to ID Cards is my suggestion, although you know nowt about that subject either. I don't hate you, HTL, I don't know you I hate what you and NE5's inevitable involvement in a thread produces and I know more than you do about I.D cards, I'd wager that anytime. Except it's patently obvious tbh. Fair enough, just wondering why I never see any need to mention you in a post because I don't participate in your mega-threads? yet you repeatedly mention me. because every thread over 2 pages I open turns out to be one of your monotonous mega threads? :violin:
  8. Howaythelads

    Scott Parker

    Just want to go on record as saying I wasn't slagging Parker the other night. Just saying what I've been saying about him from the start. Cheers you auld boiler.
  9. There will be cheap options this winter with contracts ending in the summer and some clubs looking to cash in. Beckham? bluebiggrin.gif We need a big strong athletic striker/defender. This is going to cost a fortune. There are plenty of other clubs prepared to pay decent wages nowadays and they arent involved in a relegation scrap. Viduka is a big strong striker and Distin is an athletic defender. Both coming to the end of their contracts. Apparently Pearce doesnt want to sell Distin but would the City board let an asset potentially worth a couple of million walk out on a free in 6 months? So if we go for these two thats how much money? With us in the relegation zone too... Neither would be free and am not sure Viduka is the sort of character we need. Still, not bad suggestions. I would be suprised if both players cost over £4m. Not sure about Viduka's character but he is more likely to score than any of the strikers we currently have on the books. So £4m plus big wages is nowt. When next years figures are published and the income to wages ratio has gone up are you going to slag off the Board even more than you do now, given that they would have done what you want them to do? Why don't you want the club to sell Parker and Emre to reduce the debt? This would keep Macbeth and his monkey happy for starters, or would they then claim the club has no ambition? I would slag off the board for putting us in this position in the first place. If it saves us going down its a worthy investment but there is only one reason we are in this position, the boards inability to sign a manager who can take us forward without having to spend stupid sums of money! None of which gets anywhere close to answering the question in the thread. Broken f****** record.
  10. You really hate me, don't you, gay.gif ..... bluelaugh.gif Stick to ID Cards is my suggestion, although you know nowt about that subject either. I don't hate you, HTL, I don't know you I hate what you and NE5's inevitable involvement in a thread produces and I know more than you do about I.D cards, I'd wager that anytime. Except it's patently obvious tbh. Fair enough, just wondering why I never see any need to mention you in a post yet you repeatedly mention me. Obsessed tbh. BTW It can't be proven, but you'd lose the wager hands down, girl.
  11. You really hate me, don't you, gay.gif ..... bluelaugh.gif Stick to ID Cards is my suggestion, although you know nowt about that subject either.
  12. Howaythelads

    Scott Parker

    no way will man utd be so dumb to fork out 16 million for scott parker. 10 million tops and even thats pushing it. They paid £18m or whatever it was for Carrick and £30m for Veron! The state of the transfer market was very different when they paid £30m for Veron, plus Veron looked a top class player in a strong league so it's a bit different. Let's hope we can rip someone off for Parker, just like we ripped off Spurs over Jenas and Real Madrid over the crocked Woodgate. Well done, Fred.
  13. There will be cheap options this winter with contracts ending in the summer and some clubs looking to cash in. Beckham? bluebiggrin.gif We need a big strong athletic striker/defender. This is going to cost a fortune. There are plenty of other clubs prepared to pay decent wages nowadays and they arent involved in a relegation scrap. Viduka is a big strong striker and Distin is an athletic defender. Both coming to the end of their contracts. Apparently Pearce doesnt want to sell Distin but would the City board let an asset potentially worth a couple of million walk out on a free in 6 months? So if we go for these two thats how much money? With us in the relegation zone too... Neither would be free and am not sure Viduka is the sort of character we need. Still, not bad suggestions. I would be suprised if both players cost over £4m. Not sure about Viduka's character but he is more likely to score than any of the strikers we currently have on the books. So £4m plus big wages is nowt. When next years figures are published and the income to wages ratio has gone up are you going to slag off the Board even more than you do now, given that they would have done what you want them to do? Why don't you want the club to sell Parker and Emre to reduce the debt? This would keep Macbeth and his monkey happy for starters, or would they then claim the club has no ambition?
  14. Good of you to admit you don't have an opinion worthy of the label. Just love that hindsight, don't you. BTW It's obvious what the thread is about, I'm not hiding the fact so do you think you've posted some kind of revelation there, or something? Quite simple really - where were we when the Fat Git took over ? Where are we now ? Are we significantly worse off now or not ? How many massive (and I mean MASSIVE mistakes) has this fool been responsible for ? Who hired Souness on a big contract des[ite his taking Blackburn to the brink of relegation ? Who hired Roeder (coming up for 3 out of 3 relegations) ? A person is judged by RESULTS. Shepherd's is DISASTROUS, not merely awful. Which of course doesn't answer anything in the question I'm asking, but thanks anyway. A or B would have done.
  15. Good of you to admit you don't have an opinion worthy of the label. Just love that hindsight, don't you. BTW It's obvious what the thread is about, I'm not hiding the fact so do you think you've posted some kind of revelation there, or something?
  16. It is a fair point though... seriously. I reckon that we have to pay between 28% and 31.5% over the average for being on the fringes of the Roman Empire. We get a bonus for reduced rainfall, but a lack of a China White's, relative anonymity, and natural tans catch us every time. blueyes.gif Exactly. Thought it was obvious and well justified, tbh. So I guess Aphrodite did miss something.
  17. Howaythelads

    Scott Parker

    What me? Or Parker? I'd want rid of him just because I don't rate him that highly and if there's not much cash the club needs to prioritise, nowt to do with him spitting his dummy out. I don't really give a toss about that.
  18. Scenario A isn't a straight scenario though. You're trying to corner people into saying they'll have one kind of reaction regardless of what kind of spending it is, since any spending is "a gamble". It's not though. Prudent spending, addressing the needs of the team, would result in at least some begrudged credit being given even if we go down, e.g. "at least they did that right". Being pandered to with a big name, big money trophy signing or two is going to definitely result in criticism, I think, even if we stay up. A far greater gamble. I'll go "on record" as saying I'll credit them with acting responsibly if we spend and spend well in January. I will definitely slate them if we do not spend or if the only spending is on trophy players. The manager picks the players to bring in. :) Again though, there's a distinction. It's not as simplistic as "debt/turnover = slating". Our debt/turnover ratio right now are the result of poor decisions by several parties involved. The reaction to it is well known though not completely understood by all. However, at this moment, increasing it in an effort to right a sinking ship, gamble though it may be, may be the only way to salvage this season and thus is acceptable. So to answer the reformed query with my own reformed answer , I will back responsible spending in January. Cheers And I believe the signing of Owen could well come into that category. He made a difference, although to avoid a battle last season Souness still had to be sacked. Had we not signed Owen the debt wouldn't be anything like what it is now, but.......... BTW Responsible spending simply means that you won't be happy if the club doesn't sign the players you'd like them to sign. Does it not?
  19. I don't think we do have any real goal threat in the team. Simple as that really.
  20. Howaythelads

    Scott Parker

    Parker And I hope he is on his way in January.
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